Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 660: Hagrid's doubts, what actions did Dumbledore take?

Chapter 660 Hagrid’s doubts, will Dumbledore take any action?

 When Kyle left the tea room and returned to the second floor, he heard an angry roar coming from the ward where Sirius was.

“If you guys don’t shut up, I’ll hang you upside down from the ceiling of the corridor!”

 Then, the three people were driven out of the room by Mr. Weasley.

 Ron stood in the corridor, looked at the closed door and muttered softly: "Really, we just said a few words and didn't disturb him..."

"But we have disturbed him." Hermione said something fair. "We woke him up twice. Sirius should have kicked us out..."

“But you can’t blame us.” Ron curled his lips, “The room is so big, it’s useless no matter how much we lower our voices.”

"Okay, at worst we'll come back tomorrow." Harry said, "It's a holiday anyway, so you can come over anytime... Where's Mr. Weasley?"

“I don’t know, I should go look for Bill outside. He wants to go back with us.”

While they were talking, Kyle had also gone downstairs.

Since he was too lazy to explain how he came from Hogwarts, he did not choose to go to the corridor to greet the three of them. Instead, he went directly back to the waiting room on the first floor and left St. Mungo's along the passage.

Outside, Mr. Weasley was talking to Bill.

"How about you let me drive the car when you go back?" He stared at Sirius's new car with eagerness in his eyes.

Bill naturally did not refuse and handed him the car keys directly.

Mr. Weasley took the key and looked up just in time to see Kyle walking out of the department store window.

 “Have you finished talking to Dean Sasia?” he asked.

 “Well, we’re done talking.”

Speaking of this, Kyle only felt a twitch in his chest... Seven thousand galleons, and the time for a cup of tea was gone. If he said he didn't feel bad, he would be lying.

However, Mr. Weasley didn't know what was going on. He pointed to the car and said, "Come up first. I'll call Harry and the others now, and then we'll go back together."

"No need, Mr. Weasley." Kyle shook his head and took out a teapot from his pocket. "I just asked Dean Sacia to help make a door key that can lead directly to Hogsmeade."


"Well, I signed the detention list, so strictly speaking, I sneaked out this time..." Kyle glanced at the time and said quickly: "Sorry, Mr. Weasley, it's still a while before the portkey takes effect. One minute, I have to hurry up.”

"Ah, okay." Mr. Weasley said, opening the car door. "Want to come into the car? It's safe enough here."

Kyle originally wanted to go to the phone booth, but after hearing what Mr. Weasley said, he didn't refuse and got directly into the car.


By the time Kyle returned to Hogwarts, it was already seven o'clock, which was just the time for dinner to start.

 There were not many people who chose to stay in school this year, only about thirty, so the layout of the auditorium was also changed, leaving only one table in the middle. All the students who stayed in school, as well as professors, all sat together to eat.

 Happily thankfully, Kyle did not see Umbridge on the table, and she must have left school.

This is really good news. If she were here, Kyle might not be able to eat it.

Dumbledore was also absent. Professor Flitwick led them in singing Christmas carols and set off a ribbon firecracker as usual.

 The ribbons and firecrackers were filled with gadgets, such as hats of various shapes and wizard chess pieces. Professor Flitwick bought a leather cowboy hat and happily put it on.

Kyle also wore a hat full of sequins, but he didn’t bring it himself, but planned to give it to Sniff as a Christmas gift.

This kind of shiny thing is simply priceless in Xiu Xiu's opinion.

 Soon, the table was filled with delicious food.

  Connor spread a layer of marmalade on the toast and asked in a low voice: "How is Professor Black?"

“The rune venom has been removed from his body,” Kyle said. “I think he should be discharged from the hospital in a few days.”

"That's good."

 “By the way, when did Umbridge leave school.”

"It should have been in the morning, or maybe last night." Kangna thought for a while and said, "I didn't see her all day today."

“You shouldn’t be able to see her in the next two weeks.” Kyle smiled.

“Yeah.” Kang Na also smiled, “I have to say, this is simply the best Christmas gift.”

Although there were very few people staying on campus, the dinner was no less deserted than usual. During dessert, Professor McGonagall conjured twenty dancing snowmen, making the auditorium look like a Christmas ball. It's novelty.

After dinner, these snowmen turned into ice sculptures and were fixed in all directions of the auditorium.

 Everyone clapped and returned to their common rooms amid laughter.

 The next day is Christmas.

 When Kyle woke up this morning, he found that almost half of the room was filled with gifts.

 Because he got up relatively late, Kyle was busy until noon and finally opened all the gifts.

 Most of them were books and candies, as was the case every year. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had gone to Honeydukes Candy Store.

 Kangna gave him chocolate, which seemed to be homemade. Kyle mustered up the courage to taste a piece and found that it tasted pretty good.

And there seemed to be some kind of magic potion in it. After taking it, the sleepiness he felt when he first got up disappeared in an instant, and he became much more energetic.

 It is somewhat similar to the sobering potion, but the taste is different. It has a nice vanilla smell.

Other than that, Mrs. Weasley gave me a Christmas jumper, which was gray and very comfortable to wear.

Hagrid gave him a fur wallet with fangs. The note attached said that it was an anti-theft wallet and that Galleons would be safe inside.

What he said is not wrong. The only problem is that this wallet does not recognize anyone. Even if Kyle wants to take out the money, he cannot take out his money.

 Professor Snape gave a bottle of air.

Dumbledore’s gift was a woolen scarf.

In addition, Dean Sasia also sent a Christmas gift...a bottle of elixir.

After seeing the bright golden bottle, Kyle suddenly lost interest in the gifts that followed.

 “I knew I should have saved this for last.” Kyle muttered.

 After opening all the gifts, Kyle walked out of the dormitory and went to the auditorium with Kangna.

The ice sculptures are still there, and they also have gorgeous dress robes on them, which are also magically transformed. They look like the masterpieces of Professor Flitwick.

 After having Christmas lunch, Kangna was ready to go to the library. According to her previous plan, she would read at least three books related to potions during this Christmas holiday.

Kyle left the castle alone and came to Hagrid's hut.

I don’t know if it’s because of Umbridge or some other reason, but Hagrid has been in a bad mood recently.

When Kyle arrived, he was sitting next to the pumpkin patch, cooking a pot of sticky stuff. There was an empty bucket next to him, presumably preparing food for some magical creature.

“Merry Christmas Hagrid, what is this?” Kyle greeted him and asked with a frown.

Hagrid seemed to be thinking about something and was startled by Kyle's voice.

"Merry Christmas, Kyle." He raised his head and said, "It's just some meat, offal, and a thick soup stewed with semolina cakes." His tone sounded a little guilty, "Well...prepared for Lu Wei, he likes it. this."

“Oh, that’s right.” Kyle nodded. No matter how strange the food was, it would instantly become reasonable as long as it was related to the three-headed dog.

That kind of magical animal is really not picky about food, and it never cares about how it looks.

Kyle changed a chair for himself, sat next to Hagrid and asked: "What's wrong with you recently?"

 “What?” Hagrid asked, “I’m fine.”

"Then why were you ten minutes late for your last class? You've never been late before, and..." Kyle glanced at Hagrid's face, "How did you get injured?" Hagrid's eyes were swollen again. , and there was a large and obvious black circle around it, as if it had been hit by a Bludger.

"No, it's nothing." Hagrid quickly lowered his head and tried to cover his eyes with his hands, "I just... accidentally hit a tree."

“Then you hit it really well.” Kyle said with a smile, without exposing his flawless lie.

"Well...actually it's because of that annoying Umbridge." Hagrid hesitated and said:

“She told me that she would check my class status again after the holiday. If she is still not satisfied, she would give me a notice of detention.”

Hagrid's tone gradually became smoother. He angrily grabbed a handful of wood and added it to the fire. The pot of unknown objects immediately started to bubble.

“But how can she be satisfied...I mean she can always find excuses to give my classes low marks. No matter what I do, it’s useless. Even if I speak normally, she will remember that I am intimidating the students.

“It’s ridiculous, she obviously did it on purpose, just because I said I would always support Dumbledore!”

"Of course, that's what she came to Hogwarts to do," Kyle said.

Hagrid sighed, not wanting to talk about this topic anymore.

“Why didn’t you go back during the holidays?” He changed the subject: “I thought you would go to Sirius’s house to spend Christmas like Harry did.”

"I'm going to do something..." Kyle said, "but it must be done in school and without Umbridge. I need your help."

"No problem." Hagrid blurted out without thinking, "Just tell me what you need me to do."

"Don't worry yet." Kyle waved his hand, "Before that, I want to ask you something."

"What's up?"

"It's the owl in school. Has there been anything unusual recently?" Kyle said, "For example, he was injured or lost a letter."

"How do you know?" Hagrid said angrily: "Although no letters were lost, there were injured owls, and there were more than one.

“I don’t know which **** did it. If I catch the guy who attacked the messenger, I will definitely teach him a lesson.”

 “Great.” Kyle said subconsciously.

"What, you are wrong." Hagrid frowned and said seriously: "These owls were attacked, and it is possible that someone wanted to steal the letters they sent. This is not a good thing."

"Then let him see it. You don't have to catch it, you can just throw it to him." Kyle smiled and said, "I have a plan that may allow Umbridge to leave Hogwarts."

Hagrid didn’t bother to cover his eyes and looked over immediately.

 “Tell me what I can do.”

“It’s easy, go to the Owl Post Office and send a letter to Hogwarts from there.”

"What did you say?" Hagrid thought he heard wrongly and couldn't help asking: "You want me to go to the Owl Post Office and send a letter to Hogwarts?"

“That’s right,” Kyle said. “Not only that, but you also have to instruct the owl to make a large circle when sending the letter, creating the illusion that it is coming from different directions.”

Hagrid was even more confused. He had no idea what Kyle's purpose was.

 But Kyle didn’t explain. He just took out a stack of thick parchment and handed it over, saying, “This is the letter you want to send. Just write your name as the recipient.”

Hagrid took the parchment and couldn't help but glance down.

 It was strange that although these were all given to him by Kyle, the handwriting of each letter was different.

Hagrid looked at the first letter. The handwriting on it was very sloppy.

“I am willing to accept your invitation, Albus, how about we meet at the old place, and then we can talk in detail about the matter you mentioned before.”

 ‘Is this a letter to Dumbledore?’ Hagrid thought.

But isn’t Kyle in school? He wanted to discuss something with Dumbledore. Wouldn't it be better to go directly to the principal's office? Why bother writing a letter.

Hagrid looked at the second letter.

 The writing on this one is much neater, completely different from the first one, as if it was written by another person.

“Professor Dumbledore, I have forwarded your message to my uncle, and he expressed his full support for you.

“Besides, my friends and I feel the same way. We really look forward to this Christmas holiday passing quickly.”

Has Dumbledore made any new decisions? How come he doesn't know. Also, when did Kyle get an uncle... I never heard that Chris has a brother.

Hagrid continued to scroll down, and the handwriting changed again.

"You should have done this a long time ago, Albus. I'll see you on the twentieth."

 Any action on the 20th?

Hagrid became more and more confused as he looked at it, feeling all kinds of doubts pouring into his head.

He now feels as if he has been hit by a forgetting curse and cannot remember anything.

"Don't look at Hagrid, I made these up." Kyle patted Haier's arm and said, "And it's not for you to see."

Hagrid raised his head and felt inexplicably relieved.

 “Are you writing this letter to Professor Dumbledore?”

"No." Kyle shook his head, "It's for people who want to peek at the letter.

"Hagrid, when you send a letter, remember not to choose an owl that is too conscientious. It is best to choose an owl that will throw away the letter and run away when it encounters danger."

"This is not easy." Hagrid said, "Owls are not bad at their duties. At least I have never seen the situation you mentioned."

After realizing that he couldn't guess what Kyle was thinking, Hagrid didn't bother to think about it... Whatever Kyle said, he just did it.

 “It doesn’t matter, just ask, in case there is one.” Kyle said.

The two discussed some more details, mainly Kyle instructing Hagrid on what to do. It wasn't until a faint smell of paste came out of the large pot next to him that Hagrid hurriedly extinguished the fire with earth.

“Kyle, I have to go deliver lunch to Grawp now. How about we talk about it in the afternoon.” Hagrid glanced at the direction of the Forbidden Forest. “I promise to come back as soon as possible.”

"Group?" Kyle raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you just say that this was for Lu Wei?"

Hagrid shut his mouth abruptly and looked at Kyle in panic.

"Yes, it's Lu Wei," he said hesitantly, "Group... is the new name I gave to the head in the middle."

“Oh, that’s right.” Kyle said casually, “I thought Grawp was the name of a giant.”

"Of course not..." Hagrid felt even more guilty, his hands unconsciously clutching his coat, "How can there be giants in the Forbidden Forest, right?"

“You’re right.” Kyle smiled and said, “Then go ahead, that’s all my business.

“Oh, by the way, and the most important thing is, when you send a letter, remember to choose encrypted mail and ask the post office to add a little Muggle-proof magic on the letter, which requires a spell to open.

Kyle took out a handful of galleons from his pocket and handed it to Hagrid, "Here's the postage cost."

Hagrid suddenly became unhappy.

"What are you doing?" He said dissatisfiedly, "Take it back quickly. You are just helping to send letters. Will I still take your money?"

Kyle wanted to say something else, but Hagrid's expression became increasingly ugly.

"Okay." Kyle, who saw that he was getting angry, could only shrug and put the Galleons back in his pocket.

"That's right." Hagrid smiled and said, "I'll go to the Owl Post Office in the afternoon, don't worry."

"Don't worry." Kyle said, "It's best to send two or three letters a day, not too many."

 “No problem.” Hagrid agreed readily.


 (End of this chapter)

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