Hogwarts: Start By Destroying Nurmengard Prison

Chapter 243 Harry's Heart Is Half Cold In An Instant

Molly looked at Harry worriedly:

"Harry, are you okay?"

Harry endured the headache and said:

"Aunt Molly, there's nothing wrong with Shan.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Draco."

Draco was also recovering at this time, Draco also endured the headache and said:

"It's true, Aunt Mollie."

Molly and Arthur looked at each other, Molly frowned and said:

"Then let me check it for you first, otherwise we won't be at ease, children.

Both Harry and Draco could hear the toughness in Molly's tone.

If they don't agree to come down, Molly will definitely not let them go.

Harry and Draco could only nod helplessly.

Ronald, who was in Arthur's arms, also screamed "woo hoo hoo".

Afterwards, Molly and Arthur made a comprehensive inspection of the three of Harry, and they were relieved.

Harry and Draco were just banging their heads.

And Ronald was just plain flustered.

Arthur also came into contact with the spell on Ronald.

The moment the spell was lifted, Ronald almost lost his footing.

Just after Ronald balanced his body, he found Arthur and Mo staring at him.

Molly looked at Ronald very angrily, and growled:

"Ronald Weasley! Why don't you just answer your dad's question!"

"We thought you were under a spell!"

"Do you know how worried we are!"

Molly's roar resounded throughout the Burrow.

The rest of the Weasleys woke up with a start.

"George, what's going on?"

"Looks like Mom is scolding Ronald."

"That's all right, go to sleep!"

Except for Ginny who was a little worried about Harry, the others were used to being scolded by Ronald.

After Ronald took all of Molly's growls.

He bowed his head and said in a low voice:

"Mom, yes, I'm too nervous."

Molly wanted to continue outputting, but Arthur patted Molly:

"Molly, Ronald is still young, maybe we should ask Harry and Draco first."

Molly heard Arthur's words, glared at Ronald, and said:

"Is he still young? I'm just worried that he will start to panic when he encounters something in the future!"

But Molly stopped staring at Ronald after she finished speaking.

Instead, he looked at Harry and Draco, each holding an ice pack to their foreheads.

Harry and Draco were already prepared to be scolded.

Because after all, they provoked it.

And it was his Harry's problem, it couldn't involve Draco.

Harry mustered up the courage to step forward and said:

"Sorry, Aunt Molly, it's my problem

"I shouldn't..."

Draco had already reacted at this time, he grabbed Harry and apologized to Molly:

"I'm sorry, Aunt Molly, I was the one who saw Harry having nightmares. …

Before Draco could finish speaking, Molly hugged Harry and Draco.

Molly comforted the two softly:

"It's okay, Harry, Draco, you don't need to apologize.

"Can you tell me and Arthur what happened?"

Harry and Draco were very surprised at this moment, why didn't they get scolded?

Arthur also looked at the two with a smile.

He saw the thoughts of the two of them, and said with a smile:

"Molly was just annoyed at how nervous and flustered Ronald was."

"After all, the magic world is not peaceful now."

"Molly is just worried about Ronald."

Ronald, who was still somewhat aggrieved behind, immediately castrated down when he heard his father's words.

It turned out that his mother was worried about him.

Draco looked at Molly and Arthur, then at Ronald.

How could such an excellent family have such a son?

Harry was once again moved by Molly and Arthur.

Harry gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and explained:

"Aunt Molly, that's right."

"I had a nightmare that someone was trying to kill me at Hogwarts."

"There are two people, one is wearing a black robe, and the other seems to be... Ian."

Harry's words stunned everyone in the room.

Draco looked at Harry incredulously, and said:

"Harry, there's no way Ian will kill you!"

Arthur also nodded and said:

"Draco was right, Harry.

"Ian can't possibly be interested in you."

"There is no reason to kill you."

Arthur had seen the scene where Knockturn Alley was completely blown up.

In the end, it was the people from their Ministry of Magic who came to take care of them.

·0 for flowers0

But they didn't even find the body of a dark wizard.

By the way, it is said that Knockturn Alley is almost rebuilt now, maybe you can go and see it then?

Harry heard what Arthur and Draco said, nodded with a wry smile, and said:

"Yes I know."

"So I'm not afraid of Ian."

"And Ian didn't give me that cold feeling in the dream."

Then Arthur keenly noticed that Harry said the word "feeling".

So Arthur went on to ask:

"Harry, how did you feel in the dream?"

Arthur had a hunch that this matter might not be that simple.

I saw that Harry was still a little scared when he recalled it, and said with lingering fear:

"I don't think it's a dream at all! It's like being at Hogwarts!"


Hearing Harry's words, Arthur's expression turned pale:

"Focus on the other person."

"And Harry, what you're talking about may not be a dream.

Harry was a little taken aback by Arthur's expression, but he knew Arthur was worried about him.

Harry continued thinking back and said:

"That population kept calling my name."

"Even if I asked who he was, he didn't answer me."

"It's like he really wanted my life!"

"I felt chills all over when I saw him."

Arthur was startled by Harry's words, and hurriedly asked Harry:

"Do you remember his voice?"

Harry heard Arthur's words and quickly recalled them.

Then Harry shook his head and said:

"I didn't hear his voice."

At this time, Draco on the side seemed to remember something, and said:

"Harry, there was a 'hissing' sound in your mouth before I woke you up."

Harry looked at Draco suspiciously:

"Is it really?"

Draco nodded seriously:

"Harry, you may need help."

"In the magic world, there are also records of wizards who have such dreams.

"They're either prophets, or they're cursed."

Draco's words made Harry's heart half cold for an instant.

Arthur also rubbed his temples, and said:

"Draco was right."

"Harry, I'll write to Professor Dumbledore right now.",

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