Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 112 The Burrow

Devon, Autry-St Catchpol Village.

The Burrow, home to the Weasleys, was at least four stories high and built crookedly.

From the outside, it appears that the owner of the house was trying to imitate Muggle architecture when the house was built.

But Muggle architecture was not as simple as he thought, and in the end he had to use magic to build the house, so the house became this crooked style.

There are four or five chimneys on the red roof, and a sign slanted in front of the house reads "The Burrow".

Some high-top leather boots were thrown by the gate, and a rusted cauldron. A few fat brown chickens were pecking in the yard outside.

A huge three-decker bus stopped outside the yard with the words "Cavalier Bus" in gold letters on the car's windshield.

Soon, the car door opened, and Kyle, dressed in Muggle casual clothes, walked out of the car calmly.

I don't know if it was the previous experience of using the gut-digging spell to deal with chickens, ducks and geese, which gave Kyle an aura of fear that only works on birds.

As he crossed the yard, he frightened the fat chickens in the yard and ran away.

Carrying a bag of souvenirs, Kyle knocked on the door of the Burrow.

Footsteps soon came from behind the door, and the one who opened the door for Kyle was a chubby, kind-hearted woman.

"Hello Mrs Weasley, I'm here to see George and Fred."

"You must be Kyle," Mrs. Weasley's tone revealed a strong surprise, "Welcome to the Burrow as a guest."

She smiled gently, "George and Fred often mention you, have you had breakfast?"

"Have eaten, ma'am."

Hearing Kyle's answer, Mrs. Weasley looked towards the stairs beside the living room and shouted upstairs, "George! Fred! Kyle is here to visit!"

Two red-haired heads instantly appeared at the top of the stairs.

Ron, and another slightly smaller head, also poked their heads out of their room.


The brothers immediately jumped down the stairs jokingly, and the two of them, who were not in shape, were scolded by Mrs. Weasley without incident.

Kyle placed the gift on the table in the living room, looking at the Burrow's decor.

On the opposite wall hangs a strange wall clock. The wall clock has only one needle and no numerals. On the clock face is written something like "make tea, feed the chickens, you are going to be late".

It seems to be a magic version of the reminder APP.

On the other side is a grandfather clock that is completely useless if you want to know the time, but it can provide many other situations.

The grandfather clock has nine gold needles, each of which bears the name of a Weasley family member.

There are also no engraved numerals on the clock, but words such as "home", "school" and "work" are written. Where ordinary clocks represent twelve o'clock, it is marked "Danger to life."

There are three layers of books on the mantelpiece next to it: "Enchant Your Cheese," "The Magic of Baking," and "Make a Feast", all of Mrs. Weasley's recipes.

It seems that Mrs. Weasley is quite proficient in cooking. After all, she is the owner and chef of a family of nine, so it is impossible to be poor in cooking.

Yes, Mr. Weasley can be said to have bronchitis. In this family, Mrs. Weasley is the head of the family.

Next to the living room is the kitchen.

The kitchen is small and fairly crowded, with a clean-cut wooden table and a few chairs in the middle.

Judging from the dishes piled up in the kitchen sink, the Weasley family should have just finished breakfast, and Mrs. Weasley was washing the dishes.

Mrs. Weasley tapped her wand casually at the dishes in the sink, and the dishes washed themselves, with a tinkling sound like a kind of background music.

The twin brothers also came down from the third floor to the first floor at this time.

When the two came up, they stopped Kyle's shoulders one by one.

"Hey, brother!"

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Kyle took the dog's paws off his shoulders in disgust and gave himself a clean up.

I don't know what the two of them were tinkering with just upstairs.

"It's been a long time, it's only been a week."

Mrs Weasley's voice came from the kitchen, "Do you want a snack, kids, or go outside for a while?"

"Mom, we and Kyle are going to find Cedric." George turned his head and replied.

"Remember to come back before lunch!"


Cedric's house was miles away from the Burrow.

Because there are still many Muggles living in this small village, Kyle and the others cannot swagger and fly over the heads of the Muggles on their broomsticks.

Kyle wasn't going to walk a few miles just to call Cedric out of his house.

Standing in the small yard outside the Burrow, Kyle mobilized his magic power and slapped his right hand on the ground heavily, and black runes like tadpoles extended from his palm to all sides.

"The art of psychic!"

A cloud of white smoke burst out in the middle of the rune formation, and the blank figure of the crows appeared in front of several people.

This magic is actually an ordinary summoning spell.

It is based on the summoning spell that Professor Flitwick, who was often used as a negative textbook in his spells class, mispronounced the spell and summoned a bison.

Kyle made modifications on the basis of the Bison Summoning Curse, mainly to add some good-looking but useless special effects to it, such as those black runes and the white smoke just now.

As long as it is in his Bag End suitcase, Kyle can summon them with a summoning spell.

Of course, the suitcase couldn't be too far from Kyle.

Otherwise, Kyle really wants to build a magical zoo in his suitcase and summon magical animals to fight for him anytime, anywhere.

The crows bring letters to Cedric, and Kyle is led by the twins to visit the Burrow.

The yard outside the Burrow is full of trees coiling around the walls, overgrown weeds and overgrown turf.

Crowds of ugly goblins were bouncing around in the ground.

Further away, there is a dense reed field and a large sparkling pond.

Kyle's eyes fell on the large rusted tin shed next to the house.

"Come here, I have a good time." Fred led Kyle towards the big iron shack.

George pushed open the sliding door of the shed.

What caught Kyle's eyes was-

one two three four five six……

Well, not five pairs of road wheels.

The army-green wide body gives people an incomparable sense of security, the bullet marks on the heavy armor reveal the swirling war it has experienced, and the long and thick barrel exudes a terrifying deterrent...

As half a military mansion, Kyle recognized it at a glance. This is the Centurion main battle tank, commonly known as the Centurion.

It was the first generation of main battle tanks designed and manufactured in the UK in the mid-1940s.

It seems that Mr. Weasley really went to the tank graveyard in northern England to do archaeology according to his proposal.

Kyle patted the body of the tank excitedly, "Can this thing work?"

George and Fred looked embarrassed.

"No, it's just an empty shell." Fred scratched the back of his head.

Next to George is a Ford Anglia with the hood open, and an engine scattered next to it.

"My dad was going to disassemble the car's engine and put it on." George spread his hands.

Kyle could probably guess what was going on, and in the next second, Fred's words confirmed his guess.

"However, after he took it off, he didn't know how to install it."

Kyle touched his chin, "I know how to do this, I can help."

The original wandering career forced him to learn a lot of things, operating a machine tool is one of them, and auto repair is another.

Before the brothers could speak, Kyle made another suggestion.

"I think, in addition to installing the engine on the tank, we can do something else." Kyle's eyes have been looking back and forth between the tank and the car.

If it has been maintained in the form of a tank, this thing will be too ostentatious.

"What?" the twin brothers asked curiously.

"With just a simple transformation magic, and some alchemy, we can fuse this tank with this car so that it has two forms at the same time."

Only in this way, the original car engine can't carry the heavy body of the tank, and they have to tinker with it again.

Or use the Levitate Charm to reduce the weight of the tank.

"Like Transformers?" George's eyes lit up.

The brothers were in Kyle's Bag End hole before, read a lot of comic books, besides Transformers, they also knew Marvel and DC.

Otherwise, why does George's first-generation war machine puppet look so much like a war machine with a lot of talk?

It wasn't comic books that inspired him.

Kyle waved his hand, "Don't be delusional in the form of a robot, at most it is to switch back and forth between the tank and the car."

If George improves his puppet technology to a certain level, it may not be difficult to build a Gundam, a mecha in the Pacific Rim, and a mechanical Godzilla.

But it is absolutely impossible now.

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