High Energy QR Code

Chapter 228: Disastrous

Qiao Yu retreated, Shao Lin and Ye Zirou two "females" bravely rushed into the No. 1 compartment. Ye Zirou said nothing about using her second initial skill "behind the scenes", she was a well-documented detective novel After scanning the QR code found on the finale page of the game, you will get the initial skills of "Stone Falling Out" and "Behind the Scenes".

"Waterfalling out" is the ability to remove the visually impaired method. Generally, the world of fog and ghostly ghost walls are also within the scope of "Waterfalling Out."

"Behind the scenes" is a relatively special ability. Generally, in detective novels, before the identity is revealed, he can always remain mysterious, making it impossible for him to see his crimes and absence evidence, and he can be serialized. Killing can kill people with countless ways that are impossible in the real world and violate the laws of physics (especially for some unscrupulous detective novels and comics, because Ye Zirou is reading a well-rounded detective novel), the truth is being revealed Before, having the ability of visual dead corner, simple killing and so on was considered a physical bonus, but it had some incredible factors.

The moment Ye Zirou launched the attack, he shouted to Shaolin: "Cover me!"

There are many QR codes in Shao Lin's hands. With Qiao Yu's luck, he just clicked on a QR code, which is "single physical protection", and applied this QR code to Ye Zirou. Ye Zirou was not afraid of physical attacks and could let go of the battle. Already.

The three people saw Shao Lin and Ye Zirou entering the No. 1 compartment. There seemed to be some that did not respond in time, and the action was particularly slow. Ye Zirou's first target was the male wearing the driver's uniform. According to Shao Lin, this man has no resistance to women and is the best person to deal with.

I saw Ye Zirou holding two fishing lines in his hands. There were fishing hooks on both ends of the fishing line. She hooked the fishing hooks to the seats on both sides, and flew up at once, kicking on the driver's back, and the driver was kicked by her. Fishing line. I do not know the strange principle, the fishing line suddenly tightened, the driver was suspended from the roof.

The driver was constantly struggling, his legs were kicking randomly, Ye Zirou did not care about him. It is said that the driver's initial skills were a computer hacker and a sister, and he did not have the ability to attack. As long as he blocked his QR code, this person could not fight.

Moreover, Ye Zirou is not afraid of the three players using the QR code. It is said that they are all anti-life players and do not know the ability of the QR code in their hands. With their luck, they will not encounter the QR code that threatens Ye Zirou. .

After killing the driver, Ye Zirou rushed to the strong man. Shao Lin told her that the strong man's ability was to shield vision and high pressure gas from his mouth. He also had a prop insulated cup that could attack with water, all physical attacks. "Single physical protection" QR code can be protected, Ye Zirou can let go to attack a strong man.

At this time, Shao Lin only needs to focus on dealing with 30 million.

Shao Lin was nervous as he looked at the shattered man in the whole body. This time consumed his initial skills, and he can win!

He did not attack, but took out a camera, quickly pressed the flashlight at the tide boy, the tide boy disappeared, and a photo was spit out from the camera. It was the tide boy in the photo.

Shao Lindao: "I have caught 30 million. He can't fight in 5 minutes, but we can't hurt him. But it doesn't matter, we take this opportunity to kill his companion!"

He looked at the photo in his hand and felt a little panicked. Is this really Xing Yuan? Will Xing Ye be caught so easily by him?

The strong man was stronger than Ye Zirou imagined. Just as Ye Zirou arranged the trap, the roof of the car suddenly fell off a piano and fell directly on Ye Zirou. Ye Zirou had physical defense and jumped and dodged in time, but she just arranged the killing trap by the piano. Smashed.

I saw the strong man holding the mobile phone and staring at Ye Zirou without saying a word.

"A little skill!" Ye Zirou said.

She also took out her mobile phone and was ready to use a powerful attacking QR code. She is not the only one with initial skills!

Who knows how the strong man did it? After Ye Zirou dodged, five huge circles of fire suddenly appeared in the carriage!

Shao Lin immediately said, "Well, go out!"

He said as he turned and ran, Ye Zirou reacted with half a beat. At this time, it was too late to run again, and he lay directly on the ground.

The original "circle of fire" could only attack non-humans, and it was useless to humans. But at this time, the air composition has been changed by Qiao Yuxin's initial skill "chemical reaction". Carbon monoxide can burn! Under the support of the fire circle temperature, the newly appeared carbon monoxide and oxygen in the air burned to give out a blue flame!

Fortunately, the concentration of carbon monoxide in the No. 1 car will not cause an explosion, but the gas burns extremely violently. With a bang, everything in the entire No. 1 car is turned into coke, and he is watching in front of the No. 1 car door. Qiao Yuxin was about to run away. Who knew when there was a pile of table tennis jumping under her feet, she stepped on the table tennis without any time to escape and was swallowed by the fire tongue.

She screamed and wanted to run away, but table tennis always blocked her way. Qiao Yu screamed in the fire. Ye Zirou was willing to help. Who knew that the driver who had been hanging from the top of the carriage at this time fell down and hit Ye Zirou's hands prevented her from holding the phone.

Shao Lin has used a time-delayed two-dimensional code "single physical protection". Before the protection of Ye Zirou, the second one could not be used. The two could only watch as Qiao Yu's heart was burned to death in the fire.

At this time, Qiao Yuxin's "double injury rebound" was launched, and the strong man was also wrapped in flames, burning worse than Qiao Yuxin, disappearing directly in the fire, leaving no ashes.

Shao Lin, who was hiding aside, watched the strong man disappear in the fire, and his doubts were even better. No matter how high the temperature was, it was impossible for a person to evaporate directly.

After a while, the carbon monoxide in the air finally burned out. Ye Zirou climbed to Qiao Yuxin's heart and found that his companion had been burned to death. Next to him was a scorched ping-pong ball. They were still bouncing hard.

"How could this happen?" Ye Zirou, who has always been smooth and windy, couldn't imagine how all this happened. Qiao Yu's luck was so good that it was impossible for the situation to be affected by the flames, but she was like a rebellious player. Her luck was so bad that she was on fire, blocked by table tennis and unable to escape, and her two companions and herself just couldn't help her with the QR code.

Qiao Yuxin died with such bad luck. Ye Zirou couldn't accept it for a while. Shao Lin could only pat her shoulder and said, "Fortunately, 30 million have been caught by me, and his two associates have died. We split the 30 million points equally, and when we get the points, we'll split her 5 million one by one. "

Ye Zirou was persuaded by him, and she felt a lot better. When she was about to say something, she saw a battery suddenly appeared at her feet, releasing a lot of electricity. Ye Zirou had physical defenses, and she was using the initial skills now, with a special speed. Quickly, her mobile phone interface was just a QR code. When she saw the battery, Ye Zirou quickly clicked on the QR code, and her clothes suddenly became an insulator.

"Insulation clothing", prop-type QR code, defense against electric shock attacks.

The battery did not hurt Ye Zirou, but Shao Lin was on the side, but Shao Lin also had obedient props!

His obedient prop transport star has been hanging around his neck. The Tao has two skills, one is "Star Wars", teleport skills, and the other is "Reversal of Situations". He can exchange lucky value with others.

He just held the transfer star in one hand and patted Qiao Yuxin to give him the luck of an obedient player, while Qiao Yuxin was burnt to death due to Shao Lin's fate.

At the moment of the electric shock, Shao Lin instinctively held the transit star and used the teleport skill to move 5 meters to avoid the battery attack.

"No," Ye Zirou said, "We have killed two associates and seized 30 million. Who is still using the QR code? And does this person's QR code have no cooling-off period?"

Shao Lin hid in the compartment, before he could answer Ye Zirou, he felt that he was shaking at his feet and fell to the seat. The seat in compartment 1 seems to have legs. When Shao Lin sat up, the seat moved forward and the seat in front moved backward. The two seats sandwiched him tightly between them.

At the same time, the door of Car No. 2 opened automatically, and the huge flame attracted the passengers of Car No. 2. After the car door opened, they saw a scorched corpse and two living people, screaming in fright. .

At this moment, the policeman, also attracted by the flames, walked to the door of No. 1 car and looked at the black car lane: "What happened?"

At this time, a person walked out of the toilet of the No. 1 car and said to the police: "Before I entered the toilet just now, the mobile phone happened to be on the camera. Should it be recorded? Unfortunately, the mobile phone was burned."

Shao Lin and Ye Zirou were almost staring when they saw his eyes, weren't they the hipsters who were locked in the camera?

He has been in the toilet of compartment 1? Who was that Shao Lin was locked in the camera?

At this time, another ordinary-looking man took a laptop and handed it to the policeman: "I'm the driver of this car. I just borrowed a computer and restored the video on the phone through a cloud query. I prove that it was these two men who attacked ordinary passengers after entering the carriage and also set fire to hurt people. "

Seeing this man, Ye Zirou couldn't help looking at the charred corpse lying on the ground. He was not the driver who had just been hanged by himself. How could he survive?

After watching the ambiguous video recorded on the phone, the policeman issued an arrest warrant and said, "You two are suspected of murder and arson. Please go to the nearest public security bureau to assist in the investigation."

Once the arrest order was issued, the players could not resist at all, and Shao Lin and Ye Zirou were captured by the police in a particularly incredible way.

When Shao Lin was arrested, he was thinking about what happened and when did he fall into the trap. When he was passing by the tide boy by the police, he suddenly realized: "You have the ability to reuse the same QR code. , And can be superimposed with a delay-type QR code! "

The tide boy said nothing, just smiled at Shao Lin.

Shao Lin saw his smile and knew that he had lost again, and he lost even worse than the last time!

The author has something to say: Xing 烨 how to operate, I think everyone should guess, but I will decrypt it in the next chapter.

In fact, there are monitoring on the high-speed rail, but the high-speed rail in our world, there is no monitoring, I have the final say!

Let's see you tomorrow ... the first one will be at 6 in the afternoon. Lazy youth is gradually pulling back to daytime! 2k novel reading network

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