Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 419 The second item

The latest website: However, no matter how flustered Draco was, it was of no avail.

Time slipped away in Draco's terrifying panic, and it came to February 24th, the day the second event of the Triwizard Tournament began.

The day before, the people of the competition committee found Kyle and asked him for the candidate for the hostage.

Because Hermione's popularity in Gryffindor House was really bad, the only one who could be called a treasure was Kyle.

But Kyle is the referee on the court, how can he be a hostage?

The other Hogwarts have a good relationship with Hermione, and they are basically warriors. The remaining good friend Ginny is Ron's sister and Harry's girlfriend.

The competition committee is really having a headache.

Originally, the Christmas ball after the first project was to select the beloved of the warrior for the second project as a hostage in the next project.

The warriors on Beauxbatons and Durmstrang's side can say, as long as their dance partners are held hostage.

But here at Hogwarts, there are several warriors who don't play cards according to the routine.

The problem is mainly with Hermione, Hannah, Harry and Ron.

Logically speaking, Ginny has now become Harry's girlfriend, and Harry's treasure should be her.

But Ron's relationship at Hogwarts was also ridiculously bad. Among the boys, the only one with a better relationship with him was Harry, and his popularity with the girls was completely negative.

In the case that Harry is a warrior, their competition committee can only find someone else.

But the motherfucker can't find it at all!

At the Christmas ball that day, he directly broke up with Lavender Brown, the only Hogwarts girl who liked him. This would make Lavender a hostage, and it is estimated that Ron would not save her.

Can't tear Ginny in half and let Harry and Ron save half each?

Hannah is a little easier to solve here.

She did not agree to any of the boys' invitations at the Christmas ball, but attended the ball with Luna of Ravenclaw next door.

Just kidnap Luna away.

The hostage candidates on Hermione's side were the most troublesome for the competition committee.

They always follow Kyle's suggestion, take Dumbledore away and sink into the lake, right?

Finally, as a last resort, Kyle ran to the forbidden forest to dig three feet into the ground and dug out a Bai Jue. He used the body transformation technique to transform Bai Jue into his appearance, and handed it over to the competition committee to take it to Shenhu.

Kyle helped Ron dug out a white jerk, and then transformed into the appearance of Fleur Delacour.

In this way, the hostage candidate on Ron's side is also resolved.

Kyle believes that when Ron sees Fleur trapped, he will definitely explode with 200% of his fighting power.

Of course, in order to avoid being sued by Furong for violating her portrait rights, when Kyle changed the face of this Bai Jue, he did not use Transfiguration, but illusion magic.

When viewed with the naked eye, it appears to the observer as a hibiscus.

When the game is in progress, each warrior will be followed by three magic eyes created by Kyle with alchemy, to follow the warriors in 360 degrees without dead ends and broadcast them live.

At that time, the pictures captured by the magic eye will be uploaded to the huge display screen floating in front of the auditorium, and played in real time.

The magic eye has the effect of breaking the illusion. In the picture broadcast by the magic eye, Bai Jue will still have the pale appearance that is no different from a corpse.

When Ron dragged Bai Jue to the surface, the illusion magic would be dispelled automatically.

I just hope that when Ron sees the beauty in his arms suddenly turn into a white corpse that looks like a corpse that has been soaked in water for several days, he won't be scared to wet his pants.

Uh, in fact, it's nothing if you're scared to pee in the water, you can't tell anyway.


This morning, after breakfast, the students walked through the two project doors of the auditorium and the foyer to the viewing seats next to the Black Lake.

The sky was cloudless and the sun was shining, but it was still cold in the Scottish Highlands in February.

When the students who did not need to participate in the competition learned that the second project was held in the Black Lake, they could not help feeling a little sympathetic to the warriors.

The Dragon Arena in the Forbidden Forest has been demolished. The seats that originally surrounded the Dragon Arena are now lined up on the other side of the lake. The seats are already full, and their reflections are reflected in the lake below.

The referees sat at a table with a golden tablecloth by the water, and three huge screens floated in front of the referee's bench, which would screen the games of the three school warriors.

The only difference from the previous project is that Barty Crouch did not appear on the bench.

In its place was Percy Weasley.

According to Percy, Crouch had been in poor health recently and was unable to do his job, so he was appointed.

In addition, there are two more figures on the commentary stage of Lee Jordan.

The twin brothers of the Weasley family will serve as the director of the game. Their task is to select and switch the game screen returned by the camera in time.

There are twenty-five warriors in the competition, but there are only three screens.

If each screen is divided into nine grids, the picture is too small, and neither the audience nor the referee can see the details of the game.

At this time, the existence of two directors is very necessary.

A simple wooden pier was built on the edge of the Black Lake. Twenty-five warriors had changed into swimsuits, wrapped in a thick blanket, and stood at the end of the pier.

As soon as the referee gave an order, they all jumped into the water and set off for the mermaid village at the bottom of the Black Lake.

Just as Ludo Bagman explained the rules of the game for the Warriors on the dock, George and Fred on the commentary stage opened a wooden box at their feet.

A large group of things like golden snitch flew out.

These are the magic cameras that Kyle built specifically to broadcast the game, and they will track the Warriors underwater in real time and faithfully record their performances.

A warrior is equipped with three such golden snitches, in addition to being able to record the performance of the warriors from multiple angles, there is no need to worry about losing the picture of the warriors after the accidental damage occurs during the game.

After Ludo explained the rules of the game to the Warriors, the Warriors also took off the blankets wrapped around them.

Immediately above the audience, there was a sound of ghost crying and wolf howling.

All the old men were staring at Beauxbatons' group of mature, beautiful and hot-looking big sisters.

After all, so many beauties appeared in swimsuits at the same time, and it is estimated that they, the people at the bottom of the magic world, will be able to witness it with their own eyes only now.

Ninety percent of the eyes of this group of old-fashioned critics were focused on Furong.

The allure of Fleur's quarter-veel bloodline is no exaggeration.

Eighty percent of the remaining ten percent of the eyes were on the other girls in Beauxbatons, and the remaining twenty percent were on Penello Clearwater, the fifth-generation Hogwarts eye shadow.

It may be because the swimsuit style on Penello is more conservative, saying that it is a swimsuit...

Uh, at this level of conservativeness, no one would believe it when you wear it out on weekdays and say it's ordinary clothes.

Hermione and Hannah didn't put on their swimsuits at all, and just appeared in the wizard robes they wore in the last game. This kind of attire must be very inconvenient for underwater activities. It can only be said that it is artistic. Seniors are bold.

As for the girls' eyes, almost ninety-nine percent were focused on Cedric.

As a member of the Alliance of the Saddened Fathers, Cedric often competes with several other saddened persons in the alliance on weekdays.

After being violently beaten by Kyle with pure physique, the worried fathers naturally knew the importance of the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts.

Even after merging the blood of the Hydra, Cedric did not lose his tempering of his physique.

In addition, at the age of seventeen, he was about to pass the developmental period. At this time, Cedric already had a fit body like a statue of an ancient Greek hero.

Cedric was wearing only a pair of swimming trunks, and his toned muscles were exposed in the air.

The girls in the auditorium who were watching with magic binoculars involuntarily let out bursts of wolf howls, and some even wiped their nosebleeds in a hurry.

In the stands, George and Fred whispered.

"Isn't it just abs, I have them too."

As Fred said, he lifted up his wizard robe to show it off.

However, there is a commotion in the stands now, and no one has noticed the situation on the commentary stand.

Even Lee Jordan, who was the commentator, was completely caught by Beauxbatons' sisters.

The hem of Fred's clothes is completely loneliness.

Bagman raised his wand against his throat and blessed himself with a loud voice. His voice was like thunder, passing over the dark lake and reaching the stands.

"Now, I declare, the game begins!"

High-pitched whistles echoed in the cold, still air.

Amid the cheers of the mountains and tsunamis in the stands, the warriors plunged headlong into the deep lake with icy cold water, and the Snitch camera behind them also flapped their wings and plunged in.

The three monitors that were floating in front of the referee's bench were no smaller than the screen of the giant screen, and images of twenty-five warriors immediately appeared.

At this time, the warriors had just plunged into the water, and all the pictures were messy with bubbles.

It didn't take long for the warriors to choose a direction and move toward the deep mermaid village with their magical powers underwater, and the picture gradually stabilized.

Compared with the first project, the second project has a lot less constraints on the warriors.

For example, in the first project, the only thing the warriors can rely on is the wand in their hands, and all items are forbidden to carry, unless they are summoned by the Flying Spell.

But the second game will not ban these extras.

Among the twenty-five warriors, nearly ten had prepared scuba potions in advance, which could help them breathe underwater.

Most of the remaining people took the blister spell, and Hermione and Hannah were no exception.

However, their bubble head spell is a bit special, and they have improved it themselves.

The original bubble head spell was to create a bubble head mask similar to the dragon man to cover the wizard's head, and the air in the bubble could allow the wizard to breathe underwater for a period of time.

After Hermione magically modified it, it became a filter similar to fish gills, which could filter out the air in the water for them to breathe.

Hermione and Hannah maintained the magic bubble head spell on their bodies, like two mermaids, quickly sinking towards the bottom of the lake.

The two of them had already surveyed the terrain at the bottom of the Black Lake for more than a month, and they remembered clearly which aquatic magical creatures were blocking the way in different waters.

Now, what Hermione and Hannah have to do is to find the group of horse-shaped water monsters that Hagrid had specially caught in order to teach the students of Hogwarts the protection of magical animals.

Those horse-shaped water monsters were all kept in the Black Lake by Hagrid, and they were all domesticated by Hagrid.

Although they have not been fully tamed, these horse-shaped water monsters are still short-tempered, but students who have taken Hagrid's magical animal protection class know how to tame them, but no one dares to practice like Hannah and Hermione.

On the other side, Cedric, who used Human Body Transfiguration to transform his face with two gills, was the art master who boldly swam in the other direction by himself.

Afraid of being hunted down by the mermaid tribe, after thinking hard for half a month, he finally came up with a perfect solution, which is to use the power of magical animals.

As early as two days before the start of the game, he secretly released his basilisk Xinya into the Black Lake.

It is said that it is a release, but in fact everyone understands it.

As soon as the game started, he swam towards the underwater cave where Xin Ya was hiding.

He's going to wait and show the audience a warrior basilisk, which will not only give him extra points for his heroic performance, but also use the tamed basilisk to help him pass the level guarded by the mermaid.

The basilisk stares at whoever is dead, and he doesn't believe that there are still mermaids who dare to chase and kill him.

Unlike the other three warriors who sought the help of magical animals, Penello, the fifth-generation Musikage, returned to his own home after diving into the water.

After performing the same body transformation technique as Cedric, she controlled the flow of water to push her body, like an arrow from a string, piercing straight towards the bottom of the lake.

She was moving at a high speed, leaving a long bubble trail behind her, and even the three Golden Snitch cameras couldn't keep up with her speed.

Looking at this situation, the first warrior to reach the mermaid village should be that she didn't run away.

She roared through the grass-covered area of ​​Grindylo, and the water monkeys who were ambush in the grass and prepared to attack the warriors looked stunned.

Did a big black rat just pass by?

The IQ of the water monkeys is somewhat low, and the big black mouse who just jumped over was quickly forgotten by them.

They continued to squat among the aquatic plants, quietly doing the sixth, waiting for the arrival of the unlucky ghost.

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