Hogwarts: Please Graduate Soon

Chapter 181: Goodbye Hibiscus, The Words Of The Fairy In The Lake

Sometimes, a person's knowledge is not directly proportional to his quality.

Snape is a typical example.

Wayne kindly came to remind him that he forgot to give him a gift, but what greeted him was a sharp sword.


The invisible wind blade hit the invisible barrier, and then rebounded towards the shoe cabinet, directly splitting it in two.

Snape was still angry and cast several more spells in succession. Wayne waved his sleeves and a red cloud flew out from the sleeves, swallowing up all the spells and melting them.

Then, under Wayne's command, the cloud kept approaching Snape. No matter what spells he issued, they were all confiscated by the fire cloud.

In the end, Snape was forced into the corner of the room, and the fire cloud stopped moving, trapping him firmly.

"What kind of curse is this! No, this is not just a curse!"

Snape felt aggrieved, because this was his home, so he didn't dare to use many destructive spells. If he could, he really wanted to use a ball of fierce fire to completely burn this ruin.

"Professor Dumbledore's magic is pretty practical, right?"

The handsome young man walked up to Snape unhurriedly and said with a chuckle: "Professor, this is not very polite of you. I kindly reminded you to give me a Christmas gift, so why are you still beating me up?"

"You came here just for this trivial matter?" Snape's eyes turned red.

That's half of the Phoenix ashes, wasted by the bastard.

"Is this still a small thing?" Wayne covered his chest hurtfully: "Can you imagine the feeling of a little wizard who happily gave a gift but received no response?

"Oh, I think you should understand." The young man suddenly realized: "This is just like falling in love. If your feelings are not accepted, you will have to watch the woman you love fall into the arms of someone you hate.

"This kind of thing is very common in schools. You should have seen quite a few when you were in school."

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

What answered him was Snape's roar. The strong emotion caused the power of magic to suddenly rise to a higher level. The invisible blade cut through the air, roared, cut off the fire cloud, and rushed towards Wayne.



A crisp sound echoed in the room. Wayne held up the Shield of Equis and had no intention of taking action. He stood there quietly and allowed Snape to vent.

After an unknown amount of time, Snape was out of breath, but the shield was still firmly guarding Wayne.

"Who told you?" Snape looked at the boy coldly and sat down on the sofa.

Snape cursed in his mind, where did this bastard get his magic power? He looked like a monster.

He was so exhausted that he didn't even try to move him!

"What are you talking about?" Wayne tilted his head and asked pretending to be confused.

Snape stared into his eyes and said nothing for a long time, the two of them just stared at each other.


Snape was the first to look away and saw the house in a mess. He activated a counter-curse and restored all the damaged furniture to its original state.

"Take whatever you like, treat it as my Christmas gift to you, and then leave quickly!"

"Are you just asking for food?" Wayne said in disgust.

The things in this room put together are not worth as much as a bowl in his house.

"What do you want!" Snape was driven crazy by Wayne.

He couldn't beat him, but he didn't dare to scold him. The other party still had what he wanted.

He would rather face Voldemort than have too much entanglement with Wayne.

"Since you asked that, I'm going to be disrespectful." Wayne showed a shy smile: "Um... do you still have the elixir of happiness? Can you give me a few bottles?"

Snape's breath hitched again.

After a while, he turned around and groped for a glass bottle in a hidden compartment, which was filled with golden liquid.

"It's just this bottle, either take it and leave, or you kill me and be captured by Dumbledore and thrown into Azkaban, your choice.

"That's okay." Wayne put it in his pocket regretfully. One bottle would last him a long time.

Although you can refine it yourself, it would be very troublesome.

It takes at least three months to make a bottle of elixir, and it requires careful care every day. If there is a mistake in any step, all the efforts will be wasted.

It would be a waste to not use the ready-made Potions Master.

But seeing Snape's expression of wanting to die with him, Wayne still felt a little guilty.

What he just said seemed to remind his professor of some bad memories, which almost made him crazy.

It must be appeased.

With this in mind, Wayne took out a bottle of Nirvana Ashes.

"Professor, the Christmas gift I gave you seems to have been packaged incorrectly. I came here specifically to bring it to you."

Although Snape didn't believe a word of this nonsense, his expression still improved a lot.

At least he got benefits and could make up for some of his losses.

He even poured Wayne a cup of tea and motioned for him to sit down.

But seeing the tea stains on the tea cup, Wayne shook his head and refused.

He suspected that Snape wanted to poison him, and there was ample evidence.

Two days later.

Valor delivered Wayne's broom to him on time.

The number 00001 is engraved in gold, along with Wayne's name and the crest of the Lawrence family.

The polished and waxed wood also becomes smooth and shiny, and feels great to the touch.

After a little getting used to the speed and braking, Wayne rode his broom at full speed and flew hundreds of miles to Paris.

In just an hour and a half, he fell into Nicolème's manor.

"Grandma Perenal, I'm here!" Under the leadership of the house elf, Wayne walked into the foyer and shouted carelessly.

Unexpectedly, he saw an unexpected figure next to Perenal.


The girl's silver hair is like a waterfall, exuding a shining luster, and she is chatting with Perenal with a smile on her face.

Seeing Wayne, he also stood up in surprise: "You are finally here?"

As if he realized that he was too excited, he quickly sat down again, his legs pressed together uneasily, and his pretty face stained with red glow lowered.

The subtle relationship between Wayne and Furong is a bit similar to netizens.

The two often chat via video chat, but in fact they don’t have much contact in real life, but they are just deep enough.

When they first met, they were completely surprised from the bottom of their hearts.

But after reacting, I always felt a little embarrassed.

Perenal patted the hand of the mixed-race Veela girl and said to Wayne with some reproach: "Why are you only here now? Fleur came here long ago to wait for you."

After hearing what the old lady said, Huang Rong's purchase went even lower.

"Hey, I came here on a broom, so I'm a little slow." Wayne came to the other side of Perenar and looked around.

"Grandma Perenal, where is Nico?"

"He went out to watch a movie and will be back in a while." Perenaar looked at the golden child and his eyes became more and more intense.

"I'm sleepy too. Let's take a nap first and you guys can chat."

After saying that, Perenal disappeared, leaving only Wayne and Fleur here.

For a while, no one spoke.

Wayne was also surprised. The two obviously had a good chat in the video, and Furong even sent him benefits, but when they met, he was at a loss for words.

"Um, is Gabrielle okay?" Finally, he found a topic.

Furong gritted her silver teeth secretly, raised her head, and looked at the boy with shame: "You know Gabrielle, right? Why don't you ask me if I'm doing well?"

"Didn't we talk the day before yesterday? Why do you still need to ask?" Wayne said subconsciously.

Now Furong was even more angry and used the magic that a girl can do without a teacher, pinching the boy's arm.

Wayne grimaced in pain.

"Stop pretending, I didn't even try hard." The girl said angrily.

"This is heartbreaking." Wayne looked aggrieved: "You bullied me as soon as Grandma Perenal left. I feel bad."

"Pfft!" Seeing his funny look, Furong couldn't help it anymore and laughed out loud.

The awkward atmosphere at the beginning also dissipated a lot.

"I received the Christmas gift you gave me. It's very nice. I've been holding it in my hands these days." Wayne took out the hand warmer given by Furong and said that he had always kept it with him.

"I'm wearing it too." Furong turned her head sideways, with a shiny hair accessory pinned to her flowing silver hair.

"It's so beautiful. It matches you very well." The young man praised.

The two quickly entered a video chat state, and their conversation was interrupted until Nico came back.

From the beginning, they were separated by a few bodies, but now they are close to each other.

"It seems I came back at the wrong time?" Nico was slightly startled when he saw the two people's hands almost holding together.

Fleur stood up in panic, "Mr. Flamel."

"Relax, kid." Nico said with a kind smile: "We are the only two old people at home, and Wayne is bored staying here, so why don't you stay here too and let him have company.

Although Fleur was a little moved by Nico's proposal, she still didn't have the nerve to agree.

After having dinner together, he asked the house elf to take her back and prepare to come back tomorrow.

"Remember to take Gabrielle with you."

Before the girl left, Wayne still reminded her.

Furong couldn't help but rolled her eyes, but she didn't refuse.

"I heard from Pere that you came here on a broomstick?" Nico asked, taking a sip of black tea: "Why are you so relaxed all of a sudden?"

"When you get a new toy, do you always have to try it?" Wayne smiled and told him about his investment in the Firebolt Company.

"A broom that goes one hundred and eighty miles an hour?" Nico became even more interested.

Seeing this, Wayne took out the Firebolt. Nico put it on the table, put a pair of glasses on his right eye, and kept moving it.

After observing for a moment, he took it down.

"An acceleration spell that has never been seen before. The person who invented this spell is also a group.

"Coupled with the goblin's craftsmanship, it is indeed a good gadget."

Even Nicoléme still cannot understand the craftsmanship of goblins, just like Muggles cannot understand magic. The two are in different systems and there are natural barriers.

"If you like it, I will send you one over time to study slowly." Wayne said.

"Then there's no need." Nico shook his head: "As people get older, they gradually lose interest in these exciting things, so I can leave one of the virtual brain machines for me."

Wayne sneered: "Just wait a little longer, I've only made one so far."

"You." Nico nodded angrily at the young man: "A waste of talent."

"I have too many things to do." Wayne defended aggrievedly, "Besides alchemy, I also have to study other subjects."

"If you really want me to make a second virtual brain machine as soon as possible, then help me look at these two magic spells?"

Wayne placed the parchment on the table.

`This is a Christmas gift someone gave me. It is said to be a curse created by Merlin. I don't know much about ancient Latin and Elvish. There are some words on it that I haven't seen before.

I heard Wayne say this is Merlin

The curse of creation did not bother Nicoléme.

There are so many such rumors. Now when you travel in France, you can often see wizards selling alchemy tools, saying they are the works of Nicolas Flamel.

But after reading the two spells, Nico's expression became serious.

"This is the language of the Lake Fairy. Is it really the spell left by Merlin?"

Now it was Wayne's turn to be puzzled: "The Lake Fairy? Isn't this a legend?"

"Legends are not necessarily fictions." Nico shook his head slightly and rubbed the strange words on the parchment:

"A long time ago, there were indeed lake goblins on the British islands. They were originally a branch of goblins, but after they split, they called themselves lake goblins.

It has its own civilization and language, and possesses powerful magical abilities and forging techniques. "

"Have you heard the story of Gryffindor and the sword?"

"The Goblin King he faced is the descendant of the goblin lineage in the lake."

"I know." Wayne nodded: "I also got Gryffindor's sword.

Nico's eyes widened: "Where is it? Show me quickly."

"It was taken away by Professor Dumbledore." Wayne sighed and briefly told what happened.

After listening, Nico also fell silent, and after a while he said:

"You are the first to push Albus to this point."

"Next time you come here, remember to bring your sword with you."

"No problem." Wayne agreed, and the two turned their attention to the spell.

Arriving at the library, Nico took out an almost weathered yellow book from the corner bookshelf and opened it carefully.

"This is a translation of goblin poetry from thousands of years ago. We need to compare it sentence by sentence and find a few more similar books to finally determine the complete spell."

"I don't think it's so troublesome. Now that it's confirmed to be the language of the Lake Fairy, it'll be easy to handle."

Nico looked at the boy, wanting to hear his solution.

Wayne lowered his head in embarrassment and smiled shyly: "Why don't we just catch a goblin who understands this language and come back, and let him translate it for us?"

Nico rolled his eyes, "Are you the Dark Lord? Why would you think of such a crude method?"

"Let's not talk about whether the wanton kidnapping of the goblin will cause them to protest and cause trouble. Even if we find it, how can you be sure that what the goblin said is true?"

A bottle of transparent liquid slipped into the boy's hand.

"It doesn't matter. I have a powerful veritaserum here to ensure that there is no lie in his mouth."

Nico was confused.

What kind of stuff are you carrying with you?

"Don't be lazy!" The old man patted Wayne on the head, almost breaking his own bones.

"Knowledge will never treat you badly. It's always right to learn more. Just stay here with me for the past two days to translate. Don't always think about taking shortcuts.

Seeing that Nico said this, Wayne had no choice but to obey.

For a word, the two usually have to compare several different books to finally determine its meaning.

It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that the cracking of the nightmare curse was only halfway done.

There were more complex nightmare spells coming later. Seeing that the old man was still in good spirits after staying up all night, Wayne persuaded him to go back to rest and went to the kitchen to have breakfast.

"Master." Nabi suddenly appeared in front of Wayne and bowed his head respectfully: "Your friend is here to visit.

"Is it Furong? Bring her in."

"Yes." Nabi disappeared in a flash.

After swallowing the sandwich in one gulp, Wayne jumped off the chair and moved to the living room.

Not long after, two beauties, one big and one small, walked in hand in hand.

"Big brother!"

Seeing Wayne, the little lolita Gabri screamed and came up.

Wayne smiled and opened his arms to hug Gabrielle, who was making sudden advances.

The little loli's face was filled with a smile, she pouted and leaned forward.


It’s Chinese New Year, so you can read it all at once and don’t have to worry about it. The young author stayed up late yesterday to write this.

I wish you all good health and all the best in the new year!

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