Chapter 138: Dealing with Basilisk and Exams.

He didn’t finish.

Because Evan had closed his eyes and hid behind Snape. The movements and their proficiency.

This made Dumbledore cry and laugh.


He said again in snake language.

The door rumbled and then slowly opened. Evan followed them inside.

It was a long, gloomy room. Around it stand many pillars carved with snakes. They move forward cautiously.

Then they found their destination.

It was an old dragon bell statue like a monkey. No, that’s a wizard.

Wizards and their tallness.

The distance between his large feet and his head is particularly wide.

And on his side, written in snake language: Speak to me, the greatest of the Big Four.

“It seems that this is the riddle.”

Dumbledore laughed.

“Then, everyone, protect yourself!”

He cried out.

“Speak to me, the greatest of the Big Four.”

The long snake whisper, listening to people creepy.

The Slytherin figure’s mouth suddenly opened wide, and a large hole appeared inside. As the opening of the hole opens.

A snake that was even more shocking than the snake skin before appeared15 in front of them.

“Who are you? You don’t have Slytherin blood…”

The basilisk said in a low serpentine language.

Evan saw its orange-yellow eyes.


Dumbledore shouted.

The figure of the phoenix appeared.

Dumbledore waved his wand and Fawkes rushed towards the basilisk. In the next second, the basilisk let out a huge roar.

Fox pecked at one of the basilisk eyes.

A wooden thorn released by Dumbledore stabbed the basilisk’s other eye. The basilisk is blind.

“Okay, you can open your eyes!”

Dumbledore shouted.

Everyone opened their eyes. The Aurors surrounded the basilisk.

With the cooperation of so many people, even a basilisk can’t bear it, let alone it’s already blind. It went on a rampage, trying to kill them, but in the end it was easily subdued. At last.

Another roar.

The basilisk fell to the ground and completely immobile. Dumbledore and they got closer to the basilisk.

Evan is finally free.

He began to search for treasure everywhere in the Chamber of Secrets.

But it’s a pity that there is no real secret room in the same humanities. Evan even looked at the hole drilled by the basilisk, and inside was the sewer and the thief stinked.

“Okay, kid, watching this basilisk die, you should be relieved, right?”

Dumbledore asked with a smile as he stood beside Evan.

“I didn’t live up to your expectations, did I?”

Evan remembered that he had set up a character with Dumbledore. In order to destroy Voldemort’s Horcruxes, destroy the basilisk character who risked his life. So he smiled and nodded vigorously.

“Thank you!”

Summer has crept in.

The air is getting hotter every day.

Evan finally took off his thick coat and could chase and fight with others outside the castle. You can also fly over the blue lake on a broomstick.

At this time, a month has passed since the basilisk was processed.

They don’t know who told what happened in the basement, but they didn’t know that Dumbledore played an absolute role. All the students thought it was Evan who was alone in the basilisk.

The basilisk was taken away by the Ministry of Magic in front of all the students, and Evan became everyone’s hero.

The thought of such a terrifying basilisk coming out, even Slytherin students, was a little grateful to Evan. Of course, there are also some students who think Evan is stupid.

Malfoy, for example.

Privately, he secretly told Crabbe and Goyle that if he found the basilisk, he would find a way to release the basilisk and eat all the Mudbloods in this school.

Of course, he did not dare to say these words to Evan to his face, he was afraid that Evan would kill him. After all, it is Evan who can “kill the basilisk”!

Now Malfoy didn’t dare to provoke Evan.

Only Harry knew that Evan didn’t kill the basilisk, he really did something else. Evan told them everything he had done that year.

They were worried at first that it was broken.

“You even have to be a little careless and die!”

Hermione said angrily.

But after Evan said that he took the diary to Dumbledore for everyone’s safety, Hermione’s eyes turned red.

She hugged Evan hard.

“No wonder you said you were so tired this year!”

Ron said helplessly.

Evan leaned against the lake and shook his head.

“Actually, that’s it, if you think about it, I’m not so tired!”

He said briskly.

But Harry, they didn’t believe it. They felt that Evan should take more rest. But the rest will definitely not be able to continue.

Because it’s on this day’s Transfiguration course.

Professor McGonagall told them that the exam would be held on June 10.

Everyone didn’t even come to their senses and began a busy review. Evan also had to follow them to the library every day.

Although he doesn’t read much textbooks, he can read all kinds of strange books in the library. Wizard books are interesting.

Evan felt no worse than a storybook.

Harry and Ron envied him.

The two of them studied hard every day, expressing jealousy for Evan’s ease. But they couldn’t change anything at all, because Evan didn’t feel pitiful about them in the slightest. And no professor felt that Evan needed to review.

As long as Evan has learned, he has firmly remembered in his mind. And his magic is getting stronger and stronger.

Professor Flitwick thinks that Evan may wait another two years, and maybe even next year, and the magic will be stronger than many professors. He has the potential to be the next Dumbledore.

This is the consensus of many professors.

So they treated Evan more favorably.

Before the exam, other people’s homework increased, but Evan’s homework decreased. He has more time to play.


It’s June.

Almost in the blink of an eye, they were sitting in the classroom of the Transfiguration exam.

Evan didn’t hesitate to write down the answers, and Professor McGonagall smiled proudly at him after reading his paper. In the afternoon is a practical exam.

Professor McGonagall asked that they need to turn mice into teacups without any blemishes.

Evan turned the mouse into a cat-shaped teacup, and Professor McGonagall took it with love. The next day was the Charms class exam.

Professor Flitwick asked them to tap a piece of wood across the table.

Evan made the wood do a street dance, which made Professor Flitwick laugh.

For the wand class exam, Evan barely had to look at Snape’s face to know that he must have a perfect score. Because Snape rarely smiled, he gave him a bottle of basilisk venom.

It was sent by the Ministry of Magic. Very practical.

One drop can kill people.

Evan immediately stuffed into the space, ready to use it later. In conclusion, after three days, they completed the exam.

At this time, Evan also received a good news. His Order of Sir Merlin 1st Class has come down. He is now a First Class Member of Sir Merlin. And it was Hagrid who gave him the medal.

Hagrid hugged Evan tightly.

“You saved me, saved me for the rest of my life!”

Hagrid couldn’t help but burst into tears.

With tears in his eyes, Evan couldn’t help but say, “Hagrid, I think you should claim compensation from the school and the Ministry of Magic, why don’t I help you?” You just give me half of the compensation! ”

Hagrid: “…”. ”

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