High Above

Chapter 604 A cage with no exit, a hell with no redemption (33)


Staring at Grand Duke Thorin, Adlbert took a few steps back. His face was already very pale after he became the dead king, but now there was an abnormal color of blood: [How is this possible... How can it be so big... ...How could there be such a big barrier...such a big cage? ! 】

[This is impossible. How much material does this require? It requires...]

His voice dropped, and Adalbert lowered his head.

His eyes were blank.

He couldn't imagine it. Even the genius alchemist Adelbert, who single-handedly created the theoretical basis for the Dead Lord and the Dead River Arms, could not understand the starry sky when he had never seen stars before.

To understand the universe.

This is impossible - on a planet without stars, it is impossible for anyone to understand what the universe is and what space and time are broader than the planet!

And Ian was also shocked in his heart: "What... the gravitational limit of Terra's sun?!"

"Doesn't that mean that this barrier is spread out at a distance of four and a half light years or even more?!"

At the beginning, when Ian heard about the Star Prison, he had already thought that this outrageous thing was probably not illuminated by stars or spread out from the planetary circle, but at least from the Oort cloud (asteroids outside the solar system). According to this calculation, the radius of the barrier spread out by dust swarms may exceed one light-year.

This is already outrageous...but according to Archduke Thorin, this barrier may be even more outrageous!

Doesn't this mean that in some places where stars are densely packed, there will be some barriers that are close together?

【Looked up! 】

Grand Duke Thorin understood what the universe was. At this moment, the disciple of Inaga II scolded: "Are you backing down? 】

[Since you can’t imagine it, I’ll show it to you! 】

The Dead River Arms spread out their arms, and the originally huge Terra quickly shrank, along with the surrounding sun and eleven other planets, until the entire Terra solar system was embraced by him.

Then it was shrouded in a dark cage with cracks.

This layer of dark cage is an irregular sphere, and it is constantly changing.

Just as Ian thought, this barrier cage is centered on the Terran Sun and extends to its gravitational limit. It is not only the outermost planet, but also the Oort Cloud, and even extends to a void where there is nothing. , everything is wrapped in it.

However, there is a crack in it.

A crack through which light can pass.

[Ever thought about it, Adlbert? Why do you think the civilization of the previous era died out? 】

Grand Duke Thorin's voice echoed throughout the small garden: [The power that can make the Moon of Gaze shatter like a stepped biscuit, if it hits Terra, do you think the planet under our feet can bear it? 】

[The disaster caused Terra to shake, and the oceans steamed. Now only two of the five continents are left. Do you think if such a disaster happens again, can civilization on this planet continue to be maintained? 】

[Haha, I actually don’t know any of the answers to these questions - but I only know one thing! 】

[Because in the Star Prison, high in the sky, except for the sun and eleven planets in our Terra, there are not many stars anymore! 】

[When all the stars disappear, when the cracks on the Prison Star Prison are completely repaired, our last chance will be gone]

[Since then, only prison has existed forever... This is the future we are destined to face]

It didn't take long for Archduke Thorin's voice to go from angry questioning at the beginning to exhaustion at the end.

At the end of his words, he let out a long sigh, then withdrew his hand, crushed the entire star field model of Terra, turned it into silver dust, and returned it to the light balls surrounding him: [Actually, we have already Lost]

[After Inaga's death, no one can understand this anymore. Even the teacher is desperate. He can't be faster, but we can't go to Gaotian before the prison is completely sealed]

【Can you understand? Adlbert? 】

He raised his head and looked at the dark sky in the subspace maze. Grand Duke Thorin whispered to himself softly, with endless melancholy: [It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I have long been used to this]

[So I can only try his last plan and leave something for our civilization]

Adelbert wanted to say something - it was indeed difficult for him to understand, whether it was the vastness and insignificance of the planet, or the vastness and emptiness of the star field - he could not understand that in the world he lived in, the sun was actually like this Huge, compared to the great Eye of Heavenly Father, the planet is nothing more than a small marble ball.

He couldn't imagine why there was a prison that was bigger than the sun or even the kingdom of the sun, blocking the entire star field... He couldn't understand why this barrier was broken, and it was enough to swallow hundreds of thousands of suns side by side. Go down the huge crack.

He couldn't understand, couldn't understand the thing itself, couldn't understand the reason for it, and what was even more incomprehensible was the most ordinary thing.

——Even so.

He thought so and murmured to himself: "Even so, isn't it big?" 】

[We haven’t even finished exploring the New World yet... Why do we have to think about things outside of Terra in the distant future, hundreds or thousands of years later? 】

[Even if there really is a Star Prison, wouldn’t there still be eleven planets? Those are also eleven new worlds. In that case... let's wait until then? 】

[When the time comes, maybe... there will always be a way, right? 】

At this time, not only Archduke Thorin showed a disappointed look, but even Ian shook his head helplessly.

——Adlbert’s greatest strength and weakness is probably his overly optimistic attitude.

"Do not be silly."

Before Thorin spoke openly, Ian shook his head and said: "The population and the demand for resources are increasing exponentially. Eleven planets? Not to mention how many people can live in it, even if they can all live in it, they can all be used, not to the outside world. How many centuries can we continue to pioneer?"

"Besides, the civilization of the previous era suffered a disaster from the sky, and I'm afraid we will also have to encounter it... Even if there is no second disaster from the sky, are there fewer inexplicable natural disasters on Terra now?"

"If the Cage is really completed, it will definitely cause quite significant changes to the world. This is a trend that we humans cannot stop at all."

"It will be too late to think about it by then - the death of civilization may be a good end, it may be ecocide, and the whole world will become a dead place..."

Having said this, Ian was slightly startled. He lowered his eyes, and the abilities of the Dead King and the Dead River suddenly flashed in his mind.

Psychic ship...shelter...


——The world after death? !

Grand Duke Thorin noticed the change in Ian's demeanor, and he nodded happily: [You understand - yes, Inaga's plan back then has become unrealistic, and I must make corresponding corrections]

[The plans such as the Death of the King are the final response to cope with irresistible natural disasters in the future]


Ian's voice was extremely low, and he said hoarsely: "Who...which civilization built the Prison of Prisoners? What happened to the Gazing Moon back then? This is the most critical core of the problem!"

Obviously he knew so much information from Grand Duke Thorin, but Ian felt that he didn't know more - he could finally understand why the star field map in the South China Sea Labyrinth disappeared so evenly and at the same time. , because just outside the star field centered on the sun, there is a layer of light-isolating cage that is gradually spreading, covering the entire Terra star field.

——It's not that Terra survived...it's not that Terra hasn't been attacked yet, so it hasn't been 'destroyed'.

Attack and destruction have already come!

Of course, this is not all... because there is a crack in this cage, and it is this crack that allows sentient beings to still see some incomplete stars.

This proves that there is an unknown reason preventing the merger of the cages. This does not prevent the cage from regenerating, but at least now, Terran humans can still see some stars outside the cage.

You can even worry about the 'natural disaster' that a 'supernova explosion' in the distant starry sky may cause to Terra.

This can even be said to be a happy natural disaster.

Because there is such a natural disaster, maybe it is due to unknown reasons, leaving the last hope for humans on Terra.

But even so, these stars are gradually extinguishing... and the supernova explosion is probably not the end of a normal star.

There is only one possible reason.

——Other galaxies, other stars, are also shrouded in the same prison. Even, it was not shrouded, but directly destroyed.

That's the only explanation.

There is a civilization, a force, or a biological or natural phenomenon that is putting a cage on all the stars on the scale of the Milky Way, even galaxy clusters, or even the universe, and even destroying some stars.

but why? !

If there was a civilization that could do such a thing, would it really need to imprison stars?

[I said, Hilliard's successor, I don't know - in fact, if you don't even know, then I really have nothing to say]

Regarding Ian's doubts, Grand Duke Thorin said slowly, seemingly trying to collect his emotions.

Although his face was ugly, because the anxiety that had been hidden in his heart for decades had just burst out, his eyebrows were somewhat relaxed: [I can only tell you, as you think, the Spiritual Fire Plan is to deal with Qi Xingtian The plan designed to make the prison fully formed has failed. We cannot build that kind of spaceship and mobile shelter]

【but! For me, that is no longer important. The essence of the dead king is just for the citizens in my territory]

[I am already desperate for Terra’s future. In the foreseeable future, Grand Duke Thorin will also become a hellish battlefield. In this case, I must think for all the people in the territory who believe in me and think of a future for them]

[Even if the sky breaks apart, the mountains collapse, the seas evaporate, and the continents overturn... I still have to create a paradise for them]

[Even if this paradise is no different from hell, at least their souls can last forever]

[Heir of Hilliard, if it were you, you would definitely be able to guess it, right? The real purpose of the Dead King's plan? 】

Under the moonlight, Ian closed his eyes.

he thought. Contact all the intelligence and information you have ever obtained.

He suddenly thought of the song he first heard before entering the subspace maze.

【——That's it, we have reached the end】

[In the land of endlessly deep souls, on the other side of the endless vast river of death, under the rule of the arrogant dead king, a new world was born]

[Our blood and tears turned into the sea, our flesh and blood became the land, our lamentations rose into the sky, and our despair condensed into the sun]

[The burning of our hatred is the fire that burns up the desolation, and our last breath is the birth of the violent wind that sweeps the world]

[We will live forever in this cage with no exit, and we will live forever in this hell with no redemption - only despair, hatred, pain and sorrow will be our companions]

Reciting softly this song that was filled with pain, despair, and even curses, Ian slowly opened his eyes wide. He had already noticed the key point: "We will live forever in this cage with no exit, and we will live forever." In this hell where there is no redemption..."

——The soul can exist forever in the virtual realm, but it must be maintained in an extremely hot and high-energy area, and this type of area can only be achieved in volcanic areas or around the sun.

——The area around the sun is simply unrealistic and too unstable to be maintained for a long time.

——However, there is an area on the planet, or to be precise, there is an area on the planet that can meet this condition.

That's the center of the earth.

"A cage with no exit, a hell with no redemption..."

Repeating this chant again, Ian looked at Archduke Thorin who was silent and floating in the air.

He said in disbelief: "It's the center of the earth!"

"You want to create a hell in the center of the earth?!"

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