Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 518 Miaomu Mountain, Longdi Cave and Shibone Forest

Not only the psychic scrolls of the Miaomushan toad clan, but also the psychic contract scrolls of Longdi Cave and Shibone Forest, Kyle made them along the way.

After thinking about it for a long time, Kyle plans to wait for this Christmas to give Harry the psychic scroll of Longdi Cave.

One of Dumbledore's three classmates, Harry, happens to be an old snake, and he is also a savior classmate with a heavy responsibility. No one at Hogwarts is more suitable to control the scrolls of the Dragon Cave than him.

Out of some mischievous mentality, uh, maybe the mentality of the European vinegar king.

Kyle intends to make the psychic scroll of Longdidong into a door key.

After returning to the dormitory tonight, he wrote to Mr. Alfred and asked the butler to help dig a hole in the earth somewhere in the Alps.

At that time, as long as the three modified poisonous snakes are put into it, it will be a Longdi Cave.

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The transmission location of the door key is set in the Longdi Cave.

In order to give the savior classmates a wonderful adventure, Kyle also plans to set up the next series of level-breaking games in Longdi Cave for Harry to play.

Surely Harry would "like" this gift from him.

In addition to Longdi Cave, Shibone Forest and Miaomu Mountain can also be arranged.

If it wasn't for Ron having become the eight-tailed man, Kyle would have threw the psychic scroll of Shitbone Forest to Ron.

After all, this product and slug are quite related.

In second grade. The fight between Gryffindor and Slytherin on the Quidditch pitch resulted in Ron's unfortunate slug spell.

He released it himself, when his wand broke and the spell was fired backwards.

Then, Ron forged an indissoluble bond with this type of soft-bodied, sticky mollusks.


Since the O.W.Ls exams are held in the fifth grade, Hogwarts fifth graders have a pretty scary timetable.

Take the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students' lessons, which this morning started with Magic Offense and Defense, and then Slughorn's Potions class.

The first session in the afternoon was an elective divination class and Muggle research class. The students went to different classrooms according to their own course selections. In the second session, they had to come back to take Dark Defense...

Courses were packed throughout the day.

For the first four years they spent at Hogwarts, they had only one day a week, full day class.

On other working days of the week, there will be at least a short period of time without class, and sometimes even an entire morning or an entire afternoon.

After the day's lessons were over, the fifth graders were like salted fish drained of their strength.

The hard-working students gathered in the auditorium lost their attraction to the table full of delicious food when they thought that the next four days would be full of classes during the day.

The news that every week from the beginning of the semester to the end of the semester, five consecutive working days are full during the day, the news is hopeless enough.

But the hardships for Hogwarts students don't stop there.

On Tuesday, they went through three more majors at Hogwarts.

Charms, Transfiguration, and Herbology.

When the first class in the morning, when Charms was about to end, the students cheered when Professor Flitwick announced that they would have no essay assignments for the class.

But Professor Flitwick's next sentence sent them from Elysium to the Underworld in an instant.

"Our after-school homework for this class will be placed in the Xiaobawang learning machine in the hands of our classmates." Professor Flitwick shook the tablet in his hand towards them.

"Now, please open the magic question bank in your learning machine. The after-school exercises you are going to complete this time are the chapter quizzes in the first chapter."

When they heard Professor Flitwick's words, the students were still a little unimpressed.

But when they found that the number of questions in the quiz in that chapter reached hundreds of questions and included three types of questions: choice, fill-in-the-blank, and question-and-answer,

Their faces immediately turned green.

The history of magic final exam doesn't have that many questions.

They wanted to hug Professor Flitwick's short legs and wailed loudly, "Professor, why don't you arrange the paper!"

To be honest, it will take no less time to answer this question than to write a paper.

What made them even more suffocated was that the developer of the magic question bank, that is, a little devil who had hidden merit and fame, also added the function of random selection to the question bank.

That is to say, each student's test questions are different.

Some questions may be repeated, but the huge number of questions in the question bank can still ensure that most of the questions selected by the students are different.

That is to say, if they want to copy each other's answers, they have nowhere to copy.

The scumbags like Harry and Ron wanted to kneel down for Professor Flitwick on the spot, and then sang [unravel]: I wash the kelp, wash the kelp~

The second session in the morning was Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class.

After completing the Vanishing Spell teaching, Professor McGonagall also announced the sad news of the online homework to the students at the end of class.

This is even worse for the already burdened students.

But this is just the beginning.

Just when the students thought they could leave after assigning their homework, the older cat girl knocked on the blackboard and motioned them not to leave.

"In addition to my homework, I have an announcement to make."

She said with a serious face, "The fifth grade is a crucial year for you, and the O.W.Ls exam will affect your future for many years, whether you choose a job or go to school."

While saying this, Professor McGonagall also glanced at Kyle Grindelwald, Honorary Vice-Chancellor of Nurmengard.

"Therefore, after discussions with the professors, Hogwarts decided that students in the fifth grade and above should go through an exam every month to test your learning effectiveness."

Professor McGonagall's words were like a bomb that exploded among the students.

The entire Transfiguration classroom was a mess.

She tapped on the blackboard, motioning for the students to be quiet.

"I want to remind you that after each monthly test, each student's transcript will be sent to their home."

"I hope you all can study hard to get good grades in the monthly exam. As long as you are willing to put in the time and energy, I believe you will not perform too badly."

The students under the podium were wailing, but only a scholar like Hermione did not have any trouble in their hearts.

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same.

On the second night after school started, all the seats in the library were filled for the first time.

In the past, it was only near the end of the term that such a crowded scene could be seen in the library.

It's not just that students five years and older have their workload super-doubled.

Because the automatic correction function of the homework of the learning machine greatly reduces the burden of the professors, which makes them seem a little unscrupulous when setting homework.

Feel the pain!

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