Point Qin Mo?

The female guest threw out such a sentence at the beginning, and Peng ** didn’t know how to take it.

This is a mushroom house, not a clubhouse, and Qin Mo is a princess?

Or are these female guests very hungry for Qin Mo and want to eat him?

After being stunned for a few seconds, Peng Peng looked at Qin Mo.

“Just say I’m not there, you talk to her.”

Qin Mo didn’t hear who the other party was at all, anyway, as long as he looked for his own woman, he would hide first.

“That… Qin Mo is not there… What would you like to order? Peng Peng said with an embarrassed smile.

“It was Qin Mo who asked you to say that he wasn’t there, right?”

“Yes… No, no, he’s really not there. ”

Peng Peng was a little middle two, and was directly taken into the ditch by the other party.

The heads of the guests were about to explode with laughter.

“Forget it, the monk who ran can’t run the temple, can he still leave the lair? I want to eat boiled fish with sour shoots, roast chicken with lemongrass, and roast pork in buns, and I want to drink peach blossom stuff. ”

Peng Peng smiled: “These are all eaten last night, easy to do, goodbye.” ”

After hanging up the phone, Peng Peng was shocked.

Since having Qin Mo, how did this phone answering link become a thriller?

Huang Lei looked at the drama face: “Can you hear who it is?” ”

Peng Peng shook his head: “I don’t know very well, I may know each other, but I am not an acquaintance.” ”

He Yu covered his mouth and smiled: “Anyway, I definitely know Xiao Qin, it won’t be his ex-girlfriend who came to him again, right?” Ex-girlfriend or current girlfriend, I can’t say! ”

“No, I’ve had a few girlfriends with them, no more, definitely which female guest, I admire me after watching the show, this is…”

Qin Mo made a bitter face and forcibly defended, but no one believed it.

After answering the phone, everyone continued to live comfortably.

Before the flying guests arrived, there was not much work to do.

Qin Mo was lying on the rattan chair, holding the two little meng babies in his arms, and was teaching them mathematics.

“Brother Qin Mo, will you do this question?”

At this moment, Zhang Zifeng took the initiative to come up, holding a trigonometric problem and asking Qin Mo for advice.

One-third of her sister’s mind was really wanting to ask for advice, and one-third of her mind was wanting to see Qin Mo’s cultural skills.

The other third was purely wanting to talk to Qin Mo.

Even she doesn’t know where she got the courage!

Maybe he is still young, has a warm blood in his heart, and is easy to be impulsive.

Even if he said that he wanted to exercise self-restraint, he still couldn’t help but want to try it and go crazy.

Qin Mo took this trigonometric function exercise in his hand, glanced at it casually, and seven or eight ideas for solving the problem appeared in his mind.

Qin Mo, who has the skills of “Grandmaster of Mathematics”, has achieved great achievements in the field of mathematics.

Even Jin Dadong, a Nobel laureate in mathematics, had to bow down in front of Qin Mo.

“This problem should be solved like this…”

Soon, Zhang Zifeng understood Qin Mo’s idea of solving the problem.

In addition to being amazed, I admired him.

The admiring little building has been added another floor.

Generally speaking, at Qin Mo’s age, except for practitioners related to mathematics, who will do trigonometric functions?

I am afraid that the champions of the college entrance examination have forgotten everything.

However, Qin Mo can analyze it in detail, like Yu Ding solving the cow, completely decomposing this problem, which is too terrifying.

“Too fierce, huh? Just afraid that hooligans have culture. ”

“Qin Mo is handsome, rich and talented, and he is particularly literate, what should I do if I encounter such a love rival?”

“I said earlier, if you can’t fight it, you will join, if you can’t do such a love enemy, then he will do it.”

“Upstairs, what are the words of the tiger and wolf?”

“No wonder Sakurako and Peach are so smart, they can do anything, this daddy is really an all-round genius, why do you go to school?”

“When did Qin Mo go to the countryside to teach like Ma’s father? I asked my child to come to you for lessons. ”

“I give 9 points for this wave of operation!”

“Old Wade upstairs.”


Qin Mo was actually proficient in mathematics, a skill that even the four women had never discovered.

Da Mimi came up and stared at Qin Mo: “Qin Mo, your math is so strong!” Did Sakurako and Peach inherit your math genes? ”

“It’s just, Sakurako and Peach are about to go to school. I forgot to find out, what is their current level of mathematics? ”

Li Xiaoqin, a mother, has only been meeting his two daughters for a day, and he still lacks understanding of them.

“Sakurako is a top student, and Little Peach is a little worse, but she is smarter than her sister, she just doesn’t like to learn and is playful.” Qin Mo explained.

At this time, Huang Lei came up.

He often tutored his daughter with homework, especially math.

After all, this subject is very unfriendly to girls.

In order to teach his daughter more, he did not work hard.

“55+48, how much is it?” Huang Lei asked.

Generally speaking, 5-year-olds who are not yet in the first grade of elementary school can count from 1 to 100, which is considered excellent.

Can do simple addition and subtraction, even if it is very strong.

This kind of two-digit addition is indeed too difficult!

Li Xiaoqin looked at Little Sakurako and Little Peach, and his eyes shone brightly.

For a mother, her daughter’s intelligence and wit are certainly the greatest wish.


After Sakurako’s head turned slightly, the answer was given.

Little Peach is more sluggish, and her mind is not on this question.

Qin Mo touched Sakurako’s ponytail: “The difficulty can be increased.” ”


Huang Lei thinks he has thrown a “super problem”.


In less than 5 seconds, Sakurako calculated it again.

“What’s 39÷13?” He Yu threw out a division.

“3, it’s so simple!”

When Sakurako answered correctly, she also showed off her abilities arrogantly.

That’s cute!

Li Xiaoqin quickly kissed her on the face.

Such a smart daughter, she was about to love them to death.

After fixing his mind slightly, Huang Lei increased the difficulty again.

“How much is 15X9?”

In less than 10 seconds, Sakurako replied, “135, awesome no?” ”

Da Mimi was stunned: “It’s so strong, I haven’t calculated it yet, I’m not even as good as Sakurako, I’m so ashamed!” ”

The other two, Chen Yuqi and Di Li’s hot fence brains, obviously did not have any inspiration.

“That’s too godly, isn’t it? Qin Mo is awesome, he can adjust them so powerful, so envious. ”

Di Li covered his mouth and smiled: “In the future, it will definitely be smarter than you and better than you!” ”

Chen Yuqi glared at her: “You Wangzi cowboy drank too much?” ”

“It’s super difficult, 182+279+107!” Huang Lei does not believe in evil.

This time. Sakurako thought for a long time, but she really couldn’t figure it out.

Not only is the number very high, but it is also the sum of three numbers, you can’t remember it, how to calculate?

“I can’t calculate it, my father only has 286 title deeds, if there is too much, I won’t count it.”

This confused all the guests.

What does math have to do with title deeds?

“In the past, my father used to use real estate certificates to teach us addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, so we learned quickly.”

Teaching with physical objects is indeed much more concrete than just talking about it.


Teaching your daughter math with a title deed?

There is no solution to this operation!

“2…… 286 title deeds? We counted, it seems that there are only 249 books? ”

The four women have been counted one by one on the real estate deed, and the numbers will never differ too much.

“There’s also a little box with some of my dad’s properties abroad, which he says are used for investment.”

“What Beverly Hills, the Champs-Elysees, the Gold Coast or something, I don’t understand…”

Guests: “…”

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