Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 329 The First Crown Bet in London...Ahem, it's online!

This group of hungry wizards immediately widened their eyes, their noses twitched like dogs, and began to search for the source of the mysterious aroma in the air.

Soon, they locked on the target.

No way, the open kitchen built by the house elves for Grindelwald is too conspicuous.

And their tents are still in the highest position on the slope, to be intimidated by the deterrent of the devil, there is no tent next to them, can it be inconspicuous?

There were a few wizards who couldn't cook even with the help of magic and had been hungry for a long time, and immediately came over.

They wanted to see if they could get lucky and have a meal on Grindelwald's side.

But when they saw the old man who was cooking the ingredients, they immediately withdrew in despair.

Who dares to go to a generation of black demon king and say that he wants to eat rice? ? ?

I'm afraid it's not a lantern in the toilet.

The Weasleys and the Diggorys all stared at the old man who was cooking.

Is this really the first-generation Meguro Lord who killed without blinking an eye and easily swept the French Ministry of Magic and attacked the chairman of the family at the headquarters of the Magical Congress of the United States, as reported in the Daily Prophet?

Especially Mrs. Weasley and Mrs. Diggory, who looked at Grindelwald with strange eyes.

With the help of magic, Grindelwald methodically processed more than twenty dishes at the same time.

This cooking skill, even the two housewives of them sighed.

Soon, a sumptuous meal was on the table.

Seated beside the long dining table, every guest who came to dine kept applauding. Grindelwald stood at the main seat of the dining table with a satisfied smile on his face.

Especially when his eyes touched Kyle's adoring eyes, the upward arc of the corners of his mouth became more obvious.

Dumbledore looked at the food in front of him, the expression on his face was not very happy, but a look of depression.

"Damn," he muttered softly,

"Accidentally let him pretend again."

This meal, except for an old bee who turned grief and anger into appetite, was naturally the guest and host enjoying themselves.

Even having never seen Grindelwald, the impression of the first-generation Dark Lord can only be obtained through the Daily Prophet's Sirius, the Diggorys, and the Weasleys.

In their eyes, the image of Grindelwald has also changed from a murderous black devil to a kind old grandpa next door.

At least when they were talking to Grindelwald now, their legs wouldn't tremble with fear.


As the afternoon wore on, a sense of excitement spread over the camp like a palpable cloud.

At dusk, even the silent summer air seems to be quivering with anticipation.

The last trace of camouflage disappeared as the night hung like a curtain over the hundreds of eagerly waiting wizards.

The Ministry of Magic seemed to succumb to the inevitable trend and let the obvious signs of magic be used everywhere.

The peddlers have appeared throughout the camp by Apparating, and they can be seen everywhere.

Carrying a tray and pushing a cart, it is full of bizarre toys and keeps selling to the passing crowd.

Old poor Ron's eyes lit up, and he wanted to buy whatever he saw.

Soon he had a bunch of useless souvenirs in his hand, the most conspicuous of which was a green dancing clover hat.

Green is the color of Bulgaria, one of the teams in the Quidditch World Cup Finals.

And Ron is a fan of Bulgarian Seeker Viktor Krum, so his souvenirs are all Bulgarian team.

He happily buckled the green hat on his head. Ron's face was filled with an excited smile, and he pestered his good friend, "Harry, do you think my hat is good?"

There was an embarrassed but polite smile on Harry's face.

Because Zhang Qiu is of Chinese descent, Harry the dog usually knows a lot about the culture of that ancient oriental country.

Among them, Harry naturally understands the meaning of the green hat in that country.

Is he going to tell poor Ron about this?

After much deliberation, Harry finally gave up on the idea, and let this silly kid have fun.

"Look at these!"

Harry's eyes lit up when he saw what looked like binoculars piled high in a cart, and he took the opportunity to get rid of Ron, the cuckold, smug roe deer.

"Panorama," the wizard peddler pitched Harry enthusiastically, "you can use it to replay footage, play it in slow motion, and flash an analysis of the game if needed."

"I want it." The local tyrant Harry didn't even ask the price, and began to draw his own purse.

Seeing this, the hawker's smile became more enthusiastic, "Ten Galleons each."

Ron, who was still showing off his green hat, suddenly collapsed.

Their Weasleys are now wealthy.

Even Mrs. Weasley, who originally planned to stay at home, was willing to let Mr. Weasley buy an extra ticket for the Quidditch World Cup, and then the whole family came to watch the game happily.

But this doesn't mean that Ron's wallet has swelled at the same rate. His monthly pocket money is only a few more coins than before.

It took him a long time to save up a dozen gold Galleons.

If he hadn't bought the hat, he'd have the money to buy the telescope now.

"Come here for us..." Kyle's voice sounded beside him, he turned his head and glanced at the large group behind him, there were probably nearly twenty people, "Twenty."

He was too lazy to count.

For Kyle's kindness, the Weasley family didn't say anything to refuse.

After all, Kyle is too rich.

Not to mention Cedric, he has drunk the bloodline fusion potion worth thousands of gold Galleons provided by Kyle.

The peddler smiled and sent the binoculars to everyone behind Kyle, and then took the bag of gold Galleons that Kyle handed over.

After getting the telescope, the twin brothers approached Kyle and pulled Cedric over.

After the four left the team, Kyle saw the color of Jin Galleon in the eyes of George and Fred.

"Do you want to make a windfall?" Fred asked mysteriously.

Kyle immediately became interested, "How do you say?"

Although his family's wealth is so great that no matter how prosperous he is in his life, he can't be defeated, but who would dislike such a thing as Jin Jialong?

George took a flyer out of his pocket and handed it to Kyle and Cedric.

The surrounding light was too dim, and Kyle had to turn on the fluorescent spell to see the font on the flyer.

On the flyer, it reads in extra-large font - Crown Casino London...  

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