Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 114 I'll be waiting for you on Qiuming Mountain

At lunch, there were two more people at the Weasley table.

Kyle looked curiously at the little red-haired loli who appeared at the dinner table.

Don't get me wrong, he's not a copper alchemist.

He was just curious about Ginny Weasley, who had snatched the throne of the Weasleys' favorite child from Ron.

Without Ginny, Ron would be the youngest child in the Weasleys, and should be the most beloved.

Not as bad as it is now.

Ginny's face was as delicate as a cherub, but Kyle just glanced at it and looked away.

It is impolite to stare at a girl for a long time.

"Mom, we have something to tell you."

George and Fred, with dog-legged looks, approached Mrs. Weasley.

As for the twin brothers' proposal that the four of them go to London to play for a few days, Mrs. Weasley naturally agreed.

As soon as he heard that the four of them were going out to play, Ron's eyes were full of longing, looking forward to his two brothers taking him.

However, Kyle and the others were not here to play, and the four chose to ignore the various explicit hints in Ron's words.

As far as Ron's magic level is concerned, it is impossible to master the armor and body protection within three days.

Even if they barely grasped it, several people didn't think that Ron could keep his composure and release the Iron Armor Charm in the hail of bullets.

Let Ron just stay home and play in the mud.


After lunch, the four noisily scrambled into George and Fred's room on the third floor of the Burrow.

The two's house looked like a black workshop.

There are many unfinished alchemy puppet parts scattered on the floor, which look like the third-generation armor that George is tinkering with.

The walls are covered with blueprints, and Kyle is looking at the blueprints with great interest. George still owes him a battle armor.

The table against the wall is filled with various materials,

There is also a pile of books on physical chemistry, which is a test bed for Fred to tinker with blasting clay.

Kyle quickly retracted his gaze, placed the suitcase on the only open space in the room, and stepped in.

His bag-end hole has changed drastically.

The entrance is still the familiar staircase, but when they reach the end of the staircase, they are presented with a completely different scene.

The original decoration with a strong Syrian style in Bag Di Cave has all disappeared, replaced by a very stylish European-style decoration, full of the warm taste of home.

Of course, there is also the smell of the decadent life of capitalism.

If nothing else, the Persian court carpet they are stepping on now will cost at least £50,000 if it is put up for auction.

"Now you can 'wow'." Kyle smiled slightly.

"Wow!" The three of them exclaimed in unison.

In such a room where money gleamed everywhere, George and Fred, the poor two, seemed very unnatural.

They were cautious, for fear that they would break something, which would cost hundreds of thousands of gold Galleons every minute.

Seeing their appearance, Kyle felt a little amused and led them to the courtyard outside the house. …

The courtyard is very wide, and the paths extending from the door of the house are covered with all kinds of strange magical plants.

The left side of the trail was full of flowers, and judging by their blooming spectacle, the house-elves took good care of them.

Because they are magical plants, the fragrance of these flowers is far more than that of ordinary plants. Several people stood at the door of the house, as if they were in a sea of ​​flowers.

On the right side of the trail is a large flat green field.

Several unknown trees were planted on the grass, and a dozen or seven crows were standing on the branches of one of them, looking at the four of them with their heads tilted.

In addition, there is a huge grape vine trellis that is growing gratifyingly, which supports a large area of ​​shade under the scorching sun created by the weather spell.

A pavilion was built under the grape trellis, with several tables and chairs.

There is also a double swing next to it, which seems to have been specially prepared by Alfred for him and Catherine.

Kyle silently praised the old housekeeper in his heart.

Walking on the path, George, Fred, and Cedric turned their heads, and only then did they see the whole picture of the house they had just been in.

In front of them was a typical European-style villa with three floors, with white marble columns standing majestically at the entrance.

The tiles on the roof reflect the bright light under the sunlight, which is particularly eye-catching.

The doors and windows on the walls are all meticulously crafted, and under the shadow of the trees at the door of the house, it is even more beautiful.

A low hedge of old thorn bushes separates the courtyard from the further outside area.

Walking outside the courtyard, you can find that they are now on an open hilltop platform.

The slopes below are not as high and steep as the mountains that surround Hogwarts.

A stream flows through the foot of the mountain, the water is clear and transparent, and the swimming fish and aquatic plants in the water are clearly visible.

The stream babbled and finally merged into a huge sparkling lake.

If you look at it from the sky, you can see that the lake occupies only one corner of the square space.

where the villa is located

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ The hill is right in the center of the suitcase space.

In other directions of the hill, there are also peaks, hills, plains and other landforms.

Forests, grasslands, deserts, snow...

If when playing "Civilization", such a treasure can be randomly found at the beginning, Kyle is absolutely confident that he can win those AI with god-level difficulty without opening the modifier.

Seems to be a bit off topic.

The sight in front of them shocked the other three.

Looking at the three of them, Kyle didn't laugh at them.

Because after he got the box back from Grindelwald, he saw his bag end again, oh no, it can't be called bag end now.

It might be more appropriate to call it Qiu Mingshan.

Because the housekeeper Alfred also specially created a runway for Kyle's sports car that was parked in the suitcase and hadn't been started for more than a year.

In the future, he will be able to challenge the gutter to corner on the Qiu Mingshan track.

Kyle had almost the same expression when he first saw his panoramic view of Qiu Mingshan.

It can only be said that poverty and ability limit their imagination. …

"Let's go, let's go over there to practice armor and body protection." Kyle pointed to the field under the mountain.


On the vast field, Kyle asked Cedric and his twin brothers to stand up.

"You should all know the spell of the Iron Armor Curse, so I won't be verbose anymore."

Kyle took out his wand and pointed it at the three people in front of him. "I will cast a spell on you in the next time. All you have to do is to use the iron armor spell to block my magic."

"You'd better be able to master the silent release of the Iron Armor before you go to London."

George grinned. "Can we fight back?"

"Of course you can, but in that case my attack intensity will be raised a notch." Kyle's eyes revealed a sinister light.

Hearing that they could fight back, George and Fred exchanged glances with tacit smiles on their faces.

"Shall we begin?" Cedric also drew his wand.


As soon as Kyle's voice fell, three rays of light shot towards Kyle.

Good guy, don't talk about martial arts, do sneak attacks?

Kyle picked up the wand in his hand, and the three spells that hit all returned in the same direction as when they came.

This is the advanced magic spell resisting skill learned from Dumbledore, rebound.

Although he was not very skilled, it was enough to deal with the three chickens in front of him.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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