High Magic Earth

Chapter 724: Wizard's crazy experiment

"It hurts a little bit." Yi Xiao and others found a relatively clean and flat place and put Daenerys covered in blood.

After the blood was cleaned with magic, Yi Biao discovered that Daenerys was not just a broken limb and a skin trauma. Her kidneys and lungs were injured, and a sharp wooden thorn passed through her. The abdomen and chest seem to be injured by a sharp knife.

If Yi Yao's last magic that kept her life was removed, I am afraid she would not even be able to breathe spontaneously, and she would immediately suffocate and die.

"Don't say you can't save her," Stark said, speaking lightly. There was not much dissatisfaction in his tone, but this kind of calm was more rare for Stark, who always has a strong personality. His tight nerves were indeed almost extreme.

"I can." Yi Huo said, "but it will take some time."

Stark nodded, greeted the others, and then turned and left. "I need to find a survivor." He said quietly.

"I'm going too." Gu Mo followed up, handing Aya and Maizi to Kaineng, and after thinking for a few seconds, he kissed Aya's forehead and got rid of Winnie's care.

Both have learned first aid in the field, including battlefield search, and they have a higher probability of finding survivors.

The ruins are filled with a strong smell of smoke, like the end of the scene after being abandoned, and there are traces of fire and fire all around. The corpses falling from the sky not only killed everyone, but also all the buildings in the camp. overwhelming.

The ghouls did not have the concept of pain. They used rotten muscles to form a foul ocean, and then piled them together to attack the hard buildings.

Yi Chou can still see a lot of residual limbs hanging from many raised abandoned buildings, or something that can't see the original minced meat, which is particularly terrible. It seems to put people in hell.

The large-area volley of plasma guns in the hands of the non-scaly dissolves the potholes that dissolve the ground. At this time, traces can still be seen, but unfortunately the appearance of Yuliangmu has destroyed Yi's defensive magic. It cannot be said that it is completely destroyed once, but the collapse is already an instant fact.

Touched Daenerys' hot forehead. Yi Xiao took out a table, and with the sound of "Bang!", many experimental tables with unpleasant smells appeared on the ruins of the camp.

It shook twice, and then found a balance in the air, floating independently.

"Go find Yuliangmu." Yi Chou said to Daenerys who was squatting and playing with Aya.

"It should be near Daenerys' tent, or under the collapsed tent." Yi Xuan looked at the two little guys beside Daenerys, "Bring them together, yes... this is the fish Liang Mu."

Yi Xiao picked up a piece of wood at random. According to the already vague memory, the shape of Yuliang Wood changes. Yuliang Wood is not much different from other woods, but there are a few colors and patterns. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

Soon, Winnie also joined the ranks of the Ruin Search and Rescue Squad. Daenerys was left alone with Yi Chou. He was slowly shaking some unknown potion, staring at the rapid flashing around the ruins Lightning figure.

Yi Chou did not give up killing Barry, yes. He did not give up.

Because he did not know that Barry was not traveling through time, but the brain overclocked the time, so he still regarded Barry's ability as the biggest threat. He needs to ensure the safety of his timeline, not to be changed, and finally not to be disturbed by the slightest.

In fact, even if Yi Xiao knew, he wouldn't care too much, because Barry's ability is indeed related to time. Even if it wasn't, he will be able to truly travel through time in the future.

Yi Xiao has no soul, although he now experiences feelings with the help of energy magic. But it does not mean that he is a complete human being, so after being affected by that unknown. He has been more changed and more stubborn.

He just didn't want to start working with Barry here.

Because he couldn't really eliminate Barry. Barry's fast power can travel through time. He can change everything. Maybe one Barry is killed now, and another Barry will appear again in the future. This is possible.

Barry in the past, Barry in the future, Barry in the parallel world, Barry's big battle, Barry Shizaki, killed one and one, the ghost knows how there will be a future after Barry is killed at the moment, but Yi Chou will not It's strange to kill Barry, because he is the Flash, one of the protagonists of the world, and the resurrection is the best thing these protagonists are good at doing.

What's more, Barry is not alone, there are also many villains, or other Flash, Yi Yi needs to solve this matter once and for all, can not find a Flash to kill one, he is not specifically intercepted The Black Lightning of the Flash.

For example, he can make a wish and use the energy of wish magic to maintain the integrity of his timeline. Wishing his time will never be interfered by other people. I don’t know whether this wish magic lamp has the ability to realize it, maybe or not, but this It may be a solution.

Killing Barry Allen is only the last way, so although Yi Chou did not give up this plan, he did not continue to prepare to start here.

His mind stunned by anger and fear has become clear again, and reason naturally urges him again, don't break out too many conflicts with superheroes, he has enough trouble in this world.

Even if you want to go to the superhero world in the future, you can completely solve the angels and demons.

After clearing the negative emotions in his mind, Yi Chou took out the magic materials commonly used by Hell Demons and Contracts from his own material library. Although these rituals and sacrifices were not recorded by the country of Oz, Fan Haixin recorded a lot there, Yi Chou At first, many good things were collected from the world of demon hunters.

As a wizard who is specializing in energy magic, Yi Chou is very sensitive to his emotions, but even so, he still did not find out when he was stunned by anger, or to be precise. . Fear is greater than anger.

Driven by fear, people will use violence to protect themselves and cover their weakness.

fear. . Ring. . Yi Xiao feels that he has encountered something interesting, something that does not belong to the earth, or even something that does not belong to the second world where he is.

But since Dornting can escape through some kind of energy channel. Compared with the barriers between the three worlds, the second world of superheroes in the hands of angels and the second world of sorcerers are both artificially built worlds.

Maybe there is any connection between them, after all, they know too little about the technology of the last era. There is no clue analysis.

As Yi Biao's thinking continued to spread, the bottle of potion in his hand was slowly prepared. The original and translucent magic potion showed a sticky red color, like blood, exuding a strange and burning breath.

Yi Chou shook his magic lightly. Suddenly, as the specific magic waves spread out circle by circle, the flying dragons scattered nearby received signals and began to come here, including the three real dragons of Daenerys. .

The battle did not affect them, and the flying dragon did not cause much damage. In the early days of the collapse of the magic hood, they were out of battle. For these corpses that would only run on the ground, without the assistance of corpse dragons, they could not attack the real dragons that could fly.

But there is also no good way to solve the crisis in the camp. The people of Daenerys have been thoroughly mixed with the ghouls. The dragon will take a breath and not only the majority of the dead and injured ghouls, but also the Daenerys side. The loss was heavy, and the corpses would stand up again and join the ghoul party to continue fighting.

Three real dragons also tried to rescue Daenerys. But finding Daenerys among densely packed ghouls was still a little difficult for their huge bodies, but fortunately they had magical protections, and eventually fell behind in the camp. They also gradually dispersed.

Hearing Yi Chou's call, these aimless big guys fluttered.

"Huh! Huh!" The huge dragon wings set off a burst of air in the air, and there were not many flying dragons staying nearby. Except for the three real dragons of Daenerys, there were only two remaining dragons because of easy The reason why arrogance is not here, Daenerys can't control them.

Fortunately, Yi Chou didn't need the assistance of Flying Dragon. He needed a dragon belonging to Daenerys.

The huge body gradually landed on the ground. Move your head closer to Yi Chou, for Yi Chou. Zhenlong still has some instinctive fears, it does not want to be too close to Yi Huo. But at the request of Yi Chou, he had to do so.

Yi Xiao pulled an ordinary magical long sword from the shadow, without hesitation, a fierce sword penetrated into the dragon scale slit near the real dragon's chest, the long sword was not inserted deep, but still rushed out Strand warm blood.

"Scream!" The real dragon groaned dullly and painfully, but did not dare to struggle under the coercion of Yi Chou. It could feel the energy of amazing fluctuations in Yi Chou's hands, which could destroy the existence of its soul.

The warm blood poured Yi Xiao's body, he quickly took out a wooden barrel, and then put it into a third, such as the processing method, Yi Xiao again took out the blood of the other two real dragons, and put the whole wood The bucket is full.

The real dragons who didn't have to be destroyed finally ran aside in a hurry, but the fear of Daenerys made them not far away.

The tossing movements of Zhenlong's size naturally attracted the attention of others. Stark came over and asked with a frown, "What are you going to do?"

"You must have heard the name of Daenerys who was born in a storm." Yi Biao glanced at Stark. "Then she must know that she is still called the mother of dragons."

"It's just raising three big lizards, of course I know." Stark seemed to remember some unpleasant memories and said angrily, "The instinct of the beast to open his eyes is just the same as if the lizard grew up."

"It's not just instinct." Yi Xiao said, waving his hands, all the ruins around him suddenly seemed to receive the command of some kind of musician, and began to organize themselves in order, "After she raised three real dragons, she 'S lifeline is intertwined with the looming three dragons."

Soon, the surrounding ruins were sorted out by Yi Chou. Although the tents that were rebuilt lacked pillars or gates, and some braziers returned to their original positions were also lacking in weight, they still sorted out an open space that could provide Describe the magic array for Yi Xiao.

"In your words, it is this reptilian creature that possesses a certain ability, which may be bioelectricity, or biowave induction, etc., connecting their life energy with Daenerys, and in Magically, this is called a curse."

"What do you want to say?" Stark obviously didn't understand. He was not a biochemical expert Osborne, so he asked directly.

"Daenerys's body is broken and healed." Yi Xuan stopped and said softly, he began to sketch his magic circle on the ground, and strange patterns and patterns gradually appeared, and the color of the earth began to occur. change.

"I was also very surprised at the beginning. My potion could cure almost all non-magic damage, but it didn't work well for Daenerys."

Yi Chou didn't move, and the pattern began to extend autonomously on the ground along his feet. After each pattern was formed, the soil would become a dim red, as if it had been roasted by magma, exuding a burning breath.

"Later I checked, and found that except for the reason of Yuliangmu, only this unknown connection, or curse, affected her."

"So?" Stark shrugged and was impatient with Yi Chou's long talk.

The magic circle has been painted. The grotesque pattern outlines an abstract pattern on the ground. The entire flat area is eroded by magma, not only becoming crimson, but also exuding an unpleasant smell. Sulphur smell.

Yi Chong floated the barrel to the middle, then hugged Daenerys again.

"So I decided to increase the connection of the curse. Since it is a curse, it can be lifted naturally. After I deepen the curse between them, Daenerys’ damaged vitality can theoretically be supplemented by the real dragon. Although they are big lizards, you have to admit that their vitality is very strong."

"You mean...in theory?" Stark finally got around.

"Yes, theoretically." Yi Xiao held Daenerys to the barrel ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and smiled at Stark, "Theoretically, there will be no mistakes, but you know , Because I don’t understand the curse, there may be other unknown changes."

"... That is to say, you are using Danny to do a magic experiment that you are not sure about?" Stark deserves to be a hardworking guy too, and he quickly grabbed the point, he asked anxiously," What will happen?"

"I said that." Yi Huo shrugged. "I don't know."

When the words fell, Yi Chou threw Daenerys in his hand into the bucket of thick plasma mixed with the blood of the real dragon and the magic potion, and suddenly, the blood foam splashed.

. . .

"Ah! Ay!"

The little yellow man wrapped like an Eskimo kept shaking his body, putting the steel rope down the ice while warming.

Of course, in my heart, I still silently waxed the wax for my partner who was looking for something under the water. Obviously, the temperature on the bottom of the sea is much lower than that of the snowfield outside the fortress. Good luck. (To be continued.)

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