Hogwarts: Start By Destroying Nurmengard Prison

Chapter 280 Do You Have A Physique That Attracts Curses?

The three of Harry shook their heads in horror when they heard Ian's words.

That fruit is really horrible, let alone eat it!

And the juice was still red in color.

Now Ian is like a textbook vampire!

Ronald had never experienced the courses of the Black Magic Club, and he was about to spit it out at this time.

Ian looked at the three people who had rejection written all over their faces, feeling a little helpless.

Such a delicious food, it's a pity that the three of them didn't take it orally.

At this time Hermione also walked towards Ian and the others.

Just now she asked Sprout about some advanced knowledge when get out of class was over, so she was delayed.

Hermione first looked at the three pale faces.

I saw the juice dripping from the corner of Ian's mouth again.

She took out a handkerchief from her robes and helped Ian wipe the juice from the corners of his mouth.

"Ian, what happened to them again?"

Ian nodded and said with a smile:

"Harry feels like he's being cursed again, let me take a look for him."

Hermione looked at Harry with weird eyes:

"Harry, do you have the constitution to attract curses?"

"It's only been a few days since I was cursed again."

Harry looked at Hermione's eyes, and said with some embarrassment:

"Sorry, Ian, Hermione."

Ian just smiled and shook his head.

Then Hermione went on to ask:

"Then why are the three of you 137 so pale?"

Due to Hermione's coercion, the three of Harry looked at the fruit in Ian's hand unnaturally.

Hermione saw the fruit in Ian's hand following the gazes of the three, and said curiously:

"Ian, what is this?"

Hearing Hermione's inquiry, Ian took out a fruit from the space ring and said:

The fruit of the human head psychedelic flower, it is delicious!"

"Would you like one?"

Hermione naturally also saw the green human face on the fruit at this time, the one in Ian's hand just now was invisible because Ian was holding it backwards.

Hermione felt a little repulsed at first, but then thought of what Ian said delicious food tastes absolutely delicious!

She took the fruit with some hesitation, constantly struggling in her heart whether to try it.

And immediately she heard the sound of Ian biting the fruit beside her.

Hermione looked up at Ian's enjoyment expression and encouraging eyes.

She swallowed her saliva, and with a hard heart, she took a bite of the fruit under the shocked gazes of the three of Harry!

The moment the pulp entered the mouth, Hermione felt a very refreshing sweetness spreading in (cidj) mouth.

There is no trace of sour taste, but also has a fragrance!

Hermione's eyes lit up instantly, and she took another bite to the fruit.

She swears by it! This is the best fruit she's ever had!

If only the appearance wasn't so scary.

The three of Harry beside him were already stunned.

At the same time, they swore in their hearts that they would never make Hermione angry in the future!

Otherwise, their fate will definitely not be much better than that fruit!

Hermione ate the fruit without realizing it.

Then she realized that Ian was looking at her with a smile on his face.

Hermione blushed a little, and whispered:


Ian nodded with a smile, took out two fruits again and handed them to Hermione:

"I'm going to use the rest of this to make wine."

"My stock has been almost consumed by the old man and the others."

Hermione glared at Ian when she heard what he said:

"I told you to drink less."

Ian smiled and ruffled Hermione's hair. said:

"It's okay, you didn't drink less."

After Hermione grew in magic power and physique, Ian and others allowed her to drink a small amount of alcohol.

After all, Ian's wine is brewed with magic ingredients, which is good for the growth of magic power.

As long as it doesn't hurt your body, it's fine.

Hermione rolled her eyes when she heard Ian's words, but didn't say anything more.

Then Ian looked at Harry and said:

"Harry, it's ready."

The black mist that had just entered Harry's body had already probed Harry's body.

Although Ian knew that Harry was feeling discomfort from Voldemort's Horcrux.

But a closer inspection would be an answer to Old Man Deng and Severus.

Just to make sure exactly what happened to Voldemort's soul fragment in Harry's body.

Harry adjusted his mood after hearing Ian's words, and looked at Ian seriously.

Ian shook his head with a smile and said:

"It's just that you are overthinking, and there is no curse on you.

Hearing Ian's words, the three of Harry felt relieved.

After thanking Ian they were going to the Transfiguration classroom.

Hermione was going to Transfiguration too, and left with them.

Ian came to Dumbledore's office.

"Ian, why are you here so early today?"

Dumbledore looked at Ian in some surprise.

Ian sat down directly on the chair opposite Dumbledore, picked up a pile of cockroaches and threw it into his mouth:

"Remember when I said Harry's soul vibrations were enhanced?"

"The fragments of Voldemort's soul on him are slowly recovering."

"I guess it was accidentally activated by Dobby's Nightmare Charm."

Dumbledore turned serious when he heard Ian's words:

"Will it affect anything? Ian."

Dumbledore wouldn't play with the lives of his students.

If it didn't work, he and Grindelwald went to catch Tom, beat him up and threw him in front of Harry to complete the prophecy.

It was also impossible for him to ask second-year Harry to kill Voldemort solo.

Harry wasn't a pervert like Ian.

Then Ian shook his head and said:

"Don't be so nervous old man Deng, just recover.

"But there is no consciousness, and no connection with Voldemort's main soul."

"It just gave Harry some talent for the dark arts and the ability to sense Horcruxes.

"So Harry also got a new ability."

Hearing this Dumbledore was relieved.

Dumbledore took off his glasses and rubbed his forehead:

"That's good, by the way Ian, can you help me"

Before Dumbledore could finish speaking, Ian got up and took a pack of cockroaches from Dumbledore's table.

"I still have something to do, you just let Severus keep an eye on Harry and Lockhart."

"I don't have time to look at your savior every day."

"Just let me know when you want to clean them up."

After speaking, Ian left Dumbledore's office directly.

Dumbledore watched Ian leave helplessly.

"These two Grindelwalds run faster than the other when they're in trouble."

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