Hogwarts: Start By Destroying Nurmengard Prison

Chapter 301 Have You Been Cursed Again?

A week has passed and today is Friday.

As long as the little wizards finish today's class, they can usher in the rest time.

But for some of these little wizards, today is the day they are most looking forward to!

"Hey! Harry, what time do you go to the club tonight?"

Both George and Fred grinned and patted Harry on the shoulder from behind.

Harry turned around, startling both George and Fred.

"Oh! Merlin's rubber duck, why do you look so pale.

"Harry, have you been cursed again?"

Harry had two big dark circles under his eyes.

His face was extremely haggard.

Harry shook his head when he heard what George and Fred said:

"I'm all right George, Fred."

"It's just that there are too many things on my mind recently."

Harry had been worrying about Snape and Lockhart ever since he got back that day.

In Potions class, Snape had been more aggressive with him and Ronald.

Not even Draco escaped being sprayed with venom by Snape.

If Snape hadn't bothered them privately.

Harry thought Snape had found out they were following him.

And Lockhart has yet to be released from the hospital.

But I heard from the little wizard who came into the school infirmary that Lockhart would always sneak out at night.

Then he was scolded by Madam Pomfrey.

This made Harry even more worried.

And Ronald's expression was not much better beside Harry.

He'd been dreaming every night for the past few days that he and Scabbers were being caught by Snape and Lockhart to do some nasty experiments.

The appearance of George and Fred woke up Ronald, who had almost fallen asleep.

He looked at George and Fred with some displeasure:

"Hey! I said you, can you stop talking suddenly!"

George and Fred ignored Ronald.

As for why Ronald's complexion is so bad, they don't want to ask even Ronald's current tone.

George and Fred each held Harry's shoulders and said:

"Harry, there is something you can tell us.

"Yes, we will help you!"

Harry was a little moved when he heard what George and Fred said.

That's right! George and Fred's investigation would be much easier if they could help him.

But Harry thought again that this might put the two of them in danger.

So Harry shook his head and said gratefully:

"Thank you, Inge, Fred."

"I figured I'd let you guys know if I needed to."

George and Fred didn't intend to talk when they saw Harry, and they didn't force it either.

The two let go of Harry, and patted Harry on the shoulder:

"Okay then, Harry, if you need help, just let me know."

"We are brothers and comrades in arms!"

"See you at the club tonight!"

Ronald heard that George and Fred were very concerned about Harry, so he was jealous.

Ronald said loudly in displeasure:

"George! Fred! I'm your brother!"

George and Fred looked at Ronald and mocked:

"Oh! Look, we forgot little Ronnie."

"Little Ronnie, do you want us to help you write a letter to Mom?"

"Just tell mom that little Ronnie needs love at school!"

Ronald blushed from the anger of the two:


George and Fred made faces at Ronald and left.

Harry and Ronald were together anyway.

To help Harry is to help Ronald.

And without looking at Ronald's stinky face.

Seeing George and Fred leaving, Ronald got up and wanted to catch up with them to ask for an explanation.

But Harry held Ronald back, and said helplessly:

"Ronald, you can't beat them."

Ronald sat down again after hearing Harry's persuasion.

He said indignantly:

"Harry, why do you think they mocked me?"

"You and Ginny won't do that!"

Harry looked at Ronald helplessly, and handed him a chicken leg.

But before Harry could speak, Ginny on the side spoke:

"If only you could change your tone."

"I don't think they'll taunt you anymore."

Ronald was overwhelmed by Ginny's words.

Ginny also ignored Ronald and chatted with Ariana.

Ginny can't forget what Ariana ate at Ian's yesterday.

Arianna packed a copy and took it back to the dormitory yesterday, almost biting her tongue.

Then she knew why her brothers were always looking forward to Professor Grindelwald's club.

It's a pity that she is in the first grade, and the fastest time to enter Ian's club is the mid-term exam.

Thinking of this, Ginny secretly glanced at Harry.

Delicious and Harry, this is perfect!

Ronald was silent for a while after being told by Ginny, then he looked at Harry in frustration and said:

"Harry, is my tone that bad?"

Harry was speechless when he heard Ronald's words.

Don't you know if your tone is good or not?

But Harry couldn't hit Ronald at this time, so he said:

"It's okay, maybe there are a few"

Having said that, Ha He didn't continue talking.

Ronald would know it himself.

Ronald didn't speak for a moment, he picked up the chicken leg that Harry gave him in grief and took a big bite.

He wants to turn grief and anger into appetite!

In the evening, Harry557 took Ronald to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Ronald had long forgotten about the morning's affairs.

Now his mind is full of good food and cool elemental magic.

Ronald looked at Harry expectantly, and said:

"Harry, can I learn elemental magic today?"

"Also, will there really be a very rich dinner?"

Harry felt a little headache when Ronald asked him, this was the tenth time Ronald asked him!

Harry said perfunctorily as he walked:

"I don't know either, it depends on Ian's arrangement......

At this time, Harry stepped into the corridor on the second floor, and he heard a intermittent voice:

“Hungry………so hungry………killed….eat…it.”

Harry stopped in his tracks suddenly, and Ronald, distracted, bumped into Harry directly.

"Ouch!" Ronald cried out in pain.

Harry was almost knocked to the ground by Ronald as well.

Ronald rubbed his forehead and said to Harry apologetically:

"Sorry, Harry, are you okay?"

Harry shook his head as he steadied himself, and he listened carefully again.

But now that voice disappeared again, as if it had never been there.

Ronald looked at Harry puzzled, what is he doing?

Harry turned his head sharply to look at Ronald, and asked:

"Ronald, did you hear something just now?"

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