Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 106 Monsters and Prey (1)

Yumin closed the book.

As I looked around, I noticed that there were a lot of thesis collections, material collections, and books piled up all over the room.

All of them were books about mana science, dungeons, and abilities. And the computer contained more documents and images than this.

It seems that less than a month has passed since I followed Hyunmoo into the shelter, but I have already made it like my own laboratory. Yu-min thought about how completely he had taken these books as his own knowledge.

To be honest, 90%. To be a little pretentious, about 95%.

Of course, from the moment when knowledge exceeds 90%, you have to risk your life to raise only 1%.

However, Yu-Min was confident that he was at the forefront in the field of mana science on the front line of science.

It is clear that Hyunmoo is at the forefront of dungeon exploration. But she herself was clearly at the forefront in a different sense. But it has been standing still for several years.

'It would be nice if I could just focus on slaying the monster in front of me like my brother.'

Of course, it may sound like a sequel to someone else's hearing, but the hardships you face are the most difficult and the hardships of others seem easy. And Yumin decided he had done enough for himself.

Yu-min took a large sack and swept all the books inside. After he packed the book so that he could barely tear it, he dragged him to the open space in front of the bomb shelter.

Snow was piled up in the vacant lot. Since Hyunmoo hadn't come for a few days, the only trace he left was Yumin's.

He swept the snow in the vacant lot a little to make room and poured the books.

She repeated it so many times, that by the time her body was drenched with sweat, her lack of athleticism, she was able to collect most of the documents.

Yu-min took her oil barrel from her boiler room and gurgled it over it. She and then she lit the fire.

The fire burned fiercely. Yu-min thought, 'Oops, the firefighting law' belatedly, but he actually knew. She just pretended to wake up late.

It was the same with her career path.

She already knew that her own career path had been ruined from the moment she left her director, Wonkyung Do.

Yu-min pulled out her cigarette as she squatted in front of the burning books. It was the first cigarette she took out since she announced her breakup with Do Won-kyung.

She lit a cigarette, but she couldn't suck it up. She stared blankly at the flames until she was all burned out.


Yumin sighed quietly.

"Well, I'm smart, so I'll find a way to make a living."


"Director Do Won-kyung."

Wonkyung Do entered the lab and stopped when he saw Hyunmoo.

Hyunmoo said she was the first to enter the lab before she even called her, and it was the first time she had seen her so docile, sitting like a sick cat.

“There is something I want to discuss with you.”

"It's a Yumin problem."Hyunmoo's eyes widened. Do Won-kyung snorted and sat down in the seat across from Hyunmoo.

“If an arrogant man who acted as if he had everything in the world suddenly started to gossip like a sick cat, it would be a woman’s problem.

"Do you hate me that much?"

"Let's see, there's not a single corner that definitely looks pretty... Let's get a detailed diagnosis later to see if there are any pretty corners."

Hyunmoo had a displeased expression on his face, but there was no one to consult except Do Won-kyung.

"So what's the matter?"

“Yoo-min suddenly became strange.”

"What? More than now? After all, have you ever touched a human body test?"

"I'd rather have something like that. Then I'd be happy to secretly bring you a test subject. No, I started cooking all of a sudden. I cleaned the room, cleaned the house, and started decorating the house... If you don't do things that people wouldn't do, don't do it. It's good, right?"

Do Won-kyung's expression darkened.

"That sure looks serious."

"The most serious thing is that I threw away all the books. The bookshelves were full of books and papers. I didn't even go to school. But I don't try to tell you what the problem is."

Do Won-kyung's expression twisted slightly. She looked upset, but she didn't say anything.

"I did."

"Do you have anything to point out?"

"There are a few things I can point out, but I think I understand why you don't tell me. It's not a matter of what you can do."

Hyunmoo didn't think so. There is nothing she cannot do if she thinks a little broadly about self-regulation regarding conscience, morals and the law.

“Let’s say something.”

"Well, to briefly explain, it can be said that now the academic world is almost split in half, and Yu-min is caught up in a kind of faction fight. Whether to attack the undisputed genius Dr. Do Won-kyung, or stand on the side of the two. There are many enemies."

"The director is a person who seems to have many enemies even if he is not a genius."

"Anyway, you're a genius? Thank you. This faction wasn't something I originally intended to create, and it's a bit complicated. There aren't one or two theories or papers that were broken because of me. Ten years ago, I was young. I've been arguing for nothing."

"Don't say it like it's not right now."

"Now there are no arguing or arguing guys. Because I'm the one. And that's also why I'm the director of the Sejong Institute and not the Minister of Science and Technology. Anyway, back in the day when I was biting anyone like a bullied dog... She was my best soldier, no, a student. Well, of course she's my daughter."

Hyunmoo was silent for a moment. What did you say now?


"Huh? Didn't Yumin tell you?"

“Not because of her personality… but when I saw her before, I felt like she would believe that they were enemies of their parents, not mother-daughter.”

"Some families are worse than others, Hyunmoo."

Hyunmoo knows it too. more than anyone else.

"And he resembles his father more than me. He was a person who had few enemies unlike me. Yu-min also liked him more than me. I had to turn off contact to answer the questions. Well, that's where I completely turned around."

Wonkyung Do said scratching his head with his pen.

“Somehow, people like me have to struggle several times to survive on this floor. Maybe they’re the type who shouldn’t have a family in the first place. I don’t even believe in the concept of maternal love. It felt good to see him grow up while learning. But, hmm. After entering my rap, I can see the child getting exhausted... so I thought it was better when he said he was leaving."

Do Won-kyung looked straight at Hyunmoo and opened her mouth.

"She looks so much more comfortable with him when he's by your side. Kang Hyunmoo. At least it's better than being with me. But it's kind of weird that he says he's completely shutting down the field."

"Is there something I can do?"

"In a bloody way? Arthur, it's useless in the long run. Neutral people will also hear bad news. Rather than you... What should I do, the problem is that Yumin doesn't seem to like it very much. army."

Yumin returns to Do Wonkyung's rap. That will solve almost all problems.

"Tell me to bother you a little less."

"Does it seem like he ran away because it was difficult to work for me? He went because he didn't want to see me. Once he made up his mind, he ran with all his might without looking back, so trying to convince him to go to school would be of no use. Eventually I'll find my own way."

Do Won-kyung clicked her tongue. Hearing her words, Hyunmoo thought for a moment. In the end, it is the academic world that is the problem.

"Is it really necessary to set foot in academia?"


"Um, nothing. I've been thinking about a few things. Yu-min was planning to put it in after graduating, but maybe I can start a little sooner."

Do Won-kyung doesn't know what Hyunmoo was thinking, but for a moment she felt insecure.

In his eyes, there was himself.

He didn't know what it was, but it seemed like he was planning to get himself involved too.

As she was about to say something to her anxiety, Hyunmoo's gaze turned toward the door. As soon as Do Won-kyung's gaze followed, the door suddenly opened violently.

Men in black suits rushed in.

"Everyone, get your hands off the computer, and researchers, please come over here and cooperate with the investigation!"

The researchers stood up in amazement. Do Won-kyung also had a surprised expression on her face, but she soon contorted her face in anger in an instant.

"Hey! What are you!"

Do Won-kyung approached the man in a suit right in front of her, pointing at her.

As she approached, her big man tried to stop her, but the man in her suit pulled out a piece of her paper in front of her.

He was a search and seizure warrant.

"This is Ryu Jin-yeol, a prosecutor from the High-Level Public Officials Investigation Office. Director Won-kyung Do, you are currently being charged with corruption in the military service, leakage of first-class secrets, manipulation of public documents, intimidation, assault, and tax evasion. We would appreciate your cooperation in the investigation."

The search warrant was clearly signed by the Chief of Airlift.

Do Won-kyung did not know why this powerful group had suddenly attacked him.

While Do Won-kyung peered through the documents, the other investigation team quickly scoured the lab, turned off the power and started pulling out the hard disk.

The researchers were stunned at the appearance of a quick occupation.

"Uh, uh, uh! You can't touch that!"

When one of the investigative teams tried to seize the exoskeleton that was being reassembled, Siwon Lee rushed to the scene.

The moment the investigative team was about to shake off the hanging Lee Si-won, someone grabbed his hand."What, you?"

Hyunmoo didn't answer and looked back at Do Won-kyung, holding his hand tightly.

Do Won-kyung was still motionless. The investigative team tried to get his hand out, but it didn't move at all, as if his arm had been nailed into a wall.

The investigative team soon realized who was holding their hand.

"A talented person! Kang, this is Kang Hyunmoo!"

Slowly! As soon as the shout went out, the investigative team members all pulled out their pistols at once. Some were armed with automatic rifles.

Prosecutor Ryu Jin-yeol, who led the investigation team, took a deep breath and said to Kang Hyunmoo.

"Mr. Kang Hyunmoo. This case has nothing to do with you, so please let go. If you do not cooperate, you will be charged with obstructing the execution of official duties."

No matter how strong you are, you can't be shot. That is the truth.

Unless you dodge it with a skill that controls the physical power itself or an acceleration ability, if you get shot, the person with the ability will die in the same way.

“You are the one who is interfering.”

Ryu Jin-yeol decided that he wasn't taking it seriously.

The Air Force is a powerful group. You could shoot Hyunmoo right now, but you didn't want to see blood.

As a moderate warning, he glanced at one of the investigative team members. It meant a warning shot.

But he didn't shoot. The moment he wondered if he didn't understand, I saw him turn his gun belatedly. Ryu Jin-yeol towards himself.

"Uh, what..."

Before the words could be finished, gunshots rang out.

Ryu Jin-yeol was startled and bowed his body. His bullets were lodged in the ceiling.

Ryu Jin-yeol did not know what had happened. Then he witnessed an unbelievable sight.

All the guns in the room were aimed at him.

Ryu Jin-yeol instantly imagined his body becoming a beehive and falling down.

"It's Hyunmoo."

Then, Wonkyung Do opened his mouth.

"Don't bother that little guy. I think it's the guy behind the scenes."

"I didn't do anything. Maybe the boss was dissatisfied."

In an instant, the members of the investigation team began to disassemble the gun while busily teasing their hands all at once. Clicking sounds filled the room.

It was only after the gun was finally disassembled that the members of the investigation team came to their senses.

The floor was already filled with bullets and fragments of shattered guns.

Do Won-kyung took out his cell phone and started calling someone. Soon after, the other person got a call.

"Park Gyu, you bastard. Have you been feeling good these past few days because you're thinking of fucking me?"

[…] … Nice to see you too. Director Wonkyung Do. No, am I now the warden?]

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