Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 257 infinitely light (1)

Gunshots rang out from the Blue House.

Minsoha stood up with a puzzled expression on her face. But I never thought that Hyunmoo would have been killed in the shooting.

Shortly thereafter, another gunshot rang out. Minsoha closed her eyes tightly.

It was embarrassing to ignore this situation as a soldier.

However, I believed that what is happening in the Blue House now is absolutely necessary.

He constantly questioned himself.

'Did you really need it?'

Had she been in the process of bringing down the president in a civil revolution, she would have quietly ignored the situation.

But this is different.

It is an individual who arranges the situation with his own force.

She did not leave unpleasant examples of the military directly intervening in politics, but she came to think that this was the worst.

"Min So-ha's sister."

Then I heard a voice calling from behind.

it was an omission

"Don't make it too complicated."

"How can you not think?"

The two were already spherical.

Even before her enlistment, Min So-ha was a member of the Almighty Reunion.

She was recognized for her achievements while performing operations with the military and entered the non-commissioned officer at the request of the military, and Oh Dae-seong was a case in which she continued her hunter activities.

Even after she said she was Minso, she often worked with Oh Dae-seong while she was conducting operations.

Oh Dae-seong's personality was reliable.

Her acceptance of Hyunmoo was largely due to the fact that she believed in Oh Dae-sung and followed him.

“If I had said that I would have stayed still while there was this uproar in the Blue House just a few days ago, I would have blown away the person who said that.

Minsoha said as if grumbling.

However, in this situation, Kang Hyunmoo was the only person willing to stand on the stage of the last stage play.

"Honestly, Kang Hyunmoo doesn't seem like a better person than I thought."

Oh Dae-seong opened his mouth as if making an excuse for Hyunmoo.

"But I don't think he's a very bad person. No, if he's on the same side, he might be a really good person. If Kang Hyunmoo takes responsibility for our country, I don't think there's ever been a more reliable case than that."

Min So-ha stared at Oh Dae-seong.

"Is Kang Hyunmoo someone worthy of responsibility?"


"Don't even say anything he can't take responsibility for."

"How do you tell someone you're sure?"


It wasn't wrong.

Min So-ha agreed that he had no choice but to hope that Hyunmoo wasn't that bad in his current state.

Minso-ha looked up at the silent Blue House, and then she spoke again.

“I don’t know what will happen next.”

After Park Kyu is purged, the president will now have real power.

And the purges that followed were also an opportunity to clear up problems within the Republic of Korea.However, the president was also included on the list of patriots. This is the redemption that the president himself needs to disappear.

It was feared that the president attached to Hyunmoo in this situation would use his power to avoid responsibility.

"Commander Min So-ha."

Then the door opened and Hyunmoo's voice was heard.

Min So-ha and Oh Dae-seong got up from their seats and looked around, then they froze.

Kang Hyunmoo had no injuries.

However, the figure of President Kim Si-hoo standing next to him was covered in blood and flesh.

There was no intelligence in his blank expression, and his suit was soaked in blood.

In particular, what he had done with his fists was so bloody that his bones could be seen.

It looked like he had pounded a wall with his fist.

Hyunmoo patted President Kim Si-hoo on the back with a pleasant smile.

"Your Excellency seems to be a little shocked, so please go home and wash up and get some rest."

“…Park Kyu?”

"It is regrettable that former Chief of Staff Park Kyu died, but he accidentally died during an emergency arrest by the President himself with his own hands."

"He's dead?"

"Yes. Would you like to see it?"

Hyunmoo pulled out his cell phone and played a recorded video.

Min So-ha, who watched silently, was at a loss for words from the first part of the video.

[Go, President! Body Smash!]


And the video showed the president unilaterally defeating Park Gyu and killing him.

It wasn't a 'mistake' by anyone looking at it, but rather a fist full of intent.

Park Gyu resisted and pushed, but to no avail.

Not a single word of his scream could escape from the Blue House, which had been thoroughly soundproofed.

Until Park Gyu turned into something more like a lump rather than a person, the president slammed it down non-stop with his messed up hand.


Minsoha stared blankly at Hyunmoo. Hyunmoo said with a smile.

"I'll probably have severe muscle pain tomorrow. Please put some paste on it."



Hyunmoo shrugged his shoulders.

"From now on, I'll listen to Commander Min So-ha well, so I need to take care of myself. When you turn around, you must have already had a plan for how to take responsibility, right?"

Min So-ha couldn't understand what Hyunmoo was talking about.

do you listen to me?

Future plans?

"What are you talking about, Kang Hyunmoo? What am I responsible for?"

"They say you can't really put pesticides on your head."

Hyunmoo said as he patted the bloodied president at Min So-ha.

"It turned out as expected. No one in the Republic of Korea will be higher than Commander Min So-ha. So, you have to do what is necessary. Take responsibility."

Minsoha realized what Hyunmoo was saying. And I got goosebumps about that.

Her responsibility, which she had tried to pass on to Hyunmoo, has returned to her.

It was also natural.

The military thought she should not step into politics, but she was eventually shifting her responsibilities by neglecting Kang Hyunmoo.

And Hyunmoo was paying the price back for the political participation that Min So-ha was trying to avoid.

Min So-ha's honor and beliefs will be thrown into the gutter.

"I never asked for anything like that. Fuck those things that aren't even funny!"

"Commander Min So-ha, you still misunderstand something."

Hyunmoo said with a smile.

"That is not something that Commander Min So-ha can decide."

Hyunmoo was telling Min So-ha to either become a new Park Gyu or live with pesticides on her head.

Min So-ha's own will was not reflected anywhere.

What that meant was that in Korea, you can't decide who lives on top of your head anymore.

Because now we have someone who gives orders and who decides who will obey.


[…] … After detaining President Kim Si-hoo's body, former chief of staff Park Gyu tried to mobilize martial law forces to initiate a coup, but was suppressed by refusal of command by Commander Min So-ha, who understood the situation. In the process, Han Han Han, the head of the security office, was shot and killed, and President Kim Si-hoo is resting at his home in shock… … .]

[…] … Park Gyu, former chief of staff, was found dead at his home, and announced that the cause of death was presumed to be suicide. Meanwhile, luxury goods worth 20 billion won were found illegally stockpiled in the basement of the house... … .]

[…] … At the same time, the opposition parties in the National Assembly criticized the coup attempt at the same time, making it clear that the painful history of the Republic of Korea should never be repeated. Meanwhile, President Kim Si-hoo, who had been rumored to be healthy, appeared in public in a healthy state… … .]

"Ah, Mr. Everywhere I look, all I see is no-jam news."

haunted mansion.

The mansion, which now returned from state ownership to Hyunmoo's hands, was restored in two days.

Hyunmoo changed the channel by pressing the remote control. None of the channels talked about recent martial law and coup attempts.

Some of the media even pointed out the unnatural things that happened as the case progressed, but as external pressure came in, it quickly became quiet.

Minso-ha took advantage of the martial law situation and skillfully handled the tasks she had to do.

Of course, she was very creepy, but it was also an opportunity to deal with the dissatisfaction she had while living as a Korean soldier and capable person at once.

She caught or expelled the brokers who complained about it, some of which were 'disappeared' by Hyunmoo.

"No jam news, who made the news now?"

"Ah, Dr. Do Won-kyung."

Do Won-kyung came in with a briefcase full of stomachs in both hands.

Do Won-kyung was by Min So-ha helping the government run.

Minso-ha was a good soldier, but not a good politician.

However, Do Won-kyung knew about many talented people, and he was restructuring the martial law cabinet with those human resources.

"How's the approval rating?"

"Maybe it's because of anger against Park Gyu, it's still on the rise. Maybe it'll hit 80% soon."

Politics, for the most part, depends on who you hate more than who you like.

The fact that Park Gyu tried to carry out an unreasonable 'military coup' stimulated the long-standing trauma of Koreans.

Moreover, as the injustice he had committed until this time and all his sins were exposed, public opinion decided that all the bad things that happened in Korea were due to Park Gyu.

The fact that the opposition party actively took the side of the government also played a part.

Do Won-kyung poured his papers onto the bed Hyunmoo was sitting on.

"No, at what era do you still carry documents like that?"

“These are documents that have been banned from being digitized outside of the National Intelligence Service. If they are scanned or copied, they will burn to black. I brought them for you to see.”

Hyunmoo sighed and accepted the document.

After browsing the documents, Hyunmoo confirmed that his purpose was being pursued, independent of what Min So-ha was doing."Well, these are the capable people and groups that oppose recent policies."

The first thing Kang Hyunmoo did was to order all talented people from leaving the country.

All talented people abroad were also ordered to return home.

Naturally, there was strong opposition. Because it is a violation of fundamental rights.

However, Hyunmoo was not very interested in the rights and interests of talented people from the beginning.

"But you were such a patriot? I didn't know."

"Yeah? Patriots? The stupid kind who believe that the place is great and wonderful just because they were born in that country?

"...Then why are you pushing such a fascist-like policy?"

"That's right, who would be most regretful and sad when an important asset like talented people leaves the country?"

"Hmm, that would be the upper-heads."

"That's it. Dr. Wonkyung Do."

Hyunmoo said with a frown.

"Now we're the bosses. So we have to be careful."

"Huh, really."

Do Won-kyung clicked his tongue like it was ridiculous.

"If anyone sees it, they'll know that you're a royal family from birth. You're very good at gabjil."

"thank you."

"It's not a compliment."

Hyunmoo moved on to the next paperwork. It was the biggest part of Hyunmoo's ongoing plans.

The Almighty Alliance's Nationalization Plan.

"I don't understand this the most. Are you going to return the Almighty Spirit to the country?"

“I am a person who thinks negatively when it comes to remuneration, and when it comes to nationalization, would it look better? More precisely, it is to give Almighty Ryeon the authority and power of a state institution. Silver judge level. How are you?"

"Hmm, isn't that a very historic group?"

"Oh, right? Has there already been a great person in history who has run such a wonderful organization?"

"Yeah. Gestapo, run by Hitler."

Do Wonkyung sighed and tapped Hyunmoo's head with the paperwork.

"Of course, as long as you and Yumin are responsible and organized, I don't think it's going to be a big deal, but it's good to know that even one wrong step can lead to big problems. Do you know that taking pictures like that doesn't last long?"

"Of course. First, the treatment of talented people will definitely improve. The reason I whined about leaving the country was because of dissatisfaction with the treatment of talented people. Promise double the promised salary and support. I have to do it."

What Hyunmoo was thinking of was to rent equipment according to performance.

What hunters admire is not the salary or the treatment, but the item.

Currently, 4 star hunters or legendary equipment are provided, but Hyunmoo was thinking of lowering the standard significantly.

Difficulty: It was possible because there were countless pieces of equipment obtained from Hell.

In particular, while preventing the invasion of the apostles, a lot of valuable materials were obtained.

"What's your budget?"

"Although we can fill it with the national budget for once."

Compared to the money other countries invest in talented people, Korea spends much less.

Just normalizing it would be a big treat.

But Hyunmoo didn't want to spend that much money.

It's not because people's taxes aren't worth it.

"Because there's someone else who really deserves to be billed."

Because there was still someone to go to.

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