Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 690: King's Cross station, nervous Auror

 Chapter 690 King’s Cross Station, Nervous Auror

Because of what Dumbledore said at the end of the dinner, when everyone took the Hogwarts Express home the next day, there was no laughter as in the past, but a bit more heaviness.

  But there are exceptions.

 “Please help us, which clothes are suitable for us to wear?”

On the train, Fred and George were holding two jackets of different colors and gesturing on their bodies.

 “We bought it in Hogsmeade…

 “Planning to wear it when the Weasley Joke Shop opens…”

 “Used to prop up the scene…”

“They are all the highest-grade fire dragon skins, and they cost us a lot of money!”

 Fred was a little distressed when he spoke. It could be seen that these two sets of clothes were really expensive.

 “It’s black...” Kyle looked up. "The black one is more solemn."

"But we think green is good." George hesitated, "We are running a joke prop shop, so it doesn't seem to need to be solemn. Black seems more suitable for attending banquets and talking about big business...

"Have you even considered such a thing?" Qiu raised his eyebrows and said in disbelief.

Their store hasn’t opened yet, right? They’re already thinking about attending banquets and discussing business?

"Sooner or later." Fred said confidently: "Maybe we can acquire Zuko and open another branch in Hogsmeade."

 “Then I wish you success.”

Cedric unconsciously twitched the corner of his mouth, and then pretended as if nothing happened, "However, I also think black is more suitable, and you should be able to use it."

"is that so?"

Fred and George didn't quite understand, but since they both said so, they simply put on the jacket.

  It is an expensive thing after all, but the effect is better than the school uniform robe. After Fred and George put it on, they looked different.

 It has quite a...well, office elite feel.

“Kyle, what are you laughing at?” George frowned and glanced at Fred opposite.

 The clothes fit me very well, there is nothing wrong with them.

 “Thinking of something happy.” Kyle tried not to look so gloating.

“I think you should also ask Mr. Weasley for his opinion. Maybe he can give you a more pertinent answer.”

"Ask Dad?" Fred thought for a moment and shook his head slightly, "Forget it, he often works at the Ministry of Magic and can't visit Diagon Alley twice a year. How could he know what to wear when opening a joke shop? ."

"But he knows what to wear at the Ministry of Magic," said Kyle.

 “Haha, yes, just do the opposite of him.”

 Fred and George just thought it was Kyle making a not-so-funny quip, didn't pay much attention to it, and put on another jacket.

Cedric, who knew the truth, could only pinch his thighs hard to prevent himself from laughing.

Suddenly, there was a clanging sound outside the door, interrupting their conversation.

 “Oh, what on earth are those little devils doing!” Fred said pretendingly.

At this time, Cedric had already pushed open the box door and went out.

Even though he had graduated, he was still the Head Boy of Hogwarts before the train arrived at King's Cross Station, and he also had to maintain order on the train.

"It's okay!" George didn't know what he was thinking of, and suddenly patted Kyle on the shoulder.

“When school starts next time, you will be the only president of the Boys’ Student Union.”

"Huh?" Kyle blinked, and then he remembered that when he became a senior assistant minister, he also had the title of President of the Boys' Student Union.

But he had never been in charge of anything, and the school had not removed Cedric from his position, so he almost forgot about it.

“I really hope Cedric can delay graduation for a year.” Kyle rubbed his forehead and said from the bottom of his heart.

In the past two years, his prefect duties have been delegated directly to Cedric, not to mention the president of the boy student union who has more things to do.

Had he known that, he wouldn't have let Cedric work at the Ministry of Magic.

"Hehe..." Fred laughed happily beside him, "Yes, if Cedric's N.E.W.T. scores are all "T", maybe he can delay graduation by one year."

 George also smiled and said, "But even little Ron can't get this kind of result."

 “Perhaps, he can…”

 The two looked at each other and then laughed loudly.

Kyle was too lazy to pay attention to them and left the box.

 The place where riots occur is easy to find, just the place with the most people.

 Not far from them, a group of people were surrounding them.

 When Kyle walked over, he happened to see Justin Finch-Fletchley and Susan Bones explaining something to Cedric.

"They were the ones who started the attack..." Justin said excitedly, "I heard it when I was in the box. They wanted to cause trouble for Harry. We are all members of the DA, so we can't pretend we didn't hear it. "

"That's right." Hannah also said angrily: "They are so bad, they even said they were going to knock Harry out and throw him on the luggage rack."

Kyle walked over and subconsciously raised his head and looked at the luggage rack.

There were five things stuffed into school uniform robes, struggling and squirming, looking like five giant slugs.

"Well...we just referred to their suggestions." Susan's eyes wandered and she turned her face away.

Kyle remembered that she seemed to have said a long time ago that she wanted to teach a few people in Slytherin a lesson.

 “Who are they?”

 "Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle..." Mikel said immediately.

 “And Pansy and Millicent,” added Susan.

Well, the truth is out, even people are the same.

When it was first announced that Voldemort was back, they were the ones who looked the most proud and laughed the loudest.

It was precisely because of this behavior that Mikel and Susan were so angry that they even discussed whether to cover their heads and beat them up.

Kyle looked up again and glanced at the tightly wrapped people... In this situation, they can be regarded as fulfilling their promise.

On the other side, Ron and Harry, who came to check on the situation, were laughing so hard that they couldn't stand upright.

“I bet there was Lucius at the Ministry that day too.”

 When Kyle returned to the box, Harry and others followed him in. He vowed: "I saw the same platinum blond hair as Malfoy."

"Malfoy must want to take revenge on your... coward because of this." Ron said.

“I would have liked him to come to me,” Kyle said. “It’s a pity he didn’t come.”

"Unless Malfoy is crazy." Harry couldn't help but laugh. He subconsciously glanced at the luggage rack in Kyle's box, but did not see the familiar suitcase.

 Thinking about it, Kyle would definitely not be able to put such a dangerous thing aside.

“Speaking of which, what happened that day?” Ron asked curiously: “Why do I feel like the people in Malfoy are avoiding Kyle these days?”

When Kyle rushed over that day, he and Hermione had already passed out and didn't see anything. When they woke up again, they were already in the campus hospital.

"Nothing..." Harry glanced at Kyle secretly, "It's just that the principal and Kyle arrived in time and saved us."

It wasn't that he wanted to hide it from Ron and Hermione, the main reason was that Kyle wouldn't let him tell him, and if Ron knew that he had stayed with the fire dragon and the three-headed dog for so long while he was in a coma, he would probably pass out again. .

"That's right." Ron nodded and said, "It's a pity that Dumbledore didn't catch Malfoy, otherwise we would have sent him to Azkaban."

"It's useless." Hermione shook her head. "The dementors are no longer reliable. A large part of them have taken refuge in the mysterious man."

“Even if it’s a few days,” Ron said. At this moment, he suddenly noticed the new clothes on Fred and George.     "Wait, what is this made of?"

“The highest-grade fire dragon leather.” Fred raised his eyebrows and slightly pulled the zipper.

The scale-like texture sparkled in the sunlight, making Ron feel envious again.

 Because there were a few more people, the journey back became more lively.

Kyle noticed that when Harry was playing wizard chess with Cedric, he would always glance at Qiu intentionally or unintentionally, but every time he would look away after a second.

 It can be seen that he does not seem to have given up completely.

Kyle touched his chin with interest, hesitating whether to remind Cedric that someone wanted to poach him.

But Kyle quickly gave up the idea.

Although I felt sorry for Harry, he really couldn't think of anything where Harry could be better than Cedric.

 Perhaps being a savior counts, but Qiu obviously doesn't value this.

On the other side, Hermione found Connor with a thick book of "Advanced Potion Making" and a bottle, and asked some questions about potions.

Kanna pointed out her problem with just one glance.

“You put in too few sunflower petals, and the cooking time is not enough, one minute is missing.”

"But the book said that three sunflowers are enough." Hermione said doubtfully: "I counted it, it's correct."

"Oh, this book is missing a step." This time Kangna didn't even read the book, she said directly: "You should mash the petals first, so that the juice inside can be integrated into the potion faster. If you don't mash it, If so, putting an extra slice can have the same effect."

Hermione glanced at the book again, frowned and said nothing.

"Are you exaggerating?" Ron couldn't help but said, "It's already a holiday, do you still want to read?"

"Why not." Hermione said angrily, "Even Headmaster Dumbledore said that we need more knowledge to protect ourselves.

 If you can't use magic during the holidays, potions are the only option. Prepare some healing potions and they will definitely come in handy. "

“I don’t think Mum would approve of me playing with cauldrons at home.” Ron muttered softly.

"No, you are wrong." Fred came over and said, "If you have this idea, it will be too late for mother to be happy."

“She’ll even tear the kitchen apart to give you enough space for the cauldron,” George said.

 Ron muttered something, as if he was making some excuse, but no one heard what he said clearly.

Harry next to him also lowered his head, pretending to think about what to do next.

If there is one class at Hogwarts that they dislike the most... Umbridge's Defense Against the Dark Arts is number one, and the other one is Snape's Potions.

And he has to go back to Privet Drive to stay for a while during this holiday.

Although Harry didn't understand it, Dumbledore and Sirius both said so, and there was nothing he could do.

He must live in Privet Drive for a month before he can move to No. 12 Grimmauld Place. I believe that his aunt and uncle would not want to see things like cauldrons and potions at home.

I don’t know how long it took, but the train finally started to slow down.

Keir and the others changed out of their wizard robes in advance, and after the train stopped puffing out smoke, they dragged their boxes off the train as usual.

There was a long queue at the platform exit, and only two or three people were allowed to pass at a time. It took more than ten minutes for them to finally arrive outside the platform.

More people came to pick them up this time than last year.

Chris and Diana are here, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Moody, Tonks, Lupin, Sirius, and Auror Kingsley who came back early last night.

Of course, these latter people are probably here to pick up Harry, and have nothing to do with him... Well, they may also be to be wary of another person.

 Newt Scamander.

 For some unknown reason, he came too and was standing there looking at Kyle with a smile.

 “Oh, honey.” Diana stepped forward and hugged Kyle, “How are you at school?”

 “It’s pretty good,” Kyle said. He noticed that there were more Aurors and Strikers around King's Cross Station, all of them staring at Newt nervously, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

“Why are you here?” Kyle looked at Newt and asked curiously.

"I went to help Dumbledore solve some trouble..." Newt said with a smile: "I happened to pass by here when I came back, so I stopped by."

 “Yes, those guards?” Kyle asked.

Newt smiled and nodded.

Behind Kyle, Hermione, who was talking to Mr. Granger, kept staring at Newt and suddenly lowered her voice and shouted: "I remember, he is Mr. Newt Scamander! Oh my god, I can't believe it. I can actually meet this legendary master of magical beasts.”

 “Scamander?” Mr. Granger asked doubtfully. “Is he famous?”

"He is a household name in the wizarding world." Hermione said excitedly. She opened her box and rummaged around for something inside: "I want to go to him and get an autograph... I have my copy of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them". I'll put it away if I remember. In the box...ah found it."

When Hermione walked over with the book, Newt happily signed his name on it.

At the same time, Mrs. Weasley was hugging Fred and George tightly and looked very happy.

Moody, Lupine and Sirius were explaining something to Vernon Dursley with serious faces.

Dursley's face turned red with anger. Just when he was about to get angry, he saw Moody take off his hat, revealing the trickling evil eye.

Vernon Dursley was so frightened that he jumped back and hit a luggage cart hard. His anger immediately disappeared.

 “Don’t be confused, we’ll understand,” Lupine said pleasantly, “and in the meantime, if you don’t let Harry use joint words…”

 “It’s the phone,” Harry whispered.

"Yes, that's what it means..." Lupine nodded, "If we can't contact Harry, you'll just have to wait and walk around without food."

I don’t know if it was because of the fear of these people or the bottle cap-sized piece of gold in his hand, but Vernon finally agreed with a rough grunt.

"Okay, it's not safe here, let's go back quickly." Mr. Weasley said.

 “Where are you going?” Chris asked.

“The Square,” Mr. Weasley said vaguely, “aren’t you?”

“No, we have to go home first.” Chris shook his head.

"Need to see you off?" Mr. Weasley said, "We have three cars this time."

 “No need, let’s apparate back.”

"Well, see you tomorrow." Mr. Weasley and Sirius left with a few children.

Kyle looked around, preparing to say goodbye to Kangna, but strangely, he did not find Kangna.

 “Didn’t she come out from the platform?” Kyle asked doubtfully.

"It's out." Qiu said, "I'm with her."

 “What about her?”

Just when Kyle was confused, Diana suddenly saw an acquaintance on the side, waved her hand and shouted: "Hey, Severus, is that you?"

Following her gaze, Kyle also saw a man wearing a black cloak with greasy hair. Who else could it be if it weren't Snape, and Connor was also beside him.

 But Snape seemed not to have heard Diana's voice and even walked faster.

Kanna turned around and spread her hands helplessly towards Kyle.


 (End of this chapter)

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