Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1340: Prophet's Revelation 2

Rhode came alone to the top of the Soul Tower. The top of the tower was covered with messy thatch and dry branches, which looked very different from the situation inside the tower.

The memory once told Rod that the top of the tower is the resting place of the hero Thunderbird. Although in terms of the physical strength of the undead creatures, they will never be tired. They do not need a place like a rest, but the death knight still retains the former The lifestyle of the hero, Thunderbird will build a nest on top of the tower, is also based on this.

Not long ago, the lightning ore that was still on the top of the tower is no longer visible. Even the hero Thunderbird no longer exists. It has already followed other creatures to evacuate.

Although due to the accident of the arrival of Inota, Rod had to use the power of the ghost king's cloak to take away the heroic imprint of the hero Thunderbird, but Rod did not assign any task to it, but left it with Rowling. , Let Rowling continue to control.

The consciousness of the death knight makes the hero Thunderbird fully understand his situation, coupled with the influence of blood consciousness on the spiritual imprint, Rowling can control it well.

Among the many death knights of Rhodes, the hero Thunderbird provides the least experience. Even the former Kane provides more experience than it.

While Rhodes was observing the surrounding environment, another creature in the form of a skull came to the top of the tower.

Rhodes looked at the skeleton creature and came to the top of the tower, not the Prophet Maxica with the apocalyptic ability, but the fairy dragon Inota after the shape change.

"You shouldn't say those words to her." Inota sighed, "She just wanted to help you, hope to fight with you."

"I know." Rhode replied simply: "It is only her strength that does not allow her to join in such a battle."

Among the attacking enemies, there is Ive who has a deep hatred with Rod. Even with the presence of the Titan Arrow, Rod can't contend with it. He must escape by space spells, and Rowling can't defeat it.

For this reason, even though he sensed the idea in Rowling's heart through the existence of blood-sensing, Rod still dared not leave her.

Recalling that in the previous battle, the ghost-like Eve, if he was determined to attack Rowling, Rod did not have any means of countermeasures.

"Strength? Don't you only care about strength and don't care what she thinks?" Inota asked.

"Compared to her thoughts, to ensure her safety is the most important." Rhode said slowly.

Inota showed a seemingly incomprehensible look. At this moment, her attention was suddenly attracted by a huge body below.

"What is that?" Inota asked in surprise.

Standing at the top of the Soul Tower, Inota was able to take the whole picture of Sao City into her eyes. At this time, she was a giant with a very large body. The giant did not have any flesh and blood, as if it was magnified many times. Skull.

"It's the strongest corpse witch king of my men, Titan giant corpse witch king." Rhode explained.

The Titan Witch King is only about half the height of the Soul Tower. Even so, it still surprised Inota. Before this, she had not heard that there were such creatures nearby.

At the moment when he saw the Titan Witch King, Inota's full attention was attracted by such a creature, leaving behind what had happened previously.

Just when Inota wanted to say something, he heard Rod's voice come first: "Do you want to keep this form all the time? Even in battle?"

Inota thought for a while and said: "If it is in danger, I will restore the cost to fight, but don't think I will only cast spells."

Rhod nodded, he understood that the body of the Inota Fairy Dragon, like the Titan Witch King below, was very good at close combat.

In addition to the Titan Corpse Witch King, the remaining Corpse Witches in the city also gathered in the direction of the Soul Tower to prepare for the coming strong enemy.

After waiting for a while, there was another sound of footsteps, which came from the rear. Rhodes looked around and saw Rowling and Maxica, and now they came to the top of the tower.

"Have you not evacuated yet?" Rhode asked, looking at Rowling with a disgruntled look.

"We are ready. I asked her to come to the top of the tower. Before leaving, I have some information to tell you, and I hope it will help you."

"Oh?" Rod was puzzled. "Just listen."

"You must have heard of the existence of angels, what's your impression of this creature?" Maxica asked.

"Powerful, pure, and holy." After thinking for a while, according to his previous impressions, Rhode gave the answer.

"Very well, it seems that your cognition is fairly accurate. So, do you think there are more male angels or more female angels in this world?" Maxica then asked.

"What kind of problem is this? Can you still count the gender of angels?" Rod reluctantly, but replied: "There should be more male angels. Most of the powerful angels with records are male."

"It seems that you don't know this." Maxica said confidently.

"Could it be that there are more female angels? What other answers can there be?" Rhodes was puzzled.

"Nothing. To be precise, my question didn't hold true from the beginning." Mexica explained: "The gender of an angel is not an exact state and cannot be simply described by men or women."

"Angels have the purest body, and they are reflected in the characteristics of the body according to the gender identified in their hearts. In other words, angels think that they are male and male, and that they are female and female, and do not need any medium to convert. "Mexiga added.

"Sounds like the abilities of those alien creatures," Rod said ironically.

"I have a question. Since this is the case, can't angels switch their own gender at will?" It wasn't Rod that said this sentence, but Inota on the side. After this period of time, he learned the knowledge of the main plane. , She also learned about angels.

"Angels are not that boring." Messica shook her head. "Angels don't change their gender easily. They often choose to change only after a long period of time and complete changes in their thinking patterns and ideologies."

"How did the angels multiply?" Inota puzzled.

"Oh, how did the skeleton multiply?" Messica gave a gloomy laugh.

"I see." Without letting Inota continue to ask questions, Rod said quietly, "I will remember these."

Maxica nodded in satisfaction.

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