"That's... Lockhart."

Snape squinted his eyes as he looked out the window.

Lockhart should be hospitalized in the school infirmary now, and his behavior in going to the Forbidden Forest is very abnormal.

And what made him go to the dangerous forbidden forest with pain?

Perhaps Voldemort had run out of patience - and was about to act.

Snape decided to follow to see what Lockhart was up to.

He had to know in advance what Lockhart and Voldemort were planning.

Only in this way can he protect Harry perfectly.

On the way Snape left the castle, most of the little wizards he met gave him strange looks.

Unbeknownst to Snape, word had spread throughout Hogwarts about him.

That indifferent Professor Snape had a hobby of stealing Fantastic Beasts.

Also discovered by Professor Scamander!

Snape didn't notice the eyes of the young wizards, because now he saw a figure at the gate of the castle that he didn't want to see!

Harry and Ronald and Draco had just spotted Lockhart sneaking out of the castle to the Forbidden Forest.

The three of them secretly followed Lockhart all the way to the gate of the castle.

Lockhart was hesitating at the entrance of the Forbidden Forest at this time, and the three of Harry were also hesitating whether to follow.

Ronald looked at Harry and Draco, and said with some fear:

"Harry, Malfoy, I don't think we should go any further."

Ronald was very afraid of the Forbidden Forest, the professors said it was a scary place!

And according to Hogwarts legend, half of the former Defense Against the Dark Arts professors died there.

Coupled with Hagrid's exaggerated description, it made Ronald have no idea about stepping into the Forbidden Forest.

Draco looked at the frightened Ronald, and said disdainfully:

"Weasley, go back if you're scared!"

"Lockhart's going to the Forbidden Forest is a chance to expose his secret!"

Ronald came immediately after hearing Draco's words.

He clenched his fists tightly and said loudly:

"Who do you think is scared! I'm just worried that there will be danger!"

"You're just scared! Weasley..."

Harry looked helplessly at the two arguing, he knew that what Ronald and Draco said were right.

But keep the two of them arguing like this and they'll lose Lockhart.

Just when Harry was about to stop the two from arguing, the voice that terrified him that morning came again from behind Harry.

"The famous Mr. Potter, are you planning to enter the Forbidden Forest?"

The three of Harry were taken aback for an instant, and Draco and Ronald also stopped arguing.

The three of them looked at the gloomy Snape with pale faces.

"Sh, Professor Snape!"

They don't understand why Snape is here now!

Didn't you just hear that Snape is in the headmaster's office?

Snape looked at the three in front of him with hatred.

In the morning, Snape had tacitly let Harry grow up under Ian's fooling.

He will help Harry and protect Harry to a certain extent.

But he warned the three of them this morning! Don't discuss things in public!

In less than a day, the three of them put this matter behind them!

This made Snape doubt the correctness of his decision.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't protect a troll-brained Harry.

Snape looked Harry in the eyes, frowned and said:

"It seems that you didn't listen to my warning to you this morning."

"Maybe I should have Dumbledore kick you out!"

Hearing Snape's threat, the faces of the three of Harry became even paler.

"No! Professor! We don't!"

"I mean, we're listening!"

Harry looked at Snape hurriedly and quibbled.

Draco and Ronald also nodded quickly, expressing that they had the same thoughts as Harry.

Snape was going to continue to teach the three of Harry a lesson, but he found that Lockhart, who was hesitant at the entrance of the Forbidden Forest, had already stepped into the Forbidden Forest.

This forced Snape to give up his plan to teach the three of Harry a lesson.

Snape drew his wand, looked at the three men sullenly and said in a low voice:

"You guys! Now! Go back to the castle immediately!"

"If I ever catch you talking about your nonsense again!"

"I'll let you all go home!"

After speaking, Snape flicked his robe, and walked towards the entrance of the Forbidden Forest like a big bat.

The three of Harry were relieved to see Snape leave.

Ronald patted his chest, a thought flashed through his head.

Ronald excitedly said to Harry and Malfoy:

"Harry, do you remember when George and Fred said that Snape was going to steal Fantastic Beasts today?"

0...ask for flowers‥

Harry and Draco nodded when they heard Ronald's words, they didn't know why Ronald was asking this now.

Then Ronald whispered mysteriously:

"Harry, Malfoy, do you think it's possible?"

"After Snape stole the Fantastic Beasts, he put them in the Forbidden Forest!"

"He's now worried that Lockhart will find out about his secret!"

"That's why it's here!"

Harry and Draco looked at each other, and Draco asked puzzledly:

"Weasley, do you have any ideas?"

Then Ronald raised his head courageously and continued:

"If only we knew where those magical creatures are."

"If we report to Professor Dumbledore again, then Mr. Scamander will surely thank us!"


"Mr. Scamander, I heard, is the one who dared to yell at Snape!"

"That way Snape might not dare to target us again."

"We also proved to Ian that we have what it takes to investigate professors!"

"Plus Lockhart is in the Forbidden Forest! We can do two things at once!"

If Snape was still here, he would definitely praise Ronald as "very clever".

Harry's eyes lit up instantly, he felt that what Ronald said made sense!

But Harry immediately looked at Ronald suspiciously, and asked:

"Ronald, aren't you afraid of entering the Forbidden Forest?"

Ronald smiled wryly when he heard Harry's words:

"I'm more afraid of Snape staring at us than the Forbidden Forest."

"He is like a scary big bat flying in the sky and staring at us!"

Harry nodded in deep agreement with Ronald's words.

Draco asked with some concern:

"Harry, Weasley, wouldn't this be too good?"

"Professor Snape is our dean after all...  

Harry heard Draco's words, he thought for a while and said:

"I don't think it's a problem, Draco."

"That way Snape will surely know our strength!"

"To be honest, I don't want to be lectured by Snape again in the future."

"Even if it's just targeting us less."

Having said that, Harry shivered, and unconsciously looked in the direction Snape left.

Snape had unexpectedly appeared behind them twice today.

He doesn't want a third B!.

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