Hogwarts: Start By Destroying Nurmengard Prison

Chapter 224 Snape Shook His Head When He Saw It

After the Knockturn Alley incident passed, the British wizarding world returned to calm.

But Dumbledore and Grindelwald's life is not peaceful at all.

Dumbledore was busy with meetings, and Grindelwald was dragged along by Dumbledore.

The two traveled back and forth between Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic every day.

But Ian is constantly receiving letters, which makes Ian very impatient.

Except for his friends' letters, Ian basically burned them just by looking at their names.

One wizard named Gilderoy Lockhart is the most annoying!

Write to Ian every day, asking about Ian's story.

And Gilderoy Lockhart also invited Yi~Ann to a friendship duel!

Ian naturally knew what kind of person Gilderoy Lockhart was.

Ian picked up another letter from Gilderoy Lockhart and said to Nubby:

"Nubi, burn the letters from this person in the future.

"Seeing his name is a waste of time."

When Nubby heard Ian's words, he saluted and said:

"Yes Master!"

Then Ian nodded and asked Krabi:

"How long can old man Deng and the old man finish their meeting?"

The dragon's breath chili that Ian asked Holmes to find has been found!

He intended to treat the two old men well with a feast.

Let them know that he has given him so much trouble, and he will give them a little "surprise" too!

Nubi said respectfully again:

"Master, Mr Dumbledore and Mr Grindelwald will be back at seven o'clock this evening.

Then this time is enough, there are still three hours before night.

Ian waved his hand, and the documents and letters on the table were arranged automatically.

Those magic books also flew to the bookshelf by themselves.

Ian went to the kitchen and opened a box that said "DANGER! DO NOT TOUCH!".

Inside is a box full of red peppers.

There is a faint flame-colored light flowing on these peppers.

"Not bad! It seems that the old men can have a 'good' meal tonight!"

Ian looked at the dragon's breath pepper in the box with satisfaction.

The magic dragon's breath chili that Holmes obtained from Ah San was different from the dragon's breath chili from the British Muggle Research Office.

This magic dragon's breath pepper is very spicy, and you will feel like a fire dragon is breathing fire in your mouth after eating it.

And the skin will quickly turn red, like a red-hot prawn.

The wizard's strong physique didn't dare to eat this thing directly.

Eating Muggles is probably the result of direct spicy death.

Due to the unique taste of the dragon's breath pepper, no one dared to make it into the potion except Ah San.

Even Snape would shake his head when he heard the name of this potion ingredient.

Ian pulled out the magic spell and waved it, and all the dragon's breath peppers in the box flew up.

Ian used a magic spell to put the dragon's breath pepper in a grinding plate and crush it by hand, during the crushing process.

The dragon's breath pepper burns bundles of dragon flames, and the brain will explode if you are not careful.

Ian carefully and slowly grinds it into a powder, and finally packs it into a seasoning bottle.

Ian wiped the sweat from his brow when he was done:

"No wonder Severus loathes this thing so much."

"Unstable, not suitable for adding to potions, and the taste is 'stimulating'

"But let's have barbecue tonight, so that the powder with dragon's breath pepper can't be seen. Ian thought so.

Start making when you think about it, Norwegian Ridgeback meat, giant two-horned bullfrog meat, the decision is yours!

Just as Ian started cooking supper, Dumbledore and Grindelwald finally finished their meeting!

As long as the meeting papers are brought over later, and Dumbledore signs them, the two of them can return to their leisurely days.

Dumbledore took a sip of water, moistened his dry throat, and said to Grindelwald:

"Gail, I've always had some ominous premonition these days."

"Can your prophetic eyes see anything?"

Grindelwald shook his head when he heard Dumbledore's words:

"The prophecy cannot be triggered at any time."

"Instead of thinking about these things, you might as well think about what you're going to have for dinner tonight.

Dumbledore nodded resignedly.

Indeed, as Grindelwald said, prophecies are not always available.

Maybe it's just that they were too busy during this time and didn't see Ian, which made him a little paranoid.

Still, Dumbledore joked to Grindelwald:

"Gail, your ability to predict is not as good as Ian's."

Grindelwald gave Dumbledore a blank look, pointed to his own eyes and said:

0…ask for flowers……

"Can it be the same? Ian it's episodic and short-term."

"Mine has spanned a long time, and it is very clear!"

Dumbledore knew Grindelwald was making excuses for himself.

Dumbledore laughed and said:

"Ah yes yes yes! So Gail, what do you think you will have for dinner tonight?"

Grindelwald wanted to get mad at Dumbledore's flirtatious tone.

But after hearing what to eat for dinner, Grindelwald immediately suppressed his temper.

He thought for a moment, and said:

"Albus, I think it's dragon meat?"

Dumbledore heard Grindelwald's answer and said with a smile:


"I think so too."

"I heard from the house-elf at Hogwarts that there's a new spice from Ian."

Dumbledore's words caught Grindelwald's eyes:

"So, there will be a new flavor today?!"

"That's right!"

Dumbledore and Grindelwald's saliva trickled down from the corners of their mouths.

At this moment, Dumbledore seemed to think of something, and said:

"Then I want to call Aberforth tonight."

"Let him get in touch with Ian first, after all he's joined us."

Hearing the name of Aberforth, Grindelwald couldn't help but think of the child holding the goat in the sky.

Spoiled him and Dumbledore every day as a kid!

Grindelwald pouted and said:

"You miss Ariana, don't you?"

"That boy Aberforth probably hates me to death."

Dumbledore smiled and winked at Grindelwald, and said:

"I do miss Ariana."

"But I think Aberforth should reach out to Ian first."

"It's time for you two old friends to meet."

Grindelwald said disdainfully:

"Who is he friends with?"

After speaking, Grindelwald ignored Dumbledore.

Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald and knew he was acquiescing.

He smiled and touched his beard, this is what he hoped most.

Everyone around is alive and well, and no one is harmed.

Days like this will last forever. .

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