The female guest’s voice was deliberately lowered, and the voice was awkward.

Plus there is only a short sentence, and there is no clue at all.

Even Qin Mo couldn’t guess who the other party’s identity was.

Anyway, I still have a daughter, what’s going on?

Because he didn’t meet Qin Mo, only Zhao Xiaobone and Tong Liya were there.

Could it be that they came to find themselves with their daughters?

After all, in the past five years, Qin Mo really only cared about investment, developing industries, taking care of two little mengwa and absconding.

There is no contamination of any woman, or even a baby.

The only possibility is the one mentioned above.

Qin Mo felt that it was nothing.

Having one more daughter does not seem to be a bad thing, as long as it is biological.

But Da Mimi, Chen Yuqi, Di Li Hotpen and Li Xiaoqin were not happy.

The four of them formed a circle and began to question Qin Mo.

“What’s the situation? Which woman did you have another baby with, why didn’t you tell us? ”

Da Mimi secretly stepped on Qin Mo with her foot in a place that the camera could not give, very hard.

“That is, if you explain it in advance, we can still forgive you, but you… It disappointed me so much. ”

Chen Yuqi’s angry little face was red, and there were tears flashing in her eyes.

“me off, me off!”

The flute hot fence couldn’t say anything at all, and stomped his foot in place.

Tears fell down.

This scene, even the cameraman did not dare to give the lens.

Li Xiaoqin didn’t have much to say, after all, she already had little cherry blossoms and little peaches.

Even if they don’t care as much as the three of them, of course, they are very uncomfortable in their hearts.

Running for five years, and ended up having babies with other women here?

It’s hateful, isn’t it?

Seeing that the camera shifted, Qin Mo asked in a low voice: “Is it Yaya or Xiao Bones?” There really is no other woman besides them! Ancient injustice! ”

Da Mimi flicked her eyes: “How is it possible?” We’ve known each other for five years, and it’s definitely not them. ”

Qin Mo scratched his head: “Then it should be a happy father, no need to be in a hurry.” ”

Chen Yuqi took the opportunity to take a bite on Qin Mo’s arm: “I believe you are a ghost!” ”

Huang Bo, Hu Ge, and Xiaoju on the side all ate fruits with their heads stuffed, without saying a word.

Such a big drama, they can eat melons with peace of mind.

It looks calm, and his heart has long blossomed, and one by one, he can’t wait to come again violently.

Qin Mo calmed for a long time, and after the four women were emotionally stable, the camera continued to give them on.

“Xiao Qin, we should go to the bamboo building, right? I heard that it was cool there, and this mushroom house was as hot as a ghost. Huang Bo proposed.

Huang Lei, who came out of the kitchen, smiled bitterly: “Xiaobo, you are not generous, the guest thinks that the host’s house is hot, then you can go home.” ”

“Okay, let me drive this Cullinan? I have the same model, open thief! Huang Bo quipped.

“Yes, anyway, Qin Mo has so many cars!” Hugo also stirred.

Qin Mo smiled: “In this way, if Bo Ge’s play can sell for 1 billion box office, I will give this Cullinan to you.” ”

“It’s so beautiful to think that if you can sell 1 billion, you will earn back seven or eight Cullinan.”

Huang Boxiao’s face was greasy.

“Then you guys go to the bamboo building first, I’ll cook here and serve it ready.” Huang Lei instructed.

Then, Sakurako and Peach opened the way and led everyone to the bamboo building.

“Wow! Giant pandas, elephants, ducks, how beautiful! It’s like the animal world. ”

Xiaoju, who had just arrived, saw the beautiful scenery around the bamboo building and was surprised to close his mouth.

This is the legendary wonderland on earth, right?

Qin Mo smiled bitterly: “That is called a mandarin duck, a mandarin duck that is bitter and desperate, not a duck.” ”

Xiao Ju touched his hair awkwardly: “Hehe, I’m really sorry.” However, how sweet are mandarin ducks, why are they bitter? ”

Qin Mo raised his eyebrows and explained, “It’s very happy to float in the river, but I’m going to stew them, that is, bitter mandarin ducks.” ”

“Don’t, how can you eat such a beautiful mandarin duck?”

Xiaoju empathy flooded.

Qin Mo pouted, “You will say the same when you see the scene of killing pigs and slaughtering cattle.” When you eat pork and beef, it is really fragrant. ”

“There are a lot of mandarin ducks, is Brother Mo opening a zoo?”

Seeing a bunch of black things swimming over there, Xiao Ju was amazed.

“It was ducks, a bunch of female ducks circling around a group of male ducks. No way, there are more males and females. Qin Mo collapsed.

This little nizi’s discernment ability is also too poor!

“Is it? Isn’t that Brother Mo a duck? So many female ducks circling around. ”

Xiao Ju thought he had made a very funny joke.


Turning his head and seeing Qin Mo and Da Mimi with their black faces, he immediately stuck out the tip of his tongue in embarrassment.

It’s so embarrassing!

“Hahaha! Xiao Ju is really cute, such a cute girl, don’t let Qin Mo get started. ”

“Stay away from Qin Mo, everyone is responsible!”

“Such a cute girl paper, she definitely won’t fancy Qin Mo, right?”

“Ducks… Laugh at me, this is the coolest time to scold Qin Mo. ”

“Poor me, I am not as good as a duck, a sad single dog.”

“Sell films, add me to WeChat if you want.”

“As soon as you see Qin Mo mistakenly for life, stay away from him!”

“Qin Mo’s damn charm, the men can’t stop it, Xiao Ju is afraid that he will be captured sooner or later.”


“What a stupid and lazy giant panda!”

Xiao Ju’s gaze soon fell on the giant panda in the bamboo forest.

It is climbing on top of the bamboo, and its bulky body presses the bamboo slightly bent.

One carelessly, it fell from the tree and fell to the ground, screaming in its mouth.

After a few screams, the giant panda lay on the ground and did not move, grabbed a bamboo leaf and gnawed it, lazy to the extreme.

“This panda reminds me of Shen Teng, looking at his size, he has been getting closer and closer to the giant panda recently.” Huang Bo quipped.

Qin Mo smiled: “This analogy is very interesting and accurate. However, Brother Teng is about to shoot Charlotte troubles, and he will definitely lose weight crazy. ”

“This bamboo building environment is awesome, so cool, the water is also clear, and I ate here at noon.” Hugo nodded.

“You can’t eat for nothing, you have to work.” The mushroom house is not working, I have a lot here. Qin Mo’s face changed.

Hu Ge frowned: “What work?” Such a clean bamboo building, no work! ”

Qin Mo smiled bitterly: “The feces of elephants and pandas will be cleaned up regularly.” While no one is coming, Brother Hu, leave it to you. ”

“Ah this… I’m not very good at this, is there anything else? ”

Hugo was full of refusal.

Elephant dung, it’s scary to think about.

“Then it’s okay to bathe the elephants, right? Take the water pipe and rinse it in the elephant garden. Qin Mo said.

Hugo glanced at the two mute elephants that were four or five meters tall.

Seeing the long sharp ivory, my brain made up for the scene of myself being poked in a big hole by the ivory, and my whole body was trembling.

“Still no, is there any other work?”

Hu Ge then found that he was really a bit wasted and could not do anything.

“Then wash my socks and wash Neku.”

Hugo: “…”

Isn’t there some normal work?

The guests burst into laughter.

Then, after resting at the observation deck for more than an hour, near noon, two figures came to the mushroom house.

From a distance, you can see that these are two women, one big and one small, like a mother with a daughter.

Seeing this scene, Qin Mo drank half of the tea and directly spewed out.

Someone really came with their daughter!

It can’t really be some girlfriend who came to the door with her daughter, right?

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