Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 166 Duel Club

One morning a few weeks later, a notice popped up on the notice board in the foyer.

Zhang Qiu and her good friend Marietta Aikemo were excitedly huddled beside the bulletin board and chatted with each other.

When the four grief-stricken people appeared in the foyer, Zhang Qiu excitedly greeted Cedric over.

"Hogwarts is having a dueling club! The first party will be in the Great Hall tonight, do you want to join?"

Cedric glanced at the notice and instantly lost most of his interest.

Teach students the skills of dueling, then have students practice dueling in groups...

Are the dueling skills of the four of them still taught by others?

And group duels, at Hogwarts, who can beat any of the four of them in the student category?

Of course, if Zhang Qiu finds it interesting, then he must accompany Zhang Qiu.

Glancing at Zhang Qiu's expression, Cedric immediately pretended to be extremely interested in the dueling club.

"I don't know who is going to teach us," he said. "Probably Professor Flitwick, who was a duel champion."

Kyle touched his chin, such a high-profile way of publicity...

Why did he have an ominous foreboding?

At this time, Harry and his good friend Ron also passed through the hall to the bulletin board.

"Why are there so many people around here?" Ron asked curiously.

Harry was about to say that he didn't know, but his eyes caught Zhang Qiu's figure.

This turned his words into meaningless babble in an instant.

At this moment, Zhang Qiuzheng was talking to Cedric with a smile on his face.

The crystal clear snow-white skin flashed with an ivory-like halo, and the black and long eyelashes tightly covered the pair of cut water pupils.

Looking at the beautiful girl in front of him, Harry almost had a heart attack.

His breathing became rapid.

Since the last time they had two Quidditch teams of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, Zhang Qiu's beautiful and confident figure had left an indelible mark on Harry's heart when he was in love.

When his eyes touched Cedric beside Zhang Qiu, Harry's myocardial infarction was relieved in an instant.

Why didn't he meet Zhang Qiu earlier?

In this case, maybe the person standing in front of Zhang Qiu and talking to her at this time is himself?

Harry's heart was full of envy and jealousy.

At this moment, Zhang Qiu and Cedric were chatting hotly, and he didn't notice the look in Harry's eyes at all.

Kyle noticed,

But he didn't know where to start complaining for a while.

On one side is the savior that old Deng Tau valued, Snape's beloved Miss Halle...

It seems that something strange has gotten in, and it doesn't matter.

On the other side is his good friend, Cedric, one of the three witches of the future Hufflepuffs.

Kyle can't go up and grab Harry's collar and yell at him, "What's the difference between you and that thief?"

Feelings are the most troublesome, let Cedric go to fight with Harry, the thief in the wizarding world.

[In other words, the best app for reading and listening to books, Mimi, install the latest version. 】

Anyway, this is Cedric's business, he can't control it.


At eight o'clock in the evening, all the people gathered in the auditorium.

All four long dining tables were removed.

A long, gilded stage was placed in the center of the auditorium, lit by hundreds of candles floating overhead.

When Kyle saw such a coquettish stage, the corner of his mouth twitched.

The advisor is definitely the same sassy Lockhart who didn't run away.

Kyle patted the twin brother on the shoulder, "If it's really Lockhart, we'll take turns to challenge him on stage."

Lockhart, Danger!

As soon as Kyle's voice fell, he saw Gilderoy Lockhart, dressed like a flower peacock, walk onto the stage.

Beside him was Snape, still wearing the same black cloak that had never changed.

Seeing Lockhart shining brightly on stage, the students under the stage all let out a wailing.

Lockhart is a total idiot, as proven in his Defence Against the Dark Arts class long before Halloween.

His leg was broken by some little devil... No, he broke it himself.

Forget it, it doesn't make a difference anyway.

First his leg was broken, and then he was drugged and poisoned by Severus Jinlian Penn Snape, causing him to be pulled in the crotch of his pants in public.

The previous Defence Against the Dark Arts professors at Hogwarts either died tragically or were severely disabled, but at least they would not be troubled by this kind of social death that made them feel ashamed and indignant for the rest of their lives.

If Kyle was allowed to choose, he would rather be taken away directly by an Avada death than live in the shadow of social death all his life.

In short, Lockhart can continue to teach at Hogwarts, and Kyle has to admire his perseverance.

Hearing the boos from the students in the audience, Lockhart's face was a little overwhelmed, but he still waved for everyone to be quiet.

"That's it, Professor Dumbledore has allowed me to start this little dueling club to fully train everyone..."

"You lost to Kyle in the duel." A little wizard shouted in the audience.

When he was interrupted in the middle of his speech, Lockhart turned back angrily.

"That's why I let him! I am the recipient of the Third Class Medal of the Merlin Order. If I hadn't let him, could he have beaten me!"

"You got your wand snatched by some Cornish elf!"

Lockhart choked.

"I am an honorary member of the Anti-Dark Magic Alliance, how could I not even be able to deal with a few elves! I did that to provide you with a chance to practice!"

"You tried to treat yourself with a broken leg, but the bone was removed!"

"I..." Lockhart shouted angrily, "Enough!"

"You're still in your crotch!"

A series of laughter resembling farting came immediately from the audience, and all the students' faces flushed red, obviously it was hard to hold back laughter.

But there are a few people who don't care to offend Lockhart.


The unbridled laughter of Kyle and the others resounded throughout the auditorium, and the four heroes of Hogwarts' wild laughter were laughing so hard that they fell on the ground and beat the floor.

Even Snape, whose face was paralyzed for ten thousand years, couldn't help coughing lightly.

Hearing the laughter in his ears, Snape couldn't hold back for a while, and coughed again.

Lockhart's face turned completely liver-colored.

He stared viciously, in the direction of the voice that had just exposed his scar.

But it was of no use, and the little wizards in the audience kept humming and laughing.

On the contrary, Snape's eyes instantly calmed them down.

"Let me and Professor Lockhart give you an example first."

Kyle had thought Lockhart would rub Snape on the ground in an instant.

But looking at the dueling stage with interlaced lights in front of him, Kyle found that Lockhart's strength was not quite right.

Two months ago, he was a rookie who could even make mistakes with healing spells. How did he become so powerful now?

Snape's temperament didn't look like the kind of person who would let go of water.

Kyle pushed the force glasses that didn't exist on his face, there was only one truth——

Tom Riddle's diary, obtained by Lockhart.

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