“The ability to foresee!”

“Merlin’s beard!”

Fred and George exclaimed, although they did not believe all of them, but they also believed fifty percent.

After all, the matter of the Marauder’s Map, but the secret of the two of them, has not been told to others at all, but now Toby actually knows the Marauder’s Map, if it is not the ability to foreknow, then it cannot be explained.

“Hey! Toby, can you help us foresee our future? “?

“Oh, it’s the request of our life!”

Fred and George looked at Toby expectantly, their eyes shining, both wondering what their future looked like, and they were certainly no exception.

“Fred, George, I already see your future.”

Jamie on the side said solemnly.


“Really? What does our future look like? “?

Fred and George immediately turned to Jamie and asked.

“Well, your future… You will be the owner of a shop selling mischievous magic supplies, your business will be good, you will be rich. ”

Jamie’s eyes looked ahead, a little confused, as if he really saw the future.

“Oh my God, Merlin’s beard! George, we…”

“Fred, in the future, we actually succeeded!”

Fred and George looked excited, and at the same time fully believed that Toby and Jamie had the ability to prophesy.

All this time, they had a dream in their hearts that no one told them, even if no one in their family knew it, that is, they wanted to own their own shop.

And it’s the kind of shop that sells mischievous goods, which is the dream they’ve been working for.

Now, Jamie has actually said that they will open a shop selling hoax goods in the future, what can be explained by other than the ability to predict?

“But there’s one more thing you have to keep in mind.”

Toby interrupted the twins’ excitement, his face very serious.

“What is it?”

Fred and George asked if they were now fully convinced that Toby and Jamie were wizards with foresight, as evidenced by the Marauder’s Map and the dream they had in mind.

“Until you are twenty years old, you must be inseparable and absolutely not separated, otherwise your lives will be in danger.”

Toby said seriously, he still remembered in the original book, Fred and George were separated because of this, George had one ear cut off, and Fred was blown up by Death Eaters.

“This is not a joke with you, before the age of twenty, you have a death calamity that depends on the two of you to resolve, and once the two of you are separated, your lives will be in danger.”

Toby said seriously again.

Fred and George thought Toby was joking, but seeing that Toby was so serious and didn’t look like he was joking, they paid attention to it.

“Okay, we’ll remember it firmly.”

Fred and George nodded solemnly.

“George, it seems that we will eat, sleep, bathe, and even go to the toilet together in the future.”

“Oh, Fred, in that case, others will misunderstand.”

The twins started playing again, and they knew how to regulate their emotions, even if they were crying one moment, they could smile the next.

“So, it’s time to go back to the previous topic, do you sell Marauder’s maps?”


Jamie asked.

“Hehe, Jamie, the Marauder’s Map is our treasure, we are determined not to sell it…”

Fred said with a smile.

“But I can give it to you.”

George picked up with a smile.

I have to say that Fredo and George are really generous sometimes, they can sell the Marauder’s Map for a good price, but now they give it away for nothing.

“The Marauder’s Map wasn’t made by us, we found it in Filch’s office, oh, Filch is the doorman of Hogwarts, he’s a rather nasty person…”

Fred said as he carefully took out a blank piece of parchment from his arms.

“You’ll know when you go to Hogwarts, Filch often finds reasons to punish students, but thanks to him, we found the Marauder’s Map.”

George went on to say that his dislike for Filch could be heard between words.

“Yes, it took us a lot of effort to crack the spell on the Marauder’s Map, but you have the ability to foresee, you should know how to crack it, right?”

Fred unfolded the blank piece of parchment.

“Of course.”

Toby tapped his wand on the parchment and read, “I solemnly swear that I didn’t do anything good.” ”

Suddenly, some ink lines began to appear on the parchment, and those ink lines began to extend, and finally a map of Hogwarts appeared.

The map not only shows the location of everyone at Hogwarts, but also shows how to open secret passages.

Of course, since Hogwarts had just started today and the wizards were not at Hogwarts, the map was empty.

“Because of this map, we found those secret passages at Hogwarts, and now this map is not of much use to us.”

Fred said.

“Toby, Jamie, from the train, we know that you and we should be the same kind of people who like to play pranks, so this map is given to you, I hope you can use it well.”

George said with a smile.

“That’s right, add to the prank cause!”

Fred nodded in agreement.

“Okay, we will accept your favor, but we will not ask for it in vain, if you plan to open a store and the funds on hand are not enough, we can sponsor.”

“Of course, we are optimistic about your future business and intend to invest.”

Toby said with a smile.

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