Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 185 1 What should I do if I accidentally broke into the devil's lair

Despite Hermione's reminder, the Grangers were mentally prepared for the tyranny of a certain dog family.

But when they arrived at the New Nurmengard Castle among the snow-capped mountains in the car sent by Mr. Alfred, they were still shocked.

"Who is this classmate of yours?" Mrs. Granger asked Hermione in a low voice.

At home, she heard little Beaver mention Kyle's name a lot, but her knowledge of Kyle was limited to "relatives of the headmaster of Hogwarts".

The castle in front of me...is something that the principal's relative can have?

The little beaver, who was asked about it, also got stuck.

Although she knew that Dumbledore's family was rich, she didn't expect to be so rich.

She remembered the conversation between Kyle and Dumbledore that she had overheard at the door of the auditorium that day.


and many more! She seems to remember!

Albus Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog Card!

One of Dumbledore's most well-known contributions is the defeat of the Dark Wizard Grindelwald in 1945!

Since getting to know Kyle, a fake Dumbledore, Hermione has read a lot of information about Dumbledore.

It's just that these books are all vague about the personal relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

As far as she knew, Dumbledore and Grindelwald had a very good relationship in private.

If Kyle was really a direct descendant of the legendary Grindelwald, then a lot of things would make sense.

Huge family property...

As a former Dark Lord, even if he has been purged by the Ministry of Magic of various countries after his fall, it is normal for a small part of the property transferred in advance to be left behind.

This "small part" is only relative to the entire property of the Demon King, which is an astronomical amount for ordinary people.

Proficient in black magic, he can't change his face after killing someone in Knockturn Alley...

As a descendant of the Demon King, isn't this a normal thing?

As for Kyle temporarily borrowing Dumbledore's surname...

That would be better explained.

Because of the pain that Grindelwald has caused to the magic world, if Kyle's true identity is exposed to the public, he will definitely become the target of the magic world.

With Dumbledore and Grindelwald's personal friendship, it was normal for Dumbledore to shelter the future little devil.

Noticing that her daughter's face was suddenly a little strange, Mrs. Granger asked with concern: "Hermione, what's the matter?"

Little Beaver shook his head. "It's nothing, Mom."

She can't tell her mother that they may be staying in the lair of a generation of Meguro Demon Kings right now?

And now Grindelwald... He should still be in prison in Nurmengard Castle, so they don't have to face the Meguro Demon Lord directly.

Kyle is usually so friendly to her friends, and Grindelwald doesn't discriminate against Muggles like Voldemort, so it shouldn't be dangerous for her Muggle parents to be guests at Kyle's house.

This made the little beaver a little relieved.

Seeing that her daughter's face improved, Mrs. Granger also felt relieved.

However, the little beaver's heart only relaxed for a few minutes, and then mentioned the throat again.

Because she met the real owner of the castle - Gellert Grindelwald.

The age difference between Dumbledore and Grindelwald is no more than two years old, and it can be said that they are the same age.

Therefore, when the little beaver saw the old man with the same color eyes as Kyle in front of him, he immediately judged the identity of the other party.

At such an old age, Grindelwald can't have a rebellious brother like Dumbledore, can he?

The little beaver swallowed in horror.


Accidentally broke into the lair of a murderous great devil, what should I do now to escape from here?

wait online,

in a hurry.


Just when Hermione was fidgeting in the little devil's hometown, our savior Harry continued to suffer at his uncle's house.

Thanks to the tanks sent by the three veterans of the Weasley family last summer, Harry's treatment at the Vernon family has been much better than before.

At least the three Dursleys didn't dare to shout at him now.

After the Cold War, Europeans' fear of a torrent of steel forged by tanks is ingrained in their hearts.

They were all afraid that Harry would call fire to the wizarding world, so their attitude towards Harry was slightly improved.

But only slightly improved.

From the usual scolding at every turn to neglect, the water between them and Harry is not a river, and it is assumed that there is no Harry in the family.

Even so, Harry didn't think life at the Dursleys was any happier than it had been.

All of his magical things, though not like last year, were all locked up by Vernon.

But his life on Privet Drive meant nothing more than writing a boring history of magic paper.

Forget about riding broomsticks and practicing spells.

It was only last summer that he received a warning from the Ministry of Magic, and he showed six Muggles the flying Centurion Star Destroyer on the first day of school.

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If he continues to do things and gets caught by the Ministry of Magic, maybe he will have to be expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Hiding under his bed, Harry took the calendar on the bedside table and kept counting the time.

It would be a month and a half before he could return to Hogwarts, the place he had always dreamed of.

He missed Hogwarts so much.

Miss the quaint castle, miss the wonderful lessons, especially the potions class taught by the "friendly" Snape, the cheerful banquet in the auditorium, and Hagrid's keeping in the log cabin on the edge of the forbidden forest those strange creatures...

He missed the friends he had made at Hogwarts dearly.

Ron, Hermione, Kyle, Draco...

That's right, Draco and Harry have become good ♂friends since co-parenting... ah no, Norber the Norwegian Ridgeback.

For some reason, Harry always felt that Draco looked at him weird sometimes, especially when he was dressing up as Harry for Potions class.

There was something unhealthy in Draco's eyes.

Harry had noticed Draco peeking at her several times during Potions class.

But when she turned her head, Draco always looked back quickly.

However, this did not affect their friendship.

It's just that Ron and Draco still didn't like each other, and they pinched each other as soon as they met, often making Harry, who was sandwiched in the middle, to be male.

Harry missed them terribly.

But they didn't seem to miss him at all.

More than half a month has passed, and he has not received a single letter from his friends.

Actually, it's not their fault.

Hermione said long before her vacation that she was going to France for a summer vacation, and Kyle basically lost contact every summer vacation.

But what about Ron and Draco?

The Burrow where Ron's house is located is not far from Privet Drive where Harry is, at least not far from Owl.

Communicate by owl mailing letters, and they can send each other two or three letters a day.

Ron probably didn't write to him because his owl, Errol, was too old to send letters.

But what about Draco?

Wiltshire, where Malfoy's family is located, is also not far from Privet Drive, and his family's owls are not over-aged.

But Draco seemed to have forgotten his friend, and never wrote him a letter.

I don't know if it was because Harry cheated on Draco's father Lucius a house elf, so Lucius ordered Draco to be banned from communicating with Harry, and Draco didn't write to him.

A deep resentment for Lucius suddenly surged in Harry's heart.

It was like a little daughter-in-law meeting an evil mother-in-law.

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