Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 136 Little Beaver Chasing Stars

At noon, the Hogwarts quartet of Patriarchs gathered again.

From his storage bag, George pulled a...a large coffin-like wooden box.

Kyle can guess what is inside, and what is in this big coffin is nothing more than the alchemy armor made by George.

Can't it just change George's taste?

It's fine to pack it in a crate, why does it have to be like a coffin, can this taste change?

George patted the big coffin placed beside the dining table, "I owe you, now it's finally paid off!"

Kyle lifted the coffin board and saw the whole picture of the armor lying inside.

"Cool!" Kyle exclaimed.

The overall shape of the armor is streamlined. Compared with Iron Man's armor, it is more like the survivor skin of Ma Chao in the glory of the king.

The armor is made of metal as a whole, and the paint black paint makes it look very heavy.

In fact, it is really heavy, if you put it on, don't even think about close combat.

The position on the mask that belongs to the eyes is made of a super-hard magic crystal.

And George also specially attached a glowing effect to it, which can emit a stunning red glow in the dark night.

The surrounding students crowded over to look at Kyle's suit, and 99 percent of them were boys.

After all, mechas are a man's romance.

They looked at Kyle's eyes with envy.

"How is it, are you satisfied?"

"It's okay, but there's no surprise. After all, I designed the shape myself."

Kyle's voice sounded calm, which instantly filled George's heart with a deep sense of frustration.

Not only the appearance, but also the material is Kyle's own pocket.

Otherwise, even if George and Fred were sold to Gringotts, they wouldn't be able to afford the magic metal needed to build this armor.

Kyle covered the coffin board back with satisfaction, and put the large coffin containing the battle armor into his storage bag.

He asked George to build this armor mainly to satisfy his collection addiction.

Wearing this kind of heavy armor, his defensive power is there, but his speed is also severely reduced.

Before he can't open the fifth or sixth door of the Eight Dun Armor as a regular state, it is absolutely impossible for him to wear this armor to fight with others.

However, according to the progress of Kyle's cultivation of the eight doors, he probably won't have a chance to wear this armor in his life.

"Speaking of which, how is your Jinsong Ten People's Congregation doing?"

At the dinner table, Kyle asked about the progress of George's puppet building.

George spread his hands helplessly, "Seven hundred gold Galleons is not enough, so five puppets were created."

Feeling his brother's gaze, Fred, who was cooking, moved his hand.

"Don't think about taking my share of the money, it's also very expensive for me to improve the blasting clay, okay?"

The conversation between the two completely avoided Ron, and he couldn't let Ron know about it.

Otherwise, this evening at the latest, Mrs. Weasley should know that they once owned more than a thousand Galleons.

"How's your blasting clay improving?"

"It's okay, the consumption of magic power has been reduced, and now a very large explosion can be caused with a small amount of magic power."

Fred gestured with his fist.

"A piece of clay the size of a fist, when filled with magic power, can explode the armor and body protection spell of ordinary wizards."

"That's pretty good," Cedric added, "almost as powerful as the Powerful Blasting Spell."

Fred smiled smugly.

"Not only that, I can now use polymorphism to disguise the detonating clay as anything and hide anywhere."

"Unless it was the moment I detonated it, no one would be able to perceive its existence."

In this way, if the battle can lead people to Fred's pre-arranged home field, even Voldemort may be blown up half to death if he doesn't notice.

Kyle took a bite of the chicken leg in his hand, "Have you ever thought that you can add various elemental attributes to the blasting clay, just like the frozen grenade you made."

Fred sighed helplessly, "Not only did I think about it, but I also tried it, but I found that I couldn't do it at all."

"The method I use is to add magic materials of various properties to the clay, but when they detonate, they can't attach any elemental effects to the explosion at all, and will only be destroyed by the explosion."

"Even if I put a catalyst in it that can assist the reaction of the material, it will have no effect."

Kyle pondered for a while. If magic materials of various attributes were used instead of magic materials, this problem might be solved.

"Maybe it's because you haven't learned the nature transformation of magic." He handed Fred a wad of parchment.

Fred took it with some puzzlement, "Transformation of the nature of magic power? What is that?"

George also poked his head curiously, examining the contents of the parchment.

Just looking at it, their minds were firmly attracted.

"Fantastic! Kyle! This will definitely help me with my current problem!" Fred exclaimed excitedly.

"Okay, don't look," Kyle interrupted the two. "Go back and study, let's eat first."

Then he turned his head and looked at Hermione who was sitting beside him, "What's our first class of the afternoon?"

Hermione took her timetable out of her bag and glanced at it. "Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Huh? Are you a big Gilderoy Lockhart fan?"

Kyle caught a glimpse of Hermione's schedule, and Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class was circled by the little beaver with a heart shape.

The little beaver punched Kyle with a small fist in shame, as if he was a deceased of the society whose identity was exposed in the third dimension.

"Professor Lockhart has such a wealth of adventures! He must be very powerful. What's wrong with me admiring him?"

Seeing Little Beaver's staring eyes when talking about Lockhart, Kyle suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

This kind of unhappiness is like seeing her own silly sister chasing stars without a brain, and she is chasing some traffic stars who can't sing and can't act, but try to be full of energy.

Don't look at Lockhart's reputation, but Kyle thinks that he is likely to be a scumbag again.

This can be seen from the textbooks Lockhart asked them to buy.

Who would a normal Defence Against the Dark Arts professor use fantasy novels as textbooks?

Kyle has to admit that judging from his rich experience of reading countless online articles in his previous life, these books are really good to read as novels.

But think of them as textbooks for Defense Against the Dark Arts...

It's like asking a half-ass writer from a science fiction channel to go to college to be a professor of science and engineering.

So Kyle said unceremoniously, "He can't be stronger than Dumbledore."

He silently added in his heart, and Grindelwald.

The little beaver choked at once, Kyle was right, and she couldn't refute it.

Seeing Hermione deflated, Hannah felt a little gloomy in her heart.

"Professor Dumbledore can't be our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Little Beaver pouted in dissatisfaction.

"But we can go to the principal's office and ask Professor Dumbledore for advice." Hannah replied with a smile.

Since they were trapped by an unscrupulous demon king to break into the headmaster's room at night last school year, Dumbledore allowed them to stay in the headmaster's room until twelve o'clock every night.

The password of the headmaster's office, the three of them knew, if they wanted to ask Dumbledore about magic, they could do it at any time.

It's just that Hannah and Hermione are a little embarrassed to frequently disturb the principal, so they seldom go.

Kyle didn't feel ashamed, anyway, his father didn't go to class for the students every day.

Staying in the principal's office, either pacing back and forth bored, or eating sweets.

Such a good workforce cannot be left idle like this.

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