Hogwarts: Start By Destroying Nurmengard Prison

Chapter 263 Impossible! Absolutely Impossible!

"Ian, remember to write to me."

Monica hugged Ian and said to Ian very reluctantly.

Hermione next to Ian looked at Monica with a small mouth.

Who exactly is your child?!

Wendell stood beside Monica, smiled and patted Ian on the shoulder:

"Ian, see you at Christmas."

Ian smiled and said to Monica and Wendell:

"Of course, please take care."

"Dad! Mom!"

Hermione on the side was a little dissatisfied with being ignored, so she yelled at Wendell and Monica.

Hearing Hermione's voice, Wendell and Monica turned around.

Monica let go of Ian, squeezed Hermione's face, and said with a smile:

"Honey, listen to Ian at school."

"Remember to write to us."

Hermione is still pouting, she now feels that Ian is more like "963" their child!

Wendell looked at Hermione with a smile:

"You are all our children."

"Go, Mr. Ankar, they have been waiting for you for a long time."

After speaking, Wendell looked at the carriage behind Ian and Hermione.

Jess Ancar and Wendell and Monica are also familiar.

Because usually in Knockturn Alley, their affairs are all handled by Jess.

The offices of the Daily Prophet were in Diagon Alley, so Jess was the perfect candidate.

Although Mocord manages Knockturn Alley, there are too many things at ordinary times.

At this time, Jess Ancar and others were waiting for Ian and Hermione beside the carriage.

Their mission today is to take Ian and Hermione to the Hogwarts Express.

It's not that Ian hasn't thought about going directly to school.

But both Dumbledore and Grindelwald insisted that they should enjoy the life of students.

So Ian didn't go straight back to Hogwarts.

Hermione snorted softly and made a face at Wendell and Monica.

Then Hermione pulled Ian towards the carriage.

Ian smiled helplessly, turned around and shouted to Wendell and Monica:

"If you need anything, please contact me and the old man!"

"Remember to take the magic bracelet that the old man gave you at all times!"

Wendell and Monica looked at Ian with a smile and nodded, and watched the two walk into the horse army.

After Ian and Hermione stepped into the carriage, Jess gave a wizard salute to Wendell and Monica, and was about to drive the carriage.

Wendell and Monica watched the carriage take off under the pull of thestrals, and Monica leaned against Wendell's arms:

"Wendel, we have to wait for another half a year."

Wendell nodded slightly, and said to his wife:

"We'll wait for them to come home."

Soon the carriage drove across London from Diagon Alley and arrived at King's Cross Station.

Because of the Muggle Repelling Charm and Disillusionment Charm on the carriage, no Muggles noticed the carriage coming from the sky.

After Jace opened the carriage door, Ian and Hermione stepped down.

Jess said respectfully to Ian and Hermione:

"Sir and miss, your salute has been sent to Hogwarts."

"Then I will take my leave now."

Hermione looked at Jess with some embarrassment and said:

"Thank you, Mr. Ankar."

Hermione knew that Jace had been busy with his family's affairs in Knockturn Alley these days.

And Hermione's thanks made Jace very flattered.

Jess waved his hands again and again:

"You're welcome miss."

"You can just call me Jess."

"This is what I should do!"

Ian and Grindelwald are their beliefs.

It is one of the greatest honors among saints to be able to help Mr.

Ian nodded with a smile and said:

"That's it, Jess, if you have any problems that can't be solved, just use the zombie head to contact me.

Hearing Ian's words, Jess quickly adjusted his expression, and said respectfully:

"Okay sir! Then I'll leave first."

After Jace left, Hermione looked at Ian suspiciously:

"Ian, what zombie head are you talking about?"

That's when Ian remembered that he hadn't told Hermione about the zombie head.

After all, Ian thought it was weird that Hermione's words came out of that hideous zombie's mouth.

Ian thought about it and said:

"It's a kind of alchemy undead for communication."

"But it only has the function of communication."

Hearing Ian's explanation, Hermione nodded and said seriously:

"That shouldn't be needed."

"I'm not leaving!"

Hermione just looked into Ian's eyes.

Ian rubbed Hermione's hair with a smile and said:

"I know, let's go, now we should pull in."

Hermione smiled very happily, holding Ian's hand, the two walked into the station......

Then Ian and Hermione arrived at platform nine and three quarters according to the route of last semester.

But when Ian and Hermione showed up on platform nine and three quarters, it caused quite a commotion.

"My God! That's Professor Grindelwald!"

"He's actually holding Granger's hand!"

"Are they together?!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Ian ignored the young wizards around him, still holding Hermione's hand.

And Hermione's face was very red at this time, and she felt that everyone's eyes were on them.

But Hermione held Ian's hand even tighter, and raised her chin, which was a declaration of sovereignty!

Seeing that Ian didn't intend to stop, the little wizards around didn't approach either.

Little wizards all know that Ian doesn't like to be disturbed meaninglessly, and Ian also has the identity of a professor.

In this way, Ian and Hermione came to the Hogwarts Express under the heartbroken eyes of the witches and the gossiping eyes of the wizards.

When Ian and Hermione were about to board the car, they saw two familiar figures.

"Brother Ian! Sister Hermione!"

Seeing Ian and Hermione who were about to board the car, Arianna shouted excitedly.

Hermione looked at Ariana and Aberforth in surprise, and asked:

"Anna, Mr. Dumbledore, why are you here?"

During the Christmas break, Hermione and Ariana had become friends.

Hermione also liked this innocent younger sister very much.

Ariane 3.1 Na said with some embarrassment:

"Brother Albus...uncle asked me to come with Aberforth...uncle.

"Tell me to go to Hogwarts with you."

While outside, Dumbledore and Aberforth asked Ariana to call them uncle, so that it could be said that Anna was a leftover bloodline of their Dumbledore family.

The rhetoric of the explanation Dumbledore and Aberforth also thought about it, and said that Aberforth discovered it while traveling.

Now Arianna's body is exactly eleven years old, which is when she returns to the magic world.

And the name Ariana was given to little Dumbledore by Aberforth who missed his sister Ariana so much.

After all, the fact that Ian can resurrect the dead must never be revealed.

As for whether the wizarding world believed it or not, it was up to Dumbledore and the others to decide.

I said it was true and it was true!.

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