Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 612 The Battle of Gryffindor Towers

After checking Harry's physical condition and confirming that he had no other problems besides being knocked out by himself, Kyle turned his gaze to the phantom of Kaguya Otsutsuki floating behind him.

As he cut off the supply of magic power, Kaguya's figure gradually changed in the air, until it finally disappeared completely.

After doing all this, Kyle turned his gaze back to Harry lying on the test bench.

A bright green light lit up in his palm.

Under the treatment of the Palm Immortal, Harry quickly woke up from his coma.

After more than two seconds of reaction time, Harry sat up from the test stand. The first thing he did after getting up was to tear off his clothes and look at his chest.

He saw the seal rune on his body at first glance, which made him greatly relieved.

The moment Kyuubi was sealed off of his body, the intense pain almost made him think that Kyle had opened a basketball-sized hole in his chest.

Fortunately, this is just a false alarm.

"Seal, successful?" Harry asked in disbelief, touching his chest.

Kyle nodded slightly, "If you are not dead, then the seal should be successful."

Harry's expression was still a little unbelievable. Didn't Ron and Ginny both say that after becoming a human pillar force, they can have incomparably powerful power?

Then why can't he feel the existence of the big fox sealed in his body?

This sealing process is like a dream.

Moreover, in addition to being as illusory as a dream, it is also extremely hasty.

In Harry's memory, it was the phantom of the unbelievably beautiful woman that appeared behind Kyle, who shaped the big fox called Kurama into a ball of light like plasticine.

Then she pressed the light ball into her chest, and then Kyle came and knocked him unconscious.

And then……

There is no more. When he opened his eyes again, it was Kyle who told him that the operation was successful and that she is now a real girl...

Cough, the seal was successful.

And Kyle's indifferent attitude also made Harry a little confused. During this time, Kyle could almost be said to be busy working on improving the seal.

Now that it is successful, does Kyle put on such an indifferent attitude?

Could it be that this is the psychological quality that only the wizards of the demon king level possess?

Glancing at Harry who was still in a state of confusion, Kyle said, "You have to immerse your consciousness in your body to feel the existence of the Nine Tails."

Harry subconsciously wanted to do it, but he reacted in the next second. How could he manipulate his consciousness?

He is not a master of Legilimency and Occlumency like Little Demon King.

Seeing Harry's predicament, Kyle threw a not-so-thin notebook at him.

"This can help you better control the power of the tailed beast, but there is no time for you to practice this now," Kyle glanced at the time, "you should go."

"When you go to Snape's side, you'll have plenty of time to figure out how to be the perfect man."

Harry was a little surprised, he was obviously not ready to leave.

"Let's go now?"

"Of course," Kyle looked at Harry with a foolish look, "don't you want to wait until tomorrow morning when your friends wake up and you're done saying goodbye to Hogg Watts?"

There was a hint of hesitation on Harry's face. "At least let me tell Ginny and Ron..."

"Don't be stupid," Kyle said with a bit of indifference in his tone. "When you say goodbye to them, you won't be able to leave."

His pair of strange children locked tightly on Harry's face, "Now, immediately, go."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left without looking back.

It didn't give Harry any chance to refute or refuse at all.

Standing alone in the Room of Requirement, Harry's face changed constantly, and various complex thoughts flashed quickly in his mind.

Although he received the task of pretending to defect to Snape from the little devil before and waiting for the opportunity to retrieve the treasure for him, Harry had already made psychological preparations.

But when he was really about to leave Hogwarts, Harry realized that the mental preparation he had made before was still not enough for him to face all this.

After hesitating for a long time in the Room of Requirement, Harry's eyes gradually changed from hesitant to firm.

He finally made up his mind.

Pushing open the door of the Room of Requirement, Harry came to the outside corridor, but the direction he was walking was not the direction to leave Hogwarts Castle.

It's the tower where the Gryffindor common room is located.

At the end of the hallway, Harry stopped in front of a portrait.

The portrait is of a very rich woman in pink pajamas, dozing off in the frame.

Harry's arrival obviously disturbed her sweet dreams.

"Student of Gryffindor?" The fat lady who was awakened was obviously full of waking up, which made her tone quite bad, "Why did you go back to the dormitory so late?"

"Forget it, password!"

Harry didn't care about the fat lady's rudeness at all, all his mind was on other things at the moment.

"Mibu Mibao."

As he said the password, the Fat Lady's portrait staggered forward, revealing a circular hole in the wall.

The moment the hole appeared in front of Harry's eyes, a fist that suddenly appeared was rapidly enlarged in Harry's field of vision.

If it wasn't for Harry becoming the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli, a series of abilities linked to his physical fitness, such as his reflexes, would have also improved, allowing him to jump back in time to avoid his fists.

Then in a while, his nose will be twisted like Dumbledore's.

After seeing the attacker's face, Harry said in disbelief, "Ron! Are you crazy? What are you attacking me for?"

"I'm not crazy," Ron's eyes were fixed on Harry, "you're the one who's crazy."

Ron, who was blocked at the entrance of the hole, opened his body slightly, revealing another petite figure in the Gryffindor common room behind——

Ron's sister, and Harry's future wife, Ginny Weiss.

At this time, Ginny's eyes were red and puffy, and it was obvious that she had just cried.

Seeing Ginny's appearance, Harry's heart suddenly froze, and a not-so-good premonition emerged in his heart.

The next second, Ron's words confirmed Harry's guess.

"Harry, do you really think your betrayal of Hogwarts is secret?"

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