Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 640: We still have to thank her

Chapter 640 We still have to thank her

The first Quidditch match after a year, and the school had a brand new broom, two surprises in a row, which kept everyone excited until the end of breakfast with no sign of dying down.

Kyle walked with everyone through the foyer and out of the castle.

The frosty grass crunched underfoot as they hurried across the grounds to the Quidditch pitch.

Less than five minutes later, more and more people came to the stadium, and the stands were soon filled with people. It was so dark that even standing there, you could feel the enthusiasm surrounding you.

"I really don't know who will win this time." Mikel looked at the empty field excitedly and said, "Although I hope it is Gryffindor, it will be more beneficial to us if Slytherin wins. "

Because there are too many new members of Hufflepuff, their own strength has declined to a certain extent. Although they are confident that Kyle and Cedric can make up for this part of the strength gap, Harry's Firebolt is a problem that cannot be ignored. huge threat.

From the perspective of a friend and DA partner, Mikel naturally hopes that Gryffindor can win, but from the team's perspective, he does not want to see Gryffindor score too many points.

Mikel struggled with this for many days.

"I don't know, but Gryffindor has a better chance of winning," Cedric said.

“Slytherin got two new beaters, but apart from being strong enough, they knew almost nothing about Quidditch.”

 “Who is it?” Mikel asked.

 “Crabbe and Goyle,” said Cedric.

“Those two gorillas?” Mikel blurted out: “Can they tell the difference between a Quaffle and a Bludger?”

"Who knows." Cedric shook his head. "Anyway, the last time I went to apply for the right to use the stadium, I happened to see them practicing using broomsticks... At that time, they couldn't even do the most basic turns."

“Tsk,” Mikel curled his lips, “What do you think Montague said? If Quidditch was an aerial wrestling match, then they would definitely win.”

"It's not impossible." Kyle glanced at the sea of ​​green and silver in the Slytherin stands opposite, and said: "We really have to be careful when the time comes. If we are hit by them recklessly, we will probably... I’m going to leave immediately.”

  "Deliberately bumping into someone...this..." Cedric frowned and said: "Mengtai shouldn't be so shameless."

"Are you sure?" Kyle said, "Then why did he recruit two big guys who are completely unfamiliar with Quidditch to join the team."

Cedric was silent for a moment.

 “Okay, just pretend I didn’t say it.”

 “It’s about to begin!” At this time, someone suddenly shouted.

 Everyone’s eyes fell on the court below.

From Hufflepuff's position, you can clearly see that the Gryffindor team has walked out of the locker room.

 Umbridge stood by the entrance, handing out new brooms to them while ensuring that everyone could see them.

Angelina, Fred, and George have all received it. They are still using the old-fashioned five-star sweep, which is far inferior to the eleven-star sweep.

Fred and George looked at Umbridge with smiles on their faces, their expressions were sincere, and they kept saying something... presumably some words of praise.

Because Umbridge, who originally wanted to embarrass them, had handed over the broom in a daze.

But Harry didn't get the broom. He didn't even look at Umbridge and just walked over.

His Firebolt is countless times better than Sweeping Eleven Stars, and there is no need to replace it.

The same is true for Slytherin on the other side. Although Nimbus 2001 is a model from a few years ago, its price is still there. It is a high-end product launched by Nimbus, and its performance is still better than Sweeping Eleven Stars. The two teams walked to the middle of the court. At the request of the referee Ms. Huo Qi, Angelina and Montague, as captains, shook hands with each other.

 “Now get on the broom…”

Ms. Huo Qi blew the whistle hard.

 The game started, the Quaffle was thrown into the air, and then all the players jumped into the air, and deafening cheers erupted from the stands again.

  "Johnson, Angelina Johnson grabbed the Quaffle, and she looked like an eagle with a new broom..."

On the commentary stage, Li Qiaodan shouted excitedly: "What a wonderful girl. I've been saying this for several years, but she still refuses to date me..."

 “Jordan!” Professor McGonagall’s voice suddenly reached everyone’s ears.

"Just kidding, Professor..." Li Qiaodan said with a smile, "She escaped Montague, and the beautiful sloth rolled around the tree... Oh, it was so dangerous, she was almost hit by the Bludger, thanks to that The new broomstick, Sweep Eleven Star's excellent flexibility allowed her to dodge this attack, which she couldn't have done if Sweep Five Star..."

 In the stands, all those who supported Gryffindor breathed a sigh of relief for Angelina.

 “This is going to be troublesome.”

In the Hufflepuff stands, Mikel said with a worried look: "Gryffindor is already a strong enemy, and with these good brooms, it will be even harder for us to fight."

Cedric suddenly frowned as he listened to the discussions of the people around him.

“What’s wrong?” Kyle asked, “Are you worried about this problem too?”

"Oh, no..." Cedric shook his head, "In fact, it is more beneficial to us to replace new brooms. After all, except for your Firebolt, no one on our team has a broom as good as Sweeping Eleven, including me. The same goes for the Nimbus 1700.

“So at this point, Gryffindor does not have an advantage, but Slytherin, who may be the most unhappy.”

“Then why did you become so serious all of a sudden?” Kyle asked.

“I thought of another thing.” Cedric lowered his voice and said, “You may not have noticed just now that when Harry walked past Umbridge, her face looked very ugly.

“Tell me, will you force everyone to use new broomsticks... Of course we have nothing to do with it, but your broomstick is a Firebolt.”

"What does this have to do with anything?" Kyle smiled after hearing this and said nonchalantly: "Don't forget that Harry's broom is also a Firebolt, and he is also a seeker. When everyone uses sweep, our advantage is It’s actually bigger.”

"But Slytherin and Ravenclaw," said Cedric, "they don't have Firebolts."

"When I used Nimbus 2000 before, I didn't say anything, and... isn't it you?" Kyle glanced at Cedric, "Don't tell me that you will lose to Mal in a situation like a broom. Fuhe...oh, and Qiu."

"Of course, the premise is that some people don't let things go on purpose." When he said the last sentence, Kyle's voice was particularly heavy, as if he was reminding him of something.

“Of course I won’t lose to them.” Cedric said loudly, attracting the attention of many people.

 Fortunately, at this time, Angelina happened to throw the Quaffle into the goal post, diverting everyone's attention again.

"I am serious about Quidditch." Cedric glared at Kyle angrily, "Besides, Qiu will not allow me to let go."

"Then what are you worried about?" Kyle said with a smile, "If Umbridge really does this, it will be equivalent to helping us solve the biggest obstacle on the way to winning the championship. We will have to thank her then."


 (End of this chapter)

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