“What to do? What to do? What to do? ”

A series of panicked and excited thoughts were tapping on Da Mimi’s thoughts.

She pulled Qin Mo aside and softly explained her worries.

“Is it? Then you don’t say it earlier, so that I converge a little. Qin Mo smiled bitterly.

After a long breath, Yang Mi shook her head like a rattle.

“Forget it, leave him alone, let it be! However, if I were really pregnant, would you marry me? ”

Yang Mi threw out another death question.

“Love doesn’t need to be defined by marriage, as long as I spoil you, does what I say make sense?”

Seeing Qin Mo’s serious appearance, Yang Mi kicked him lightly.

“Hmph! Even if you want to marry, I won’t marry yet!” Do you have a house, a car, and a deposit? ”

Yang Mi deliberately snorted twice.

“Well, only bamboo building. Cart…… Do bikes count? As for the deposit… Rather, there are tens of billions. ”

Hearing Qin Mo’s calm but extreme words, Yang Mi stood on her tiptoes and kicked him twice in the leg.


Qin Mo slapped heavily behind her and slipped away.

“Qin Mo, the old lady is going to cut you with a knife.” Big honey roared.

After playing with the four women, Qin Mo took the four big and two young and went to the mushroom house.

To be honest, since the program group came, Qin Mo had been to the mushroom house once.

He still decided to spend more time on the mushroom house, and his bamboo building would be cleaner.

In the mushroom house, Peng Peng is chopping firewood.

“This wood is so wet, it feels very heavy, and it can’t be split!”

Peng Peng brandished his axe and frantically split on a piece of firewood, without splitting it for more than a dozen times.

“Teacher Huang, I feel that I may not be able to cook at noon, what should I do if the humidity is too heavy and I can’t split it?”

As the physical strength of the mushroom house, Peng Peng’s skill in splitting firewood naturally goes without saying, and has long been practiced.

“Take your time, anyway, your job this morning is to split the firewood.” Huang Lei teased.

At this time, Qin Mo came over and took the axe from Peng Peng’s hand.

“I’ll try!”

I saw Qin Mo holding the handle of the axe with one arm and slamming it down with all his strength.


A muffled sound came, and the firewood was cleanly split in half from beginning to end.

“Qin Mo is so good, powerful!”

Chen Yuqi hugged Qin Mo’s arm excitedly and praised.

Their husbands are in the limelight, that is, they also have a long face, of course, it is very honorable.

“Brother… You’re doing too much… Can’t afford to mess with it! Peng Peng was dumbfounded.

“Chai is really difficult to split, you take your time, I am optimistic about you.”

After speaking, Qin Mo shoved the axe into Peng Peng’s hand again.

“Huh? I thought you were going to chop it for me!” If you come, it is efficient and fast, and it is estimated that I will not be able to get it in half a day. ”

Peng Peng tried his best to keep it, but Qin Mo still turned around and walked towards the colored lights in front.

“Haha, Peng Peng is so miserable, he still wants to take advantage of Qin Mo’s old thief, how is it possible?”

“An honest person is the life of being bullied, Qin Mo should be a person!”

“I thought that Qin Mo’s old thief was kind!”

“Who can see that Da Mimi is walking strangely today, is it… Team up to cut Qin Mo, who goes? ”

“Add me one, not very good at chopping!”

“Labor and management directly carried AK47 to find Qin Mo desperately! My big honey…”

“Sure enough, if you have money, you can do whatever you want, and if you look handsome and talented, then you are invincible, and I also want to be played by Qin Mo.”

“Upstairs cow batch, if it is a man, leave WeChat. Forget about women, labor and management do not like women! ”


Qin Mo kept approaching the lantern.

The duck, who has always been funny, seemed to sense the danger and shrank back in fear.

When He Yu saw this scene, he couldn’t help but laugh.

“Xiao Qin, are you like everyone else, pondering and stewing colored lanterns to eat?”

Nicholas lanterns, regarded as one of the mascots of the mushroom house, the elder of the four dynasties.

But in this four seasons, many guests who have come have joked that they want to stew colored lights.

Even Huang Lei once said such things.

These are naturally jokes, and today’s lights are too hot.

It is already one of the rare badges of “yearning”.

Really want to stew the colored lanterns, hundreds of millions of netizens can spray the program group alive.

And Nicholas lanterns are definitely the most brilliant existence among all ducks.

The program group insured a huge amount of insurance on it, and the people from the insurance company watched it from behind the program group.

This is an ancestor-like existence, if you fall, the little brother of the insurance company can be scared to pee.

“Not really, I’m going to eat roast duck!” We have a lot of animals in the mushroom house, right? Tianba, Su Su, and Little H Xiaoo, I can make tricks. ”

Duck, dog, beef, lamb, think of it is a hearty meal.

Zhang Zifeng hurriedly hugged Little H and ran to the side.

“Brother Qin Mo, how can there be such a thing as you, come and eat them? Why don’t you say that you ate Caiyun and Zhinan? ”

Immediately, Qin Mo’s gaze was projected on the two peacocks.

“Peacock meat … Not very delicious, right? I haven’t eaten it! Let’s consider a barbecue banquet! Qin Mo proposed.

Yang Chaoyue on the side was very unconvinced, with his hands crossed at his waist, staring at Qin Mo.

“Why don’t you say that your red-crowned cranes, elephants, and pandas are stewed too?”

Qin Mo pouted: “It’s quite bold, want to stew pandas to eat?” Do you want me to make a call? Someone immediately invites you to tea. ”

The laws of this world allow private breeding of giant pandas, but they require extremely high qualifications.

Although the number of pandas is more than in previous lives, they are not just anyone who can raise them.

The environment of Qin Mozhulou, coupled with his contribution to the entire Huaxia, was enough for him to adopt an iron-eating beast.

“Don’t… I just said it casually…”

Yang Chaoyue stuck out his tongue, and his momentum immediately weakened by three points.

Yang Mi hurriedly stood in front of Qin Mo, also crossed his waist, and confronted Yang Chaoyue.

“You’ll have a hammer’s waist! Not convinced? ”

Yang Chaoyue stole a glance in front of Yang Mi, and then considered his own…

Forget it, slip away!

It can be said that Qin Mo’s existence has incorporated too many elements into the relatively monotonous program of “yearning”.

The most important thing is that Qin Mo’s traffic and attraction are too strong.

The two traffic monsters of Yang Mi and Di Li Hot Fence were also attracted to the program group by him, which is definitely a great gain.

Moreover, before the Mango Stage initially drafted, it agreed to sign Chen Yuqi, Yang Mi, and Di Li Hotpen as permanent guests.

The exact contract has not yet been decided.

But except for Chen Yuqi who is slightly cheaper, the price of those two can fly to the sky, basically not breaking 100 million and not too much.

Jingle bells!

The phone rang.

“Who’s going to answer the phone?”

He Yu, who was making a fruit platter in the kitchen, shouted.

“Qin Mo, let’s go!”

In the living room, Xu Zheng, who was reading the script of “I Am Not the God of Medicine”, waved his hand.

Xu Zheng and several of them are immersed in the script, how can they have the mind to answer any broken calls?

That’s a big project of billions of dollars!

“Isn’t that right? How did answering the phone become my personal project? Okay, I’ll just answer the phone, no matter what the cooking is! ”

Qin Mo said and strode to the phone.

After taking a deep breath, Qin Mo picked up the phone.

Recalling the first time he answered the phone, Qin Mo received a call from Chen Yuqi, which startled him a lot.

Now let him take it, it’s really a little scary!

“Hello? Hello, this is a mushroom house, what dish do you order? Ingredients are limited, don’t order too strange dishes. Qin Mo said.

“Qin Mo!”

Suddenly, a very sweet woman’s voice came from the other end of the phone.

Another one who knows himself!

However, with Qin Mo’s current popularity, it was normal to know him.

“Can’t you hear who I am? It’s me! ”

Seeing that Qin Mo did not move for a long time, the woman’s voice seemed to be a little complaining and angry.

“Sorry, something, let’s leave for a while!”

Qin Mo beckoned Peng Peng to come up to answer the phone, and he took the opportunity to flash to the side.

Bad comers!



The next chapter is about to be on the shelves, as a cute new sister paper, I hope you give a first order, if the data is good, it will explode the liver every day!

I went to the hospital for examination, and the doctor said that I had grown 8 livers, and it was no problem to burst a few!

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