Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 423: The Return of Ignotus

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The scoring standard of the second item is that as long as the hostages are rescued, they will be able to get a 50-point basic score.

The remaining fifty points are determined based on how long the warriors spend saving lives and how well they perform in the face of danger underwater.

Although Penello was the first warrior to emerge from the water, she relied on high mobility throughout the game, rushing out of the ambush of those aquatic creatures before they could react.

This made it a bit difficult for the referees to decide.

Is she doing good or bad?

In the end, after the deliberation of the referees, it was decided to give Penello a high score of 47 points.

When Ludo announced the decision on behalf of the referees, there was thunderous applause from the stands.

The referees' scoring order is in the order of the Warriors' water release, so after Penello, it's...

"Hermione Granger and Hannah Abbott," Ludo continued, announcing the judges' ratings, "they bravely tamed the equine monster and were the second group of warriors to return with hostages... …”

In the end, Hermione and Hannah both scored 44 points, tied for second place.

When it came to Cedric, he was originally the fourth warrior who rescued the hostages. This aspect of time should lead him to score slightly lower than Hannah and Hermione.

But he "tamed" the level 5x Fantastic Beast Basilisk, which is much more powerful than the level 4x horse-type water monster.

Despite Karkaroff's constant vibes there, he questioned how Cedric, an undergrad student, could possibly tame an animal as dangerous as a basilisk.

As we all know, killing a magical animal is far less difficult than subduing, and subduing is less difficult than taming.

If the horse-shaped water monster is tamed, it is still within the understanding of normal people. After all, Mr. Newt wrote in the book that as long as the placement spell can be used to deal with the horse-shaped water monster.

But the basilisk is staring at someone and dying.

It took Cedric ten minutes to "tame" the basilisk, what about the liar?

Who would believe it if it's not shady?

However, Karkaroff's objection was completely invalid in the face of the scoring system proposed by Kyle, so in the end, the competition committee gave Cedric a high score of 46 points, allowing him to complete the ranking of Hannah and Hermione. overtake.

Followed by Harry and Ron.

Ron can be said to be a big counterattack in this game. With the help of the power of the eight-tailed bull ghost, he quickly completed his task even if he dragged Harry's oil bottle.

The final score given by the referee is Ron 40 points, Harry 37 points.

After the scores of the current six warriors came out, Karkaroff's face was extremely dark, and Mrs. Maxim's face was also not very good-looking.

Hogwarts outright monopolized the top six in the second event, plus the four Warriors in their top four scored full marks in the first event...

The first, second, and third runners-up have made Hogwarts round, and they are still playing a fart!

They thought that there was only one Kyle Grindelwald at Hogwarts who was invincible in the three schools, but they didn't expect other students to be so fierce.

If I had known that they would not engage in any bp sessions, it would be enough to simply refuse the invitation of the British Ministry of Magic and not participate.

Competing is completely self-inflicted.

The audience didn't care much about the Warriors scores of the two schools behind Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

The four warriors in the top four at Hogwarts now have a minimum total of 194 points in the first two events.

On the other side of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, the highest score was only 153 points.

There is a difference of nearly forty points,

The points of the Hogwarts Warriors are all based on their own strength. They want to turn the tide and win the prize, and the hope is extremely slim.

Not to mention the championship, even the third place has no hope.

It's still a hammer, anyway, the third game is basically the civil war at Hogwarts.

When all the Warriors' scores came out, Bagman continued.

"The last project will be carried out on the evening of June 24. The warriors will know the specific content of the project one month in advance. Thank you for your support to the warriors."

everything is over.


Spider End Alley, where Snape had been squatting for nearly two months.

It is indeed difficult to crack the poison that Voldemort personally configured, but Snape's accomplishments in the field of potions, even the existence of the two Dark Lords, Voldemort and Grindelwald, dare not say that they surpass him.

There is a specialization in the art industry, and the Dark Lord specializes in black magic, and potions are only dabbling in them, so it is normal that they are not as good as Snape.

It took Snape almost twenty days to crack Voldemort's poison.

The reason he didn't go back to Hogwarts after it was over was because his time was taken up by another thing that was important to him.

Back in time more than a month ago.

In the dark basement, Snape was standing beside a cauldron whose flames had been extinguished, filling the bottle with the cooled potion in the cauldron.

On the table next to him is a cage of mortra rats with strange growths on their backs.

Snape opened the cage with a blank face, grabbed a Mortra rat from it, and poured the same poison that Voldemort had prepared into it.

There was simply not enough poison from Old Tom's grave to splurge on Snape.

He had already analyzed the poison with the Scarpin Revealing Charm, which was almost equivalent to a super-integrated version of the various analytical instruments in Muggle chemistry labs.

This spell can help the user analyze the various ingredients contained in the finished potion.

For a potion master like Snape, as long as he knew the ingredients of the potion, and the potion did not exceed his level of potionology, it would not be too difficult to reverse the brewing method of the finished potion.

So all the poison Snape was using on the Mortra rat was all of his own making.

It's just that Voldemort didn't think about the antidote when he prepared the poison, which caused him some trouble.

Ignoring the screams of the Mortra rat, Snape poured a whole bottle of potion into it with a blank expression.

Soon, the Mortra rat only turned into a look that took in less air and exhaled more.

After hanging its life with a resuscitation spell, Snape raised his hand and poured the antidote No. n that he had just prepared into it again.

After a while, the resuscitation spell still failed to hang it, and the Mortra mouse, which was regarded as a guinea pig, died just like that.

Snape's paralyzed face showed no sign of discouragement at all, and he had done many more tedious potion experiments than this.

And failure is a normal thing on the road of potions exploration.

Just as Snape analyzed the reason for the failure of the antidote and was about to start boiling the antidote No. n+1, an apparition explosion sounded in the living room upstairs.

Snape's ten thousand years of facial paralysis finally showed some changes.

His residence was already protected by the Faithful Charm, and even Lucius, who knew where he lived, would not be able to Apparate into his living room.

There is only one person who can come here through Apparition.

To be precise, not a person, but a corpse.

The original owner of the Invisibility Cloak, one of the Deathly Hallows, Ignotus Peverell.

When Snape unlocked the first layer of the seal of the resurrection stone, the magical dirt reincarnation developed after the first layer of the seal of the resurrection stone was reincarnated, the first deceased to be resurrected.

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