Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 655: Otherwise, let Fox guard the basilisk (two-in-one

Chapter 655 Otherwise, let Fox guard the basilisk (two-in-one)

When the three Kyles returned to the office, Harry was already waiting impatiently. He looked restless and eager to visit the unconscious Sirius.

This time Dumbledore agreed.

Sacia took them out of the office, turned a corner, and came to a brighter corridor.

Kyle noticed that the first digit on the number at the door of the ward was written with five, which meant that this was the fifth floor of St. Mungo's, which is the Curse Injury Department.

 He originally thought that Sirius was also on this floor, but Sacia did not stop and walked down the stairs.

Almost everyone they met on the road, whether they were patients or therapists, would stop and say hello to Sacia. It was obvious that the dean was well respected in St. Mungo's.

"Where are we going now..." Kyle couldn't help but ask: "If you are tortured by the Cruciatus Curse, shouldn't you be treated on the fifth floor?"

"That's true." Dean Sacia said, "But Black was not tortured by the Cruciatus Curse for too long. It would be better to deal with the wounds on his body that were bitten by the Rune Snake, that kind of magical animal. Teeth are poisonous.”

 Speaking of this, Sasia couldn't help but look at Kyle again.

She thought about the basilisk again. Compared with that legendary magical animal, the venom of the rune snake was a bit unsatisfactory.

Soon, Sacia took them to the second floor, which was also the floor that Kyle was most familiar with.

 He looked at a bracket placed at the corner of the stairs, slightly dazed.

“Yes, this is the shelf you used to pierce the werewolf.” Sasia smiled and said, “After the effect of the transformation spell on it ended, we put it back in its original position.”

 Hearing what she said, even Harry, who only cared about Sirius, stopped.

He naturally knew that the reason why Kyle received the Order of Merlin was because he defeated a suddenly transformed werewolf at St. Mungo's.

 But I had heard about it before, but I didn’t expect it to be here.

 He glanced at the shelf curiously.

It’s just a very ordinary shelf with a few flower pots on it.

 To be honest, if Sasia hadn't said it, he wouldn't have associated such an ordinary thing with a weapon.

"Have you found out the reason?" Kyle asked, "The reason why the werewolf can transform during the day."

"A crazy pharmacist." Sasia said calmly, "Because I rejected his application to join the Association of Extraordinary Pharmacists, I planned that revenge action."

 “Can I help you?” Dumbledore asked.

 “Thanks, Albus, but the matter has been settled.” Sasia said with a smile.

“Oh, Professor Dumbledore, Kyle, Harry, why are you here?”

At this time, Mr. Weasley came up from downstairs, holding some bandages and several bottles of different potions in his hand.

"We are here to visit Sirius." Harry said quickly: "Mr. Weasley, do you know where he is?"

"Of course...but to be honest, you really shouldn't have come, especially Harry. It's very dangerous outside Hogwarts now." Mr. Weasley sighed.

But soon he realized that Dumbledore was here, so he didn't say anything more and pointed to the second room on the right.

“Sirius is right there, come with me.”

 He walked over and opened the door, and Harry ran over immediately.

“Remember to keep quiet,” Mr. Weasley reminded: “Sirius is not the only one here.”

Kyle originally wanted to follow him and have a look, but Dumbledore stopped him with his hand.

"Let's wait outside." He said, "Sirius can't see too many people at one time, otherwise it will affect other patients' rest... By the way, I also have something to ask you."

Kyle's expression froze...Okay, what is supposed to come will come.

Because there were many people coming and going in the corridor, Dumbledore took him to the sixth floor of St. Mungo's.

 This is a shop and tea room, a place specially used for meeting guests and chatting.

 Sacia did not come with them because they had to prepare an antidote.

Dumbledore took Kyle into a separate tea room. As soon as he entered the door, his face became serious.

“I remember we agreed not to bring basilisks into Hogwarts.”

"Ah, that's right..." Kyle felt a little guilty, but he still said bravely: "But the situation is different now, isn't it?"

"Oh?" Dumbledore's eyes flickered and he said nothing, as if he was waiting for Kyle's explanation.

“Voldemort wanted to kill me because of the matter about the Sorcerer’s Stone and the diary. The last time he was on the top of the mountain, he showed undisguised murderous intent and took action for it.”

Kyle said, "Not only did he ask all the Death Eaters to catch me, he even wanted to do it himself. Thanks to the magical magic item like the Mist Orb, he saved my life."

 After hearing about the Philosopher's Stone and the diary, Dumbledore's eyes were not as firm as before.

Indeed, Kyle ruined Voldemort's plans twice in a row, so he would naturally hold a grudge.

 Coupled with what happened on the top of the mountain that day and the fact that Kyle found several Horcruxes, there was no possibility of turning around.

Voldemort's hatred for Kyle is probably no less than that for Harry, maybe even more. In this case, there is nothing wrong with Kyle finding some means of self-defense for himself.

Dumbledore was a little confused. Although the reason was this, he still couldn't accept the basilisk appearing in the school...unless Kyle could find a more sufficient reason.

"I'm just trying to protect myself." Kyle continued: "After all, I'm just a student who hasn't graduated yet, and it's very dangerous to face Death Eaters."

Dumbledore's hand that was about to pour the tea suddenly shook.

Kyle faces Death Eaters, danger?

He felt that the Death Eater engulfed by the fire might have a different opinion... What was the other person's name? Oh, yes, Theodore Nott.

"Of course, one or two doesn't matter, but what if there are a lot of them." Kyle continued: "I only have one wand, and it's not enough to face a dozen wands."

"Hogwarts is safe." Dumbledore said softly. "As long as I am alive, there is no way that Death Eaters can enter the school... not even if Tom comes."

"There are always special situations..." Kyle's voice became softer, "For example, like today, when members of the Order of the Phoenix are in danger, you must go to the rescue."

"If that's the case, I can come back at any time." Dumbledore glanced at Kyle, "This reason cannot convince me."

“But I can’t stay in school forever.” Kyle sighed and said, which was also the main reason why he brought the basilisk.

He understood that Dumbledore wanted him to leave the basilisk with Newt when he was at school and take it back after the holidays.

But the Death Eaters can't deal with them openly. No one knows what conspiracy they will come up with.

Just like last year, wasn't Harry taken out of school?

If there was an emergency, the Death Eaters would definitely not let him go to Newt to get the basilisk first, so it was the safest thing to carry it with him.

Dumbledore was even more hesitant. He knew that now was the key for Voldemort to accumulate strength. He would win over giants and invite werewolves. This meant that he had a lot to do and could not stay in school all the time.

Although according to his understanding of Voldemort, it was impossible for the other party to come to Hogwarts while he was still alive...but that was only the Voldemort more than ten years ago.

 After the Horcrux was destroyed, his soul was completely incomplete. It is hard to say whether this would affect his character.

 Even if the possibility is small, it is not completely impossible.

Seeing Dumbledore's hesitation, Kyle immediately cheered up and struck while the iron was hot:

“You just said that magic is unknown. Since the basilisk can save people, it can also be used to deal with Death Eaters.

“Just like a powerful magic wand, whether it is dangerous or not depends on who is holding it.”

Dumbledore was choked. He didn't expect that the words he just said casually would be used by Kyle on him. But he had to admit that Kyle was right... judging whether a powerful weapon is dangerous must depend on who is using it.


"Even so, you have forgotten one premise." Dumbledore raised his head, "That is, the person who uses the weapon must be able to fully control the weapon. Only in this way can it not be counterattacked."

"I promise that I can control the basilisk." Kyle said firmly.

 He was not unprepared at all.

While taking away the basilisk, Newt found more than a hundred roosters for him and placed them in a cave near the basilisk. He could cancel the protective magic at the entrance of the cave at any time and release the roosters.

 There are also other things in the box.

With fire dragons, poisonous leopards, patches of mandrake and biting cabbage, even if the basilisk is really disobedient, it's almost impossible to break out of the box.

Seeing Kyle's confident look, Dumbledore was shaken again.

 “If you are still worried, Professor…”

Kyle cleared his throat and said in a very natural tone: "Then it's okay to let Fox monitor the basilisk. I can build a perch for Fox in the box. With Phoenix helping to watch, the basilisk will be better." There’s no chance of coming out, is there?”

Dumbledore couldn't help but raise his head.

Kyle’s reasons are very good and don’t sound like there’s anything wrong with them.

 Phoenix will not be affected by the Basilisk's gaze. Having Fox watching from the side can indeed make him feel more at ease.

But his intuition told him that Kyle definitely had other ideas, at least not just to reassure him.

"Surveillance is too serious. Of course I believe you." Dumbledore said: "Countless facts have told me that you are not a person who likes to talk big."

"It's okay, Professor, this is what it should be." Kyle said seriously, "I completely understand and I will never have any objection.

“And you must be quite busy with Voldemort’s affairs recently, so I can help take care of Fawkes.”

Dumbledore looked into Kyle's eyes and saw a rare dodge.

If he had only suspected it just now, he was now sure that Kyle was planning his phoenix.

This made Dumbledore dumbfounded.

This time he came here to question Kyle because he took away the basilisk without permission. However, as he kept saying it, his phoenix seemed to be lost, and it all seemed very reasonable.

 Because this is the best solution besides sending the basilisk back to Newt.

The phoenix is ​​not affected by the sight of the basilisk, its tears can detoxify, and it can fly itself. If there is any emergency, it can also warn everyone as soon as possible.

With Fawkes watching, it would be like adding a layer of insurance to the box containing the basilisk, and Dumbledore would feel much more at ease.

The problem is that when he came, he never thought about sending Fox to the box. Even when he was wavering before, he just wanted to know whether Kyle had the ability to ensure that the basilisk would not appear in Hogwarts.

In the end, the matter was related to his phoenix. What made Dumbledore even more confused was that he was still a little moved.

 “Bang, bang…”

Just when Dumbledore was struggling, there was a knock on the door outside.

 Then the door of the tea room was pushed open.

"Sorry to bother you, Principal Dumbledore." A young wizard stood outside and said awkwardly: "But people from the Ministry of Magic are here. They are in Black's ward, and the scene is a bit unpleasant."

"I understand, thank you... Augustus." He glanced at the sign on the wizard's chest and said.

 “No, no, no.” The therapist named Augustus waved his hands repeatedly.

Dumbledore looked at Kyle again and said, "You stay here."

 After saying that, he went downstairs with the therapist.

In fact, there was no need for Dumbledore to remind him that Kyle had no intention of meeting anyone from the Ministry of Magic. Now Fudge regarded Dumbledore as his biggest enemy, and there would be some overt and covert fighting. He didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

The only thing that made him feel a little pity was that Dumbledore took Fawkes away as well, as if to guard against him.

This is Dumbledore's fault. He just proposed a very objective solution and had no selfish motives.

Besides, Fox himself is loyal to the Dumbledore family and cannot be abducted by him. Why should he be so defensive about himself?

 “You’re so small-minded.” Kyle muttered quietly.

 After the two of them left, Kyle went to a store not far away.

 It was already early in the morning. He was suddenly called here at night and had been working for so long, and he was a little hungry.

The store is not big, and feels similar to a box on the train, but it has a wide variety of products, including snacks, tableware, and daily necessities.

Kyle bought himself a cauldron cake and a bottle of pumpkin soda, and returned to the previous tea room.

 The taste of the crucible cake was average, far worse than the one on the train. It was a bit cloyingly sweet and felt like half of it was sugar.

And for some reason, the filling in the middle of the cake is not jam, but salted fish...

The small salted fish a few inches long, without any additional processing, is directly fried and stuffed into the cake.

 Sweet cake and salted fish, this magical combination is almost as abrupt as a troll dancing a ballet.

 Kyle felt that he was suddenly not so hungry, so he opened the pumpkin soda and took a sip... This was much more normal, it just tasted like ordinary soda.

 “Bang, bang…” At this time, the knock on the door sounded again.

Kyle walked over and opened the door.

This time it was not someone from St. Mungo's or an Auror from the Ministry of Magic, but Harry.

"The Ministry of Magic won't let me stay in the room any longer," he said. "Professor Dumbledore said I could come here."

"It's okay, sit down." Kyle pointed to the seat opposite, "You must be hungry too, I just bought something."

Harry also saw the basically untouched piece of cake on the table.

I had been worried about the situation of Sirius before, but it didn't feel much. Now he was reminded by Kyle, and he also felt a hunger.

 But the cake on the table didn't look big, and it felt like it wasn't enough for two people.

 “I’ll buy another one,” said Harry.

"It's okay, I'm full. Just have some more drinks." Kyle shook the pumpkin soda in his hand.

Harry then remembered that Kyle should have been here all along, so he didn't say anything more.

 “Thank you.” He broke off a piece of cake and put it into his mouth.

"You're welcome." Kyle looked at him with a satisfied expression and asked tentatively: "How do you feel?"

"It's a bit ordinary, and the taste is worse than what I bought on the train." Harry thought for a while and continued: "But I have never eaten this combination before, and it still sounds good."

 “Pretty good?” Kyle smacked his lips.

 No wonder the store clerk highly recommended this combination of crucible cakes just now. Everything seems reasonable now. I didn’t expect that some people would actually like it.

 Although he didn't understand Harry's evaluation, he respected it.


 (End of this chapter)

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