Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 324 RESUME

"...it's just something I got caught. There were too many unexpected variables."

Maria Keller said in excuses.

"Actually, it was Kang Hyunmoo and the teacher, both of them will.

But Samuel was fighting that it didn't really matter.

"I just want the results to be right. I crashed the two doomsday stars and eventually eliminated both of them. The star turned back together. It would have been impossible if you hadn't agreed with the plan to work with your teacher to get rid of Kang Hyunmoo. In the end Because even the teacher was deceived by you."

Samuel looked back at the other priests with joy and said,

"Have you checked the number of regressions? How many times have we had regressions?"

"If you include the small number of times of less than a day, 798 times. It was like eating a meal. There is no penalty except for the limitation that you can't turn back your time, which is the axis of time... It wouldn't be strange."

“It was the longest three days of our lives.”

"It was also three crazy days. When Helen took her telgram out of the starving star's shed, she thought she was going crazy."

"I'll have to ask the Starving Star how they put such an object within reach of the players. No, how did the Starving Star save it in the first place? Wasn't it all destroyed?"

"So, I guess I was too hastily ordered my snake to swallow the apostle. I'm glad that Kang Hyunmoo knew the case. If he had started writing about it..."

“I wouldn’t have been able to make it myself.”

"It's a bit disappointing to think that no one will know that we helped behind the scenes until we got this result."

The priests quarreled and made a fuss. It was like watching a great movie. Maria was the only one who remained silent.

"But now these 'errors' have been corrected."

Samuel declared with a somewhat sad expression on his face.

"Tell the stars that the game will proceed normally without any special errors. And do not forget to write this case in the error-resolving case. So that you can refer to it for future games."

The priests started preparing to move busily again.

Now, it was the stage to announce the end of the Leviathan mission and raise it to Difficulty: Hard.

Samuel was unexpectedly deeply involved in the game due to 'errors', but he intended to expedite the process a little more.

As long as they have confirmed that the 'errors' are not what they were looking for, their work in this world is over anyway.

After hurriedly handing over the star to someone, the priests could move on to the next world.

"You look fun."

Then Maria came and opened her mouth.


"Does this happen often?"

"Ah, the star of the end and the star that turned back?"

Samuel shrugged his shoulders and answered.

"It's the process of unifying the whole world as a game board and one rule. It's a place where the power of many stars is gathered on one planet to play a gambling game, so of course not much happens. Actually, I should call it a singularity rather than an error."

"How often does it happen?"

"Apocalyptic star roughly once out of three? Considering that, 1/3 of the world in which the game was played will be destroyed. Fortunately, the star of the end does not remain and is destroyed as dust in the universe."

Samuel calmly spoke the story of the destruction of a world as if nothing had happened. Maria opened her eyes wide and asked.

“…it happens quite often.”

"There are too many worlds of this level in the universe. We can't even get close to where Guardians or other stellar agents are. We tend to deliberately pursue places that are prone to errors."

But here Samuel squinted his eyes and looked at the screen once more to continue his speech.

"Still, the star that turned back... is very special. It is recorded that this is the third time since we started wandering. Without Kang Hyunmoo, I wouldn't have even recognized it. It collided with the stars of

Samuel looked at her and raised the corners of her lips.

"You answered humbly, but Professor Keller. This plan would not have been possible without you. Thanks to taking control of the UN Special Inspection Headquarters, we were able to control the flow of talented people around the world, and we were able to use a lot of observation equipment. There was. And with Adam Fort as bait, I pulled out Kang Hyunmoo and the teacher. No one would have thought that the ultimate goal was these two 'errors'."

To that, Samuel added in a tone of voice asking if he was not happy."And Adam Fort even survived. I think this is surprising, but isn't it happy? It's the dog you raised."

But Maria Keller responded coldly with her blunt face instead of her happy expression.

"I am not satisfied with simply solving the 'Leviathan Mission'. For this project, I have given everything I have. The price you have to offer will not be cheap."

"of course."

Samuel replied with a smile.

"I try to make it as convenient as possible inconspicuously from other stars. When I first realized Kang Hyunmoo's existence, it was good to consult with you."

"During Taean Dungeon?"

Maria remembered the disappearance of Taean Dungeon.

The first incident in which a priest was killed in a dungeon and the dungeon was destroyed.

It was the moment she learned that the priest she thought was immortal could die. But after that it never happened again.

"Yes. Thanks to that, I found out that a being with the power of the apocalypse had appeared. Since there was no common sense that an existence with only that power could not have appeared, I also came to know the existence of a star that turned around. Naturally, I was able to recognize the existence of the teacher."

But Mary did not lose interest in this matter.

More than anything else, about the 'power of the apocalypse'.

If this was such a dangerous thing, the priests had to immediately subdue Kang Hyunmoo.

But after that, they didn't even touch Kang Hyunmoo, let alone touch him. Maria knew why.

"That's why I was scared and never wanted to come out. I was afraid of dying from the power of the end?"

Maria smirked at her and shot at Samuel.

"You figured it out so far. Well, if you have basic knowledge, it won't be difficult to infer that level."

But Samuel was surprisingly accommodating. Despite the content she could be their own weakness, she was battling that Maria wasn't a threat at all.

"It is said that death is difficult for you and us. What can we do?"

Maria was a dwarf old woman with a disability, and despite her ability, her level was at the bottom.

Besides, her priests were within the realm of 'command'. To this extent, their abilities were absolute.

But Maria continued her speech.

"That's why we call the 'force of the apocalypse' an 'error'. If this obscene code intervenes in your commands, the commands become useless. Will the commands no longer work?"

Samuel's eyes narrowed as she watched Mary continue her talk about something she had never explained.

"I know too much."


Samuel placed his hand on the pistol that was wrapped around his waist. If Maria knew this far, she really should have made her her priest, or killed her.

But she said that Maria was too dangerous to be her priest, and too precious to kill at the same time.

'He's just a good person to play until the end of the game.'

As if she understood his heart, she looked at Maria with a grin and clasped her chin.

"I didn't figure it out. The teacher explained it to me."

"...Teacher? Are you talking about Kang Hyunmoo, who returned to the power of the star that turned around?"

"I'm confused, so I'll call you teacher. Did you hear that he came up to me and suggested the 'best future' first? That's right. But that wasn't all he was talking about. How the 'best future' flows in detail I even told you I was gone."

The priests looked at each other.

The priests were also curious about the future.

However, even if there was such a thing as 'the best future', as long as the teacher was already dead, that kind of future was almost non-existent.

"There, Kang Hyunmoo said that he met and sacrificed what he called 'the worst enemy'. I don't know the specifics, but the teacher said that the 'worst enemy' is you, the priests."


Samuel frowned.

"Impossible. No matter how much power he has of the apocalypse, does that mean we're all in one place and waiting for him to quietly kill him? Do we look so stupid?"

"Well. Even now, everyone is gathered in one place like this, right?"

Samuel felt a chill in his spine for a moment.

As she said, most of the priests who should be managing the dungeons around the world are now gathered in the headquarters of the UN Special Inspection Department.

Of course, this was not all. However, if something like Maria mentioned happens, the game will be stopped immediately.

"But as long as Kang Hyunmoo and his teacher have already been excluded from the game board, there seems to be no possibility of such a future."

Samuel said she tried to stay calm. At the same time she did, she prepared her priests just in case.

Maria looked at it and smiled.

"You seem nervous. Samuel. Do you think my storytelling skills aren't good enough?"

"You seem to have a talent for telling creepy stories."

"Thanks for that. Other government officials said that I'm not good at my apocalyptic horror novels. They say the pattern is the same every time."

Maria dragged her squeaky wheelchair towards the center of her conference room. The sound of her old wheelchair was unusually loud.

She continued as she looked at the screen that mirrored where Maria still had the battlefield between Kang Hyunmoo and her teacher.

"And the teacher told me one more interesting story."

Samuel looked at Mary with a sharp expression. No matter how much she thinks about it, it's difficult for her if Maria is still alive.

If she killed she would just be uncomfortable, but if she were alive she could be a great threat.

He went behind her to finish off her Maria.

“The teacher said that it was not me who came, but me. I first went to the teacher and suggested a plan for the best future, and he liked the plan, so he just turned back the time and came at the most appropriate time.”



Samuel's pistol hit Mary's back. But Maria didn't move or agitate in the slightest.

"I'm sorry. Maria. If there was a plan, I should have been a little quieter."

"So I threw the UN Special Investigation Units, Chrome, Adam Fort, Kang Hyunmoo and the teacher, and even myself as bait for that plan. To lure you in."

Maria slowly turned her head.

"If you want to replace one future Kang Hyunmoo, you have to put that much life on the scale."

Samuel no longer felt the need to listen. He pulled the trigger without hesitation.


Maria's hair drooped with her brief gunshot.

The knowledge and experience accumulated for decades by the world's best scholars flowed down the hole in vain.

Samuel put in his gun with a pitiful expression on his face. Aside from being forced to kill Maria, he felt uncomfortable with the fact that she had been dealt with so easily.

"Maybe he's been working on something. Investigate all the people Maria Keller has come into contact with over the past week. And..."

It was then.

Maria's body slowly slid down as her lap blanket fell to the floor.

Samuel found a large box sealed between Mary's bare legs.

He hid things in a place no one would ever see.

Samuel's expression distorted as he immediately recognized the identity of the box.


"Order: Prevent bodily harm, flame suppression..."


The box in the wheelchair exploded with a loud roar, indifferent to the command entered to prevent the explosion.

Pieces and iron beads hidden in the box ripped through the body of the priests.

The priests, who had already entered the commands to prevent bodily harm and immortality, were relieved, but screamed at the terrible pain that followed.

The command was not listening.The shards contained the power of the apocalypse.

Samuel couldn't understand.


Did Maria even gain the power of the end? But when?

However, Maria, who should have had the answer, was already dead, and many of her priests would become her companions.

"Pull out all the fragments! The fragments are interfering with the command! The priest whose fragments were removed came out..."

good bye

Samuel heard the shards of glass being trampled on. Someone was walking in through the glass exterior wall that had been shattered in the explosion.

I thought it was a guard who came after hearing the explosion, but it wasn't.

"Well, it ended up like this."

Samuel tried to find out who the woman was. But he was so gloomy that he couldn't remember.

Needless to say, she seldom took the lead in the case.

Usually on the outskirts, or behind someone.

She nevertheless was the one who never left out when she was important.

The woman looked at the mutilated body of Maria Keller on her wheelchair and then turned her head to her priest, who was lying next to her.

The priest trembled hard and tried to stand up. The woman turned her automatic rifle to her bare side on her side and pulled her trigger once.


The priest who had been pierced through her head drooped as it was. At the same time, his body crumbled like muddy mud.

Samuel realized that she was dealing with her apocalyptic power. And these fragments and bullets were also magic bullets that could contain attributes.

There was only one group that could make such a magic bullet.


Those with the power of the end were more than Kang Hyunmoo and his teacher.

"Mr. Hwiso Park, Professor Keller, please fix it."

"Yes. Yumin-san then..."

A woman called Yumin slowly turned her head to Samuel.

"I have to finish what Professor Keller was doing."

Samuel remembered what Mary had said.

'I gave everything I had.'

Soon, the gun was coldly touching his forehead. Samuel could feel the touch of the gun that Mary would have felt at the end.

'The price you have to pay will not be cheap.'

Flashes, roars, vibrations.

Samuel's body was torn apart.

Yu-min walked around her conference hall and handled it one by one. By the time Professor Keller's remains were retrieved, Yu-Min had also completed her duties.

Hwi-so Park was looking into the screen the priests were watching. He opened his mouth with a serious expression.

"By the way, Yoomin, is Kang Hyunmoo really dead?"

"Yeah? Who's going to die?"

Yumin asked as if wondering. She didn't just deny that she didn't want to believe or that she didn't know.

"I'll be back. This time it's going to take a little while."


【Difficulty: Hell

Enter the star of the end.]

Kang Hyunmoo opened his eyes.

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