Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 133 Enemy of Mankind (1)

Hyunmoo put Yu-min's remains in a white robe and set it aside. But he didn't know where to take it.

Difficulty: I even thought that it might be better to put it in this clean, great coffin than to bury it in the filthy air of Hell.

"Is there room to dispose of remains?"

[There is a place to deal with it. I'm on the way anyway, so follow me.]

The door on one side of the room opened. It was a different direction from where I came in.

As Hyunmoo walked out the door, a scarecrow was standing waiting. The scarecrow took the lead as if guiding Hyunmoo.

Hyunmoo, who followed silently, suddenly remembered an important question that he had forgotten.

“Time… what year is it now?”

Difficulty: How much time left from easy was important. If it's faster than you think, you won't have time to relax.

[inaccurate. Time doesn't flow normally as mana is oversaturated. A different time passed for each region, for each creature, for each family. Now everything is a mess.]

"Tell me just the time it took until that happened. About... Difficulty: The time it took from the time it reached easy to the time it all went into a mess."

[The difficulty that was able to measure the time: At the beginning of the nightmare… … .]

12 years.

Hyunmoo was speechless at the time Eve mentioned.

Humanity, according to Eve, goes into a nightmare about 12 years after entering Difficulty: Easy. Hyunmoo couldn't tell if this period was short or long.

Difficulty: The tutorial was 30 years, Difficulty: 12 years until the Nightmare.

'No, that's enough.'

He has reached level 40 in half a year, and he has the experience, knowledge, and power he gets from hell. If you are prepared based on this ability, you can prevent the world from becoming a mess.

Hyunmoo bit his lip tightly.

To do that, we may need to be more brutal than we are now.


When the Scarecrow stopped, the door opened automatically. The place I entered was a place where parts and remnants of the scarecrow were intricately scattered.

There was a capsule just the right size for an assembling scarecrow on one side and an adult on the other side.

The scarecrow manipulated the capsule to open it.


"Is this okay?"

[I'm thinking of putting electrodes in my brain and injecting drugs to forcibly accelerate my thinking, but what? Statistically, it boasts a 100% success rate.]

That's not at all believable. But Hyunmoo didn't want to miss the opportunity to enhance his skills. And if that skill is a battle helper.

Even if you die, it's enough to come back here again. Of course, I'll probably bring some explosives at that time.

As Hyunmoo lay in the capsule, the scarecrow reached out her hand and took Yu-min's remains.

[I will take care of this.]

"How do you dispose of the body?"

[The body is to be cremated collectively.]

The cap of the capsule was closed. Through the window leading to the outside, the scarecrow's red eyes were looking at Hyunmoo.

Hyunmoo felt a bit uncomfortable, but it was an ambiguous situation to turn around.


A mechanical sound was heard inside the capsule.

[This is the second time I put in so much data.]

"Second? Hey! 100%!"

[The value excludes small-scale operations with fewer than 100 combat records. This is the second large-scale data port of more than 9,000 people. The first one was successful, so it's not wrong to say 100%.]

“Wait, then there were times when I failed when it was less than 100 times…”

Hyunmoo's words could not be continued. His consciousness faded away as he felt something stinging in the back of his neck. His eyes turned white.


Blood was splattered over the pure white snow.

Hyunmoo, who was wiping the blood from his mouth, asks why is he bleeding? I thought

The blood that fell on the floor left a vivid red mark instead of discolored as black as usual.


shouting sound. Hyunmoo diddge with a close gap.

The moment he slapped his body, the attacker's blade followed Hyunmoo as if it were bouncing in the air. The nape of his neck was scratched sharply, and blood spattered again. Hyunmoo looked at the attacker with a frown on his face.

an unknown face No, was it a human right?

He had a figure of unknown gender and was wearing a mask like an owl. No, looking closely, it looked like a real owl face. So are you an owl human?

Hyunmoo poised to fight back. But the moment he saw his hand, he realized that the attacker wasn't the only one unfamiliar with it.

He was a woman's hand, not a man's. The attacker shouted something at Hyunmoo. He was out of breath and half abusive, so he couldn't understand what he was saying. Hyunmoo felt embarrassed, but he knew what to do.

Fortunately, inventory and skills were working normally. Hyunmoo pulled out his tom and, at the same time, swung it towards his opponent.


Tam's blade filled with a purple river collided with the attacker's blade. Tam's blade filled with strength gnawed at the opponent's blade as if a flame was transferred.

He panicked and tried to remove the knife, but Hyunmoo pushed harder. The moment the knife was completely broken, the attacker quickly threw away the knife and tried to avoid it. But Hyunmoo took it with a tom and pressed it down.

The owl's face was terribly crushed. Blood was again splattered over the snowy field.

Hyunmoo exhaled heavily.

Then a mechanical sound echoed in his head.

[From now on, you will fight 9451 people by changing your body and input the data. Now that body is the body of the person who has fought the most people in history, and it has served as a great basis for collecting battle data. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose time. If you think you've matured enough, move on to the next step.]

"Ninety thousand? Wait, you do this nine thousand times?"

[Not 9,000 times, but 9,000 people. The actual number of battles could be several times that number.]

Hyunmoo clenched his teeth. If so, isn't that saying when it might end?

Even if you invest an hour per person and catch it without a break, it is close to 400 days. But if it's not just a matter of winning or losing, but learning how to fight... … Several times that was possible.

In the worst case, you could waste a few years here.

As Hyunmoo let out an abusive roar, the machine sound answered again.

[Don't worry about time. Because the drug accelerated the accident. Anyway, blood... … Your blood is weird. It was placed at the maximum level within the safe allowable blood level. It's ok as long as there's nutrition. It won't take as long as you worry.]

"How much do you expect?"

[Considering your capabilities, it could be as short as 60 days. If you don't get it on the way.]

"Long, you bastard!"

[The procedure has already begun and cannot be stopped. If you stop now, you may become a waste.]

Even if you become a bad person, if you die once again, you might be okay. Hyunmoo, who was about to ask him to take it out again as it doesn't matter, clenched his teeth again.

Quitting here is like dropping your tail and running away, doesn't it? It is also the legacy that Yu-min left behind.

If you don't own this, then who has it?

“Did I say there was someone who succeeded before me?”


"How long did he take?"

[2 weeks.]

crazy Hyunmoo wondered what the hell he was doing, but at the same time he wondered what he couldn't do when he had already done it. Hyunmoo murmured, widening his eyes.

"Accident acceleration or something, can you do more? Just hit it lightly enough not to die."

[…] … It's already the limit. If left too much, your life may be in jeopardy. It can be overstimulated, and even one mental death can cause a brain shock. If you want to be a fool for the rest of your life, that's fine.]

"Try. You'll get new data, so there's nothing to lose, right?"

There was no answer from Eve. Eve was silent for a while, then answered in a slightly excited voice.

[great. If you are doing that, please help me. Reducing unnecessary resources can further improve accident acceleration efficiency. If the brain doesn't burn, it will be as efficient as mankind has never reached. Shall I?]"try."

As soon as Hyunmoo's answer fell, the snowy mountains and trees in front of him began to disappear. Dead attackers also turned into flat polygons.

The whole world has turned into a mass of polygons with no clear color or outline. The only things that could be distinguished were the outlines and the contrast.

[It may take some time to adjust. Learning efficiency may also decrease. Besides, it would be better not to die as much as possible since the doping was so intense. Because every time you die, the probability that you will actually die will increase significantly.]

Hyunmoo didn't even have to answer. Eve immediately moved Hyunmoo to the next stage.

He couldn't even recognize the new enemy because of the awkward polygons.

But that didn't matter. Hyunmoo rushed towards the opponent without hesitation.


A goblin is a goblin. no name yet

The command system followed by this goblin, one of the few in Hyunmoo's family, was rather complicated.

Because he belongs to Hyunmoo's family, he acts directly according to his will, but it is Kirson who actually respects him and gives orders in the field.

On the surface, Kirson is following Park Hwi-so's instructions, but on the inside, they have great contempt for each other.

Of course, this complicated relationship diagram does not spoil the performance of basic missions.

Kirson is a professional who does not show his emotions in his mission, and the same goes for the goblins that Kirson chooses.

However, there are times when the interpretation is slightly different in the way it is performed.

“I understand. The boss isn’t like that, but that person named Hwi-so Park is weak and lacks loyalty. So we have to do our best. Kirk. Even if our hands get a little dirty, we need to know what the boss’s true intentions and greatest interests are. "

Attempts to understand the 'real intention' and competition for loyalty are inevitable in the dictatorship.

Especially in situations where the leader has the right to life or death.

The goblin remembered Kirson's words well.

The goblin thought while sharpening his sword on the roof.

He said, 'It's time to see blood.'

Until now, it was enough to briefly appear in a designated location.

However, as more and more hunters were chasing them, the radius of action was getting narrower. The 'time to quit the mission', which Kirson had instructed in advance, was approaching.

Here, the goblin thought it was time to figure out the 'real meaning'. How can I achieve the boss's maximum benefit?

So I found a middle-aged man.

The goblin looked up at the office, still lit from the roof. A middle-aged man with an ordinary impression who remains until late at night.

However, contrary to impressions, he was actually the candidate for the third place in the approval rating of Seoul mayor in the local elections.

Currently, the candidates for the second and third places in the Seoul mayor's approval ratings were close. The 2nd and 3rd places had a similar support base, but as the candidates were split in two, the possibility of winning was gradually disappearing.

In other words, it was clear that the boss' 'real intention' meant to kill this third-place candidate.

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