Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 647: Lucius Malfoy

 Chapter 647 Lucius Malfoy

 In the evening, snowflakes suddenly began to appear in the sky that had been brewing for a week. By Monday morning, the ground was completely covered with snow.

During breakfast, Hagrid reappeared at the teacher's table, but the applause to welcome him was not enthusiastic. Especially at the Slytherin table, there was no sound at all, which was incompatible with the excited Gryffindor. A sharp contrast.

However, even in Gryffindor, not everyone likes Hagrid. Some girls prefer Professor Grapeland's class.

 Because Professor Grapeland doesn't like to surprise him every now and then...or maybe a shock would be more appropriate.

Hunters are much safer than fire crabs, and they are definitely something O.W.L. will have.


 The sixth grade students have a Care of Magical Creatures lesson this morning, and it is also the first time Hagrid teaches them since he came back.

  After the first spell lesson, Kyle and Connor walked through two feet of snow and arrived at the wooden house on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

 After seeing Hagrid, almost everyone subconsciously took a breath.

 The way he looks now is a bit too scary.

There were injuries on his face, and his hair was untied and messy. Some feathers from unknown animals could still be seen vaguely.

More importantly, Hagrid was carrying half a cow on his shoulders. Drops of blood fell on the ground, dyeing the snow red. The scene was indescribably weird.

 “As expected, I still prefer Professor Graplan.” There was a slight murmur among the crowd.

 But Hagrid didn't seem to hear him.

"Come on, follow me, we are here for class today." Hagrid led them into the dense forest, but did not go deep, and stopped after about a minute.

"Are you ready?" Hagrid put the half cow down on the ground with a groan, and glanced at all the students happily, "Don't get too excited later. The animals we are going to learn today are very rare. I think I might be the first to win the prize." The only man in Britain to have tamed them…

 “Oh, look, they’re coming.”

 “What is it? Where is it?” The crowd started talking again.

From most views, it was clear that there was nothing in the woods, except for the bowtruckles on both sides.

 But they had learned about this kind of animal a long time ago, so it obviously couldn't be them.


 At this moment, a scream suddenly broke the silence.

 A Ravenclaw girl was staring, pointing her hand forward in fear, "You...look..."

The classmates looked in the direction of her finger, and then more people screamed.

There, pieces of meat are automatically peeling off the bones and disappearing into the air, which is so weird that it makes people feel chilled all over.

 Many people subconsciously want to run away from the Forbidden Forest.

  But a small group of people saw a different situation.

What they saw was a group of huge black horses with wings, lowering their heads and biting half a cow on the ground with their fangs.

And they are no strangers to this kind of animal. When school starts every year, they are the ones who pull the carriages to take the students to the castle.

“Thestrals!” Hagrid said proudly. “Can anyone see them?”

A few hands were raised, probably six or seven people.

"A little more than I thought." Hagrid said seriously, "Does anyone want to come up and touch them? This is a rare opportunity."

At this time, all the people who had raised their hands before lowered their hands. Whether they could see it or not, they all showed their complete rejection of touching the Thestral.

Kyle originally wanted to give Hagrid a face and help him out, but at this moment, he saw a person on the other side of the Forbidden Forest. In just a blink of an eye, the person disappeared again.

 “Professor Hagrid.” Kyle raised his hand.

 “Well…I knew you…”

"Sorry, Professor Hagrid." Kyle interrupted, "I may have dropped something on the road. Can I go look for it?"

Hagrid quickly showed a hint of disappointment, but he nodded, "Okay, no problem."

"Thank you, Professor." Kyle said, then left the crowd and walked in the direction he came from.

When he turned around, he saw Umbridge walking towards this side holding the familiar writing pad.

 She didn’t ask Kyle what he was going to do, but just walked straight towards Hagrid.

 This is fine, it saves you the trouble of finding reasons to explain. Thinking of this, Kyle continued walking forward without stopping. When he reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Kyle stopped in front of a huge sorbus tree.

There was a rustling sound of footsteps nearby.

"Long time no see. I'm so happy to see you at school." Kyle turned his head and smiled: "Mr. Lucius Malfoy."

Lucius Malfoy stood to the side, his face ashen, holding his snake staff tightly with both hands. If Kyle had not spoken just now, he might have done something.

"I would like to remind you, Mr. Lucius." Kyle continued, "This is Hogwarts. If I get even a little bit injured, even if you scratch my skin, you won't be able to get out of here."

"Dumbledore is not at school." Malfoy's voice was hoarse. "This threat is useless."

"You can give it a try." Kyle said with a smile, "And I don't understand why you are so happy that Dumbledore is not at school? I thought you would be nervous."

 Lucius picked up his snake staff again, but finally lowered it slowly.

"What on earth do you want to do!" he growled: "I don't believe you dare to attack Draco in Hogwarts. Dumbledore will not let you go."

"You just said that he was not in school." Kyle said, "Besides, I didn't do anything to Draco Malfoy... Oh, although you wanted to arrest me to take credit for the night your master was resurrected, but That’s all in the past, and I’ve forgiven you a long time ago.”

 “I don’t understand what you are talking about.” Lucius said coldly.

 Of course he knew what Kyle was talking about.

On the day Voldemort was resurrected, when Dumbledore sent Kyle and Harry down the mountain, he happened to run down the mountain to escape for his life.

He did think about taking Kyle and Harry away and asking Voldemort to take credit, but Kyle also wanted to kill him.

Even now, whenever Lucius thinks of the severed tree next to him, he can't stop trembling all over.

Of course, this cannot be admitted.

 “Don’t try to slander me.” He added.

"Well, let's forget it." Kyle shrugged, "Then what are you worried about? Sorry, I still have to go to class."

Kyle raised his legs and started to leave.


Lucius quickly took two steps forward and blocked the front, "Draco doesn't know anything."

"I said, I won't do anything to him." Kyle explained patiently: "We are good friends. I just went to visit him a few days ago. You also saw that I peeled him off." It’s a chocolate frog.

 “We get along very well.”

This is not a perfunctory remark to Lucius. Although he is not a moral model like Professor Dumbledore, he will not take his anger out on Draco.

 If he really wanted to do this, he could do it right after school started. There was no need to wait until now.

"You swear..." Lucius stopped Kyle again, "No, we have to make an unbreakable oath...promise that you will not..."

"Unbreakable Vow?" Kyle narrowed his eyes, "You are going a bit too far, Mr. Lucius, or do you think I am the kind of good guy with no bottom line?"

 Subconsciously, Lucius pulled out his wand from the snake staff.

Kyle still didn't move, and just said as a reminder: "You have to think clearly, do you really want to do this? This is the Forbidden Forest..."

Not sure if it was an illusion, Lucius vaguely heard a dull growl.

The next second, he felt his whole body tense up, as if he was being targeted by something terrible. As long as he made the slightest move, the opponent would pounce on him.

Lucius trusted his instincts, which had saved him many times over the past few decades.

For the first time, he looked seriously at the sixth-year Hogwarts student, and saw a very familiar feeling in him, much like a person, a person who would feel fear just by hearing his name.

 But to some extent, they are completely different. At least his first impression of Kyle was definitely not fear.

 Otherwise, he wouldn’t have thought about taking credit for Kyle’s arrest when he was at the bottom of the mountain.

Why do monsters like this always appear in Hogwarts...Lucius's mood was complicated.

But he had no time to think about this now. The growling was getting clearer and clearer, and Lucius could even smell a faint sweet smell.

In an instant, Lucius made an immediate decision. He slowly turned the wand, loosened his grip, and threw it to the ground.

The low roar disappeared, and he could again feel the faint smell of grass in the air in the Forbidden Forest, but the sense of threat did not disappear.

 (End of this chapter)

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