Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 552 Grindelwald Psychic Scroll

Hogwarts Shippuden Chapter 552 Grindelwald's psychic scroll

After removing the hidden dangers of his body, Voldemort immediately became ready to move.

On the third day that the Order of the Phoenix received news from Snape, Kyle, who was far away in Nurmengard Castle, Austria, received news from Mr. Newt that Voldemort had appeared in the United States.

When Kyle heard this, he had the expression of a subway old man's mobile phone.

Why did Voldemort go to the United States to open a new map without operating the good British base camp?

After thinking about it, Kyle instantly understood.

The British base camp is Dumbledore's base camp, and the European continent is the territory controlled by Grindelwald. It is impossible for Voldemort to reach out to two places.

So opening up a new map has become a very necessary thing.

Counting the entire magical world, the only place where Voldemort can open up a new territory is the Americas, and it has to be North America.

Although there are many wizards in South America and Africa, it seems that it is not impossible...

But do you expect Voldemort, who pursues bloodliness, to play with a group of black African uncles, or with wizards in South America?

African black uncle will not say it, but South America has the title of a melting pot of nations, whether it is the Muggle world or the magic world.

In the entire South American magic world, there are not many pure-blooded wizards.

It was obviously unrealistic to expect Voldemort to play with them.

According to the news from Mr. Newt, Voldemort is in contact with the purger organization in the United States, and it seems that he wants to recruit purgers to his subordinates.

The Purifiers are an ancient organization that has existed in the wizarding world for a long time.

Their goal is to expose the wizarding world in order to eradicate all wizards.

If you only listened to their first half of the goals, those who didn't know it would have thought it was the Umno Party under Grindelwald, but it was actually two different things.

The Purifiers started out as a group of depraved and brutal wizards who hunted their fellow men for pleasure.

However, a tragic event later recorded in the history of American magic, that is, the famous Salem witch trials, led to a significant reduction in the number of wizards in North America, and also contributed to the establishment of the Magic Congress of the United States.

Only after that were the rampant purgers contained.

Gradually, their goal has changed from hunting their compatriots for fun to destroying the entire magical world.

I don't know what kind of brain circuit they are.

If you want to destroy all wizards in the magic world, they must be inseparable from powerful force.

However, in order to escape the pursuit of the Magical Congress of the United States, they chose to form a family with No-Maj to disappear in the Muggle world forever.

The children they had with Muggles, if gifted with magic, would be abandoned, leaving only unmagical offspring to hide their identity as purgers.

At the same time, they passed on their firm belief to their descendants: magic is real, and any exposed magician should be eliminated.

Kyle really doesn't understand their brain circuits.

Counting on a group of Muggles without any magical ability, you want to bring down the entire magic world?

Even though the current Muggle world has developed into the age of nuclear weapons, it is still difficult for them to pose too much threat to the wizarding world.

Akatsuki has actually possessed the ability to travel interstellar since the Patriarchs built the first intercontinental ballistic broom.

The Traceless Stretching Charm can allow wizards to put an infinite amount of fuel into a small fuel tank, and the existence of the Transfiguration Charm can also make the burned fuel turn back and burn again.

The two cycle together, that is infinite fuel.

Chemical-propulsion rockets can push you to sub-light speeds, provided you accelerate long enough.

Therefore, the people of Xiao's organization can run to the moon or even Mars at any time,

It's just that this ability is useless for the time being.

After all, they can only get there by running, but they may not be able to survive there for a long time.

But even so, it's enough, so...

Muggle threat? nonexistent.

Although the current purgers have also slightly changed some traditional concepts, from the beginning of abandoning every child with magical abilities, to now they have become witches.

To put it simply, it is to leave those children with magical abilities and instill in them the creed of the scavengers, allowing them to break into the magic world.

But that's not a hammer either.

Few of them are descendants of wizards who have broken generations, and few of them can break the shackles of the magic world, so it is difficult to climb to a high position in the magic world.

The overall quality of its personnel is not even as good as the group of wizards that Kyle recruited in Albania.

Although the people recruited from Albania are a little good, after several years of hard work, they have successfully reached the level of Anbu wizards.

"First Evolution"

Uh, yes, the group of people under Dumbledore's hands are basically from Albania.

Otherwise, it is impossible for them to defect from Kyle to Dumbledore at once.

It is impossible for the saints to betray, only there may be some saints who are double GGAD.

Whoops, off topic.

The purger's attempt to regain a high position in the magic world is basically useless.

Because Grindelwald has reached out to the United States again while ensuring that the fundamentals on the European side are stable.

Give the first generation Meguro Demon King another seven or eight years, and the Magical Congress of the United States will be able to change to his Grindelwald surname under the condition of peaceful evolution.

If Grindelwald takes strong force measures, it will not take a few years, and at most three days, the Magical Congress of the United States can change its surname.

In such a situation, what can a group of sand-like bottom-level wizards of the Cleaner do?

So Kyle is also a little bit confused about Voldemort's thoughts.

To recruit such a group of people for his own use, how much does Laofu have to lack people to do such a thankless thing?

Although he is not optimistic about Voldemort's actions, Kyle can't just leave Voldemort alone.

As soon as he received the news of Mr. Newt, Kyle chased behind Lao Fu and set off for the United States to prepare for things.

He didn't know what Voldemort's plan was.

But Kyle knew one thing, and that was—if Voldemort wanted to do it, it was right to mess with him.

So after arriving in the United States, the first thing Kyle did was to connect with the saints lurking all over the United States to inquire about Voldemort's movements.

Then, he aggressively slashed towards Voldemort's position.

Of course, he didn't forget to put on a life-saving artifact that Grindelwald gave him—

Deathly Hallows badge.

Or rather, Grindelwald's psychic scrolls.

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