Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 635: Snape's secret

Chapter 635 Snape’s Secret

Umbridge left everything to Filch, not only because she found the work tedious, but also because she really didn't have time.

Because when Kyle and Connor walked down the stone steps of the underground classroom to the Potions classroom, they suddenly found Umbridge sitting in a dark corner at the back, holding the familiar writing pad in her hand.

Others also saw it, and there was a burst of discussion in the classroom.

 “Strange, why is she here again…”

 “Will the professor be investigated twice?”

“It shouldn’t be possible, the other classes are all once…”

"Maybe Professor Snape is different. You know, he's not that likable."

 “Nonsense, Professor Snape is the best!” The last person to speak was obviously a Slytherin.

But no matter what, everyone was very curious and didn't understand why Umbridge had just investigated Professor Snape in Potions class, only to come back again less than two days later.

 Equally curious was Umbridge herself. She listened to the comments of the people around her and then looked at the contents on her writing board, feeling a little confused.

 Why did everyone say she had been here, but there were clearly no investigation results about Snape on the writing board.


 At this moment, the classroom door was pushed open violently.

 The whole classroom instantly became silent.

 Snape strode in. He glanced towards the corner, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

Kyle also noticed their respective expressions, and one of them couldn't help laughing.

 But immediately, Snape, who heard the movement, immediately turned his head and glared at him viciously.

Kyle quickly closed his mouth, but his shoulders still shrugged, obviously enduring a lot of hard work.

Kanna looked at him and asked curiously: "Why are you laughing?"

"It's so interesting. Professor Snape seems to have made a mistake." Kyle said in a low voice.

 He ​​knew very well that Umbridge's investigation of other professors was enough once, and there was no need to attend the lectures twice.

Now that she appears in the Potions classroom again, it can only mean one thing...she forgot that she was there.

  In other words, Snape used a forgetting spell on her, causing her to forget some things, including the results of Snape's investigation.

There is one thing to say, the effect of this forgetting spell is really not very good. Umbridge forgot too many things, even the things she had attended the class, and then she came again today.

This does not have the intended effect of this spell at all.

  Anyway, Kyle felt that if it were him, he would only make Umbridge forget some necessary things...such as the questions she asked after class.

 This is the solution to the problem.

But then again, Kyle was quite curious as to what Umbridge had said that was worthy of Snape using the Oblivion Curse on her.

But just when Kyle wanted to tell Connor this, he looked up and met Snape's eyes.

His eyes were cold and emotionless, as if he would kill someone in the next second.

There was no other way, Kyle could only shut his mouth wisely and said nothing.

 Snape's expression softened a little.

 “Today I’m learning the joy potion…” He calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

“This is a potion that requires enough patience to brew successfully, because you must always pay attention to the color change of the potion in the crucible. Only in this way can you complete the next step of production at the right time...”

"How to do it..." he waved his wand, "...it's on the blackboard, start now."

Everyone immediately forgot about Umbridge and began to get busy.

 "Albizia flower...unicorn hair...peppermint..."

Kyle checked his materials and after confirming that there was no problem, he began to grind the roots of the Albizia julibrissin flower.

 For the first half hour, Umbridge had been very quiet, but Kyle knew that she was about to make a move.

 Because it was like this when she came last time. Sure enough... it was as if there was an alarm clock tied to the stool. After half an hour, Umbridge stood up immediately and walked towards Snape from between the two rows of tables.

 She glanced at the cauldrons of students on both sides.

"The students in this class all seem to be excellent." Umbridge said, "The elation potion is a great potion. It can make us feel happy. We usually need a little happiness."

"But this kind of happiness is false." Snape said slowly: "And if you take too much, there will be side effects..."

"I don't think it's a problem." Umbridge said in a brisk tone, "As long as you drink less, it will be fine. If the joy potion is really that dangerous, the Ministry of Magic will not allow it to appear in the courses, right? no."

 Snape sneered twice.

“So, here you are at Hogwarts…”

"I've been teaching here for fourteen years." Snape said directly before she could finish her words.

Umbridge was stunned for a moment, but she didn't care and just made a few strokes on the writing board.

Kyle was crushing the petals of the albizia flower with the back of his knife while tilting his head to observe them.

Seeing Umbridge put down her writing board, he subconsciously whispered:

“Did you apply to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts first?”

 The next second, Umbridge asked the same question without changing a single word.

 Sure enough…

This further confirms Kyle's conjecture that Snape cast the Forgetting Curse on Umbridge.

However, at this time, the brewing of the joy potion has reached the most critical stage. Everyone's attention is on the potion in the crucible. No one except Kyle has noticed this.

The same question was asked again, which made Snape very annoyed, but he had no choice. In order not to attract more people's attention, he could only cooperate with Umbridge and answer those who were asking. A question that seemed meaningless to him.

 What happened next was also unchanged.

After asking Snape, Umbridge began to circle around the classroom, pretending to check everyone's potions.

The reason why I say it was pretentious is because Umbridge knew nothing about the process of brewing the joy potion, and she actually praised a student who had a pink potion in the cauldron.

 The real cheerleader should be a blue color before adding the unicorn hair.

The pink color is because the ingredients were put in the wrong order. The dried petals of the Albizia julibrissin were put first instead of its juice.

There was a burst of laughter from all around. The student who made the wrong potion turned red, lowered his head and said nothing. Even Snape at the front slightly raised the corners of his mouth, as if he was laughing at Umri. Strange ignorance.

Only Umbridge stared, wondering what the others were laughing at.

 At the end of get out of class, everyone poured the completed elixir into bottles.

Almost everyone's potion was a light golden color. Only the person she praised had a different potion color than the others. Umbridge then realized that she had just praised the wrong person.

 But she pretended that nothing had happened and walked towards Snape again.

Kyle's eyes lit up.

  Snape must have cast a forgetting spell on her when they were talking alone last time... She will definitely say the same thing this time.

Kyle deliberately fell behind. He loosened his grip and threw a few pieces of parchment on the ground, hoping to delay leaving the classroom.

This is what he did in the Transfiguration class last time.

However, before he could pick it up this time, Snape waved his wand violently.

 The parchment on the ground, including Kyle himself, was immediately blown out of the classroom by a gust of wind.



 The classroom door was slammed shut.

 (End of this chapter)

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