Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 304 time between dog and wolf (4)

Hyunmoo felt the shallow murderousness rising from her teacher.

She was revealing, but neither fierce nor full of anger.

She could only feel the calm will to stab and kill the opponent in front of her.

Upon clearly confirming her opponent's hostility, Hyunmoo felt rather calm.

"Now this doesn't help me figuring out the best possible future."


The teacher smiled again and answered.

"But you were amazing. Difficulty: After going to Hell, you're the only one holding your life without going crazy. Not only that. Each time you use your Hearthstone, your best future fluctuates."

The teacher muttered in a voice that seemed to be in ecstasy.

"It was the future I thought was the best I could prepare for. Difficulty: No one could withstand hell, and the hearthstone was meaningless to me. But you were different, Kang Hyunmoo. You pushed the limit of 'best'. I expected to a level I couldn't even before."

"Oh, right? Then I should say thank you."

"Yes. Thank you. Kang Hyunmoo. No, thank you."

The teacher answered Hyunmoo's request with a surprisingly simple smile.

"The problem is that you shouldn't be in that very best future."

The teacher began to approach Hyunmoo step by step.

The tiny flesh he was holding in his chest gradually revealed its shape, tickling Hyunmoo's heart and forehead.

It's like thinking about which side to stab to death.

Then, suddenly, his life grew so large that it seemed to pierce his eyes.

Hyunmoo reflexively raised his arm, which was encroached upon by the beat, to block it. There was a big scratch on his arm with a click.

Hyunmoo didn't panic and immediately turned around and slapped the teacher. But it was only futile in the air.

"You can't beat me. Kang Hyunmoo."

The teacher stood a long distance away as if he had never moved from the beginning.

"You've only rolled one year in Difficulty: Hell. No, actually, if you add up your time in Hell, it's much less. But I got bored watching the world slowly ripen into Hell."

Once again, killing intent, murderous intent, and murderous intent came rushing in.

It was barely blocked twice. But the third was unstoppable.

The third attack pierced Hyunmoo's eyes. At that moment, with a click, blood gushed out of Hyunmoo's eyes.


"Did you have fun all this time? Time must have gone by quickly. But a year in a world that is perishing and hopeless is like eons."

Hyunmoo bounced back, clasping his eyes and clasping them. Glass shards fell on trembling fingers.

Admiral Ren's one-piece glasses, which he had been using for a long time, were smashed and lodged in his eyes.

But Hyunmoo didn't even know what the teacher had stabbed him with.

"Do you think I will be less afraid of the future of my world than you? Do you think I may lack sensitivity to malice? Do you think fewer people have killed, harmed, and fought than you?"

In the meantime, the teacher was slowly attacking Hyunmoo.

Hyunmoo didn't have the knack for using his battle helpers to the fullest.

Although the teacher could kill Hyunmoo at any time, he drove him like a joke.

"I didn't use a single skill. No matter how much I think about it, I'm stronger than you."

He was right. Hyunmoo couldn't stand his attack.

If he truly had the will to kill, he would be killed in an instant.

But somewhere in the teacher's words, anger, disgust, and a sense of inferiority were boiling over.

"...But why was it you, not me, who brought out the best future?"

Quad Duck.

At that moment, the teacher's hand broke Hyunmoo's rib and pierced his heart.

Hyunmoo had no way to stop the hand. With a very simple movement, the teacher was able to take out Hyunmoo's heart.Unless something unexpected got in the way.

Hyunmoo's heart was blocked by something hard.

The moment the teacher paused for a moment, Hyunmoo succeeded in grabbing the teacher's arm. Hyunmoo didn't let go of that arm and grabbed it with all his might.

A sound rang out

But the moment Hyunmoo twisted and squeezed the teacher's arm to break it, there was already nothing in his hand.

The teacher looked slightly perplexed.

“The Redeemer Yayul… it has already eroded that much.”

Hyunmoo's heart was already half engulfed by the Redeemer's mourning.

It was an aftermath that eroded even deeper as the shattering star, Ghaul, removed and reattached it.

Hyunmoo didn't always have that sense of alienation, so it was the first time he felt so grateful.

"It's thanks to the regular training of the heart."

"Even in this situation, you can see it fluttering, so one snout is definitely strong."

The teacher tried to move again. Hyunmoo felt the teacher's movements changed very slightly.

Obviously, the teacher was also hit by the attack.

It is unknown whether the poison will work or not, but unfortunately there was no blood on his hand.

Again, live.

thud. The teacher's attack on Hyunmoo's kidney was blocked this time as well.

The teacher looked surprised, as if in surprise. But now, there are not many deadly parts left that he can aim for.

Hyunmoo was just on the defensive, ready to give up his limbs.

Not only that, Hyunmoo was already getting used to the teacher's attacks.

The teacher tried to back off again. Hyunmoo predicted the reaction.

He returned to the vicinity of Adam, and then he repeated the run again.

It was a routine movement, as if Adam's surroundings were set as 'checkpoints'.

The moment the teacher was about to reappear around Adam, Hyunmoo used his ego weapon.


However, as soon as the ego weapon appeared, it stabbed Hyunmoo in the thigh.

The teacher who appeared again stopped and looked at it.

suddenly fall asleep

The moment he thought he was crazy, Hyunmoo threw his ego weapon at the teacher like he was about to collapse.

The teacher laughed at Hyunmoo's movements and tried to knock down the ego weapon.

But the moment he was about to raise his hand, the ego weapon suddenly ran out at an insanely high speed.


The teacher's hand stopped in mid-air, and the ego weapon Hyunmoo threw crashed into the center of the mask.



However, the ego weapon could not penetrate the mask due to a short delay.

At the last moment, the teacher managed to turn his head and brush it off. However, the moment the ego weapon bounced off as if it was not the end, it exploded and scattered debris everywhere.

There were shards all over the teacher's body. His clothes were stained with blood.

The shock wave overturned the puddles in all directions, creating a splash of water.

"Such a dog..."

It wasn't just the ego weapon that was broken. The mask the teacher was wearing was crumbling piece by piece or two.

As the appearance and appearance that were hidden by the function of the mask disappeared, the teacher began to reveal her original appearance gradually.

"Is this from a shattering star? Keller, you motherfucker. What the hell did you give this madman?"

Old, harsh voice.

It was a rusty voice, as if dozens of knives had been driven into the vocal cords.

His hair had turned white from the root.

He was an old man.

But before his face was revealed, the teacher grabbed the shattering mask with his hand and covered it.

The moment Hyunmoo saw that figure, he felt a surge of murderous intent and disgust, just like when they first met again.

However, he was able to observe the situation more calmly because his stomach was empty and his strength was gone.

'What happened?'

Even before throwing the ego weapon, Hyunmoo was almost exhausted.

Far from controlling the ego weapon, he was lucky if he didn't even stab himself. He even went so far as to actually stab him in the thigh.

Normally, he would not have hit an ordinary target by throwing so forcefully.

But at the last moment, the ego weapon suddenly ran madly at the teacher.

It was the first time even Hyunmoo himself had seen the ego weapon show such fierce aggression.

"...it seems like you've met all the bad guys in hell. Kang Hyunmoo."

The teacher muttered, clutching his mask. Hyunmoo chuckled.

"Are there any other survivors in the world that has reached that point other than the scumbags?"

Hyunmoo staggered and stood up.

He looked like he was going to collapse right away. But not now.

Hyunmoo forced his shaky legs to hold on.

The teacher glared at Kang Hyunmoo. His gaze wandered back and forth between Hyunmoo and Adam.

Hyunmoo giggled and laughed as he was in trouble. Hyunmoo asked, clenching his fist and waving it up and down.

"Once more?"


But the teacher didn't seem to want to fight any more.

"I thought so. You bastard."

Where is the symbol that mankind gave up because they believed in him and pushed him, but he was afraid of being reversed by a latecomer?

It was an extremely careful bosinism.

"I'm a jerk? I'm curious. Kang Hyunmoo."

The teacher asked Hyunmoo.

"I'm trying to do the best for mankind. If I get hurt here, I'm not the only one hurt. Humanity is lost in darkness that doesn't know one inch ahead. At the end of it, there may be a cliff or a monster. "

“If there is a cliff, you can skip it, and if there is a monster, you just have to get rid of it.”

"Are Professor Keller's extinction scenarios just like scenarios? They could all have happened. I've been constantly cutting and cutting dangerous forks to avoid that future. This time, you're the only branch."

The teacher let out a long sigh.

"My prudence is nothing but prudence for mankind."

"You're good at packing one."

"Isn't that plausible?"

Through the cracked mask, I could see the teacher raising the corners of his mouth.

"In other words, I'm not saying that if you die, the future of mankind will become bleak. Such a coward... To take mankind hostage."

"No, it's not anyone else, and you shouldn't say that."

The teacher replied as if it was absurd.

“The future I have seen is clear. Kang Hyunmoo, if you are alive, a terrible future will strike you. I am struggling to stop it. I have countless plans and worries. But what plans do you have? , have you ever come up with a plan?"


"If you too had seen the future of Difficulty: Hell, wouldn't you have had a plan for it? But honestly, from what I've been observing you until now, it seems like you've acted impulsively without doing anything like that. You never know."



"No. Plan."The teacher looked at Hyunmoo as if to judge whether he was sincere or not. However, Hyunmoo's appearance was calm. She said the teacher was absurd.

She said, "Are you just going to repeat hell?"

"You said you can see the future. If I made a plan and tried it, would it be more meticulous than the guy who said he could see the future?"

Hyunmoo said blatantly.

"My immediate plan is to make Adam Fort my dog. That loyalty, isn't it coveted?"

Hyunmoo recalled information he had heard while interrogating Noh Ha-eul a long time ago.

It was about why the people who joined the alliance like that were Junggu Heating.

Noh Ha-eul's answer was very vague and like the groping of a blind elephant, but Hyunmoo was able to infer various information.

This is because those who have experienced 'the darkest period' are brought into the alliance as a form of salvation by the teacher.

In other words, only those who have reached the bottom enough will join the alliance.

Just like Lee Ji-tae, who nearly got killed by Hyunmoo, Park Do-ryeong, who lost her faith, and Park Hwi-so, who lost her loved one.

This time, they were targeting Adam Fort, who had been abandoned by Professor Keller.

And here the teacher had to collide with Hyunmoo.

"I'm not throwing my dog ​​away."

Hyunmoo stood upright and looked at the teacher. He showed no sign of giving up on Adam Fort.

The teacher looked annoyed.

He knew that Hyunmoo had no intention of backing down even if he really died. Of course he had plans to kill Hyunmoo and take Adam with him.

But he didn't want to deal with the annoying and cluttered things that would be in the process.

The teacher suddenly grabbed the mask and drooped his body.

Suddenly, his blatantly defenseless appearance sparked the urge to run. But the teacher quickly pushed himself.

"You're lucky, Kang Hyunmoo."

The teacher looked at Hyunmoo and said.

"Even if I kill you now, it doesn't produce very good results. I don't know how many times you've died now. But half of them are because you dug your grave because you ran in first."

"What nonsense?"

"It means your life has been extended. A day or two?"

The teacher said so and looked up at the sky. The clouds obscured the sun, so it was hard to see, but it seemed to gauge how big the shadow must have been.

"One thing is for sure. You die before the Leviathan mission is over."

"I'm sitting there screaming."

"It's a familiar reaction. Everyone said that when they heard the prophecy that they would die. Everyone lacks imagination."

After saying that, the teacher picked up the chains on the floor. It was the heap of chains that held Adam.

The teacher who repaired the chains said to Hyunmoo.

"You tend not to be afraid of the future, especially since you've never really experienced failure. That's why you can move so haphazardly."

"Lack of failure? I?"

"Well, do you want to talk about the old days when you were living in poverty after searching the gutter?"

The teacher laughed at Hyunmoo and said.

"That's not even on the axis of failure. He was a man with healthy limbs and a healthy body. He had never experienced the destruction of the world, did he?"

"I'm afraid it's not a Kkondae, so Kkondae's logic is blatant. It's a growing sprout, very."

"Such a ruthless and unplanned attitude will eventually lead to a harsh future. Let's see if you are ready to endure such a choice."

The teacher laughed roundly and muttered.

"Maybe you yourself will know what the 'best future' is. If you find out that you are a stumbling block to that best future, or if you know what the worst moment you or those around you will face..."

The teacher shrugged her shoulders as if she enjoyed just imagining the moment, she said.

“You might commit suicide like your father, right?”

The teacher gave Hyunmoo a gentle glance and disappeared in an instant.

As if it had never existed from the beginning, without a sign or sound.

The sound of rain rang out again.

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