Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 168 Dumbledore's departure

It didn't take long for the students of the four colleges to gather in the auditorium.

Except for Slytherin, the students of the other three houses are all confused.

"Today, we suffered... an enormous loss."

There was sadness in Dumbledore's voice.

"Just now...the attack happened again..."

"The attack took place in the Slytherin common room and resulted in the death of a student."

The auditorium immediately exploded, but Slytherin fell silent.

The Slytherin students originally thought that they could not be attacked, but what happened tonight gave them a slap in the face and instantly shattered their fantasy.

Panic quickly spread among the Slytherin students.

The other three houses were also talking, and Dumbledore had to use a loud voice to overshadow their voices.

"For your safety, you must stay here overnight."

Dumbledore waved his wand, and the four long tables in the auditorium immediately moved to the position against the wall, and hundreds of sleeping bags appeared on the floor.

After arranging for the prefect and the student council president to help manage the order in the auditorium, Dumbledore left the auditorium.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape both followed him away.

Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick remained in the auditorium to look after the safety of the students.

Kyle didn't follow him out, he lay silently in his sleeping bag, thinking about what had happened earlier.

Massacres in the Forbidden Forest, one attack after another...

What did Tom Riddle want to do as a young man?

If he's trying to reshape his body like last year's Voldemort...

No, if you sacrifice a large number of creatures, you will only allow the negative energy of black magic to erode your body.

Not to mention Voldemort in his youth, even Voldemort's main soul would not do such a stupid thing.

Kyle seemed to have caught a glimpse of inspiration in the haze, but it seemed like he had not grasped anything.

He pondered for a long time, but because of the lack of key clues, he could not come up with a possible answer.

Kyle turned over a little irritably, and shrunk into the sleeping bag and fell asleep.


Early the next morning, Kyle was awakened by the fierce quarrel at the entrance of the auditorium.

Dumbledore was standing at the door of the auditorium, arguing with a very strange looking man.

The stranger was stocky, stocky, with unkempt gray hair,

An anxious look on his face.

He was wearing a pinstriped suit, a long black cloak, and a dark green top hat under his arm.

"Professor Dumbledore, Hagrid's criminal record is very unfavorable to him. The Ministry of Magic has to take the necessary measures for this..."

"Connelly, I've made it clear again and again that Lockhart is the murderer who opened the Chamber of Secrets. Taking Hagrid away won't help at all."

Kyle walked out of the auditorium, and he saw Dumbledore's blue eyes flashing with anger he had never seen before.

Cornelius Fudge toyed with his top hat. "But, Albus, what about Lockhart?"

"He ran away," said Professor McGonagall gloomily.

"So you didn't catch him at all, nor did you have any evidence that he was the murderer, did you?"

"I hope you understand, Connelly, that I trust Hagrid completely," said Dumbledore, frowning at Fudge.

"But the attack resulted in the death of a pure-blood student! The Ministry of Magic was under so much pressure that I had to take him away."

Before Dumbledore could speak, Fudge said quickly: "If you can prove that Lockhart is the real murderer, we will let Hagrid back."

In the auditorium, students woke up one after another and crowded to the door to watch.

There were heavy footsteps outside the castle gate, and Hagrid's figure appeared at the entrance of the auditorium, followed by two Aurors from the Ministry of Magic.

"I think we should go." Fudge put the top hat back on his head.

"Can I have a few words with Hagrid? Mr. Minister." Kyle, who covered his eyes with contact lenses, stood in front of Fudge.

Fudge clearly recognized the Dumbledore child, so he nodded, agreeing to Kyle's request.

Kyle walked over to Hagrid and pulled his sleeve to signal him to lean down.

"If the people from the Ministry of Magic want to be unfavorable to you, even if you open the eight doors, don't worry about the consequences, and Professor Dumbledore and I will help you deal with it."

Hagrid nodded solemnly.

At this moment, a man strode into the entrance hall of the castle.

Lucius Malfoy was tightly wrapped in a long black travel cloak, and he had a cold, contented smile on his face.

There was a deep disgust in Kyle's heart.

"What are you doing, Lucius?" said Dumbledore.

He said it politely, but the anger still burned in his blue eyes.

Lucius slowly took out a roll of parchment from his arms. "The board thinks it should let you go. This is a suspension order—you'll see all twelve directors sign it."

Fudge's expression looked alarmed.

"Dumbledore's dismissal... We at the Ministry of Magic absolutely do not want to see such a thing. If there is no Dumbledore, who can stop the attack from happening?"

Lucius said in a flat tone: "Mr. Minister, even if Dumbledore was not removed, he failed to prevent these attacks, which shows his incompetence..."

The next second, Lucius flew out of the entrance hall of the castle like a rag doll, and no one could react.

Kyle's figure appeared in the position where Lucius had just stood, and slowly retracted the kicked foot.

"Sorry, Mr. Minister." Kyle said unapologetically, "I heard a dog barking and couldn't hold back for a while."

Fudge wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and he didn't know how to respond for a while.

"I will respect the decision of the school board." Dumbledore looked at the direction in which Lucius disappeared, but it was unclear whether Lucius could hear him.

Then he turned around, faced the students behind him, and said in a very slow and clear tone:

"You don't have to worry, I only really leave this school when everyone here betrays me."

"Dumbledore..." Fudge intentionally made a reservation, but Dumbledore had already walked out of the castle without looking back.

Fudge took a deep breath and looked at Hagrid, waiting for Hagrid to walk in front of him.

But Hagrid didn't move his footsteps immediately, his eyes kept searching among the students onlookers.

"If someone is looking for something, they just have to follow the spider and they'll be in the right direction! That's all I have to say."

Then Hagrid also strode away from the castle.

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