Chapter 142: Help!.

Harry put down Ron’s letter and he began to unpack the gift that Ron had given him.

This is a speculum glass.

When there are things or people around him who are ill-intentioned, it will shine.

Harry placed the speculum on the table.

He didn’t compare Ron and Evan’s birthday presents, because the results were already clear. Then he opened the package that Hedwig had brought.

It was a letter from Hermione to him, as well as a gift. He opened the letter.

Dear Harry: Ron wrote to me about the phone call, and I cursed him. Hopefully, he didn’t do you any harm.

Currently I am on vacation in France.

I had always recommended Evan to come and play, but he said he was going to Egypt.

I saw their newspaper on the Daily Prophet, and Evan seemed to have grown taller again, and he now looked cute and handsome.

I bet he’ll be a handsome guy when he grows up, and I now think he’s no less beautiful than Lockhart.

You know Lockhart is handsome. Just kidding.

I wanted to write to you early, but I didn’t know if I dared to write a letter.

Because the letter was written through customs, I don’t know what their faces will be when they see our letter. Anyway, I don’t want those people to know about Hogwarts or anything.

Just when I was struggling like this, Hedwig came. It’s really powerful.

Maybe it knows that it’s time for us to prepare a gift for you? I bought you a gift through an owl order.

Don’t forget to study at home!

I’ve learned a lot here in France, and I’ve revised all my history of magic assignments. I believe Evan must have learned a lot in Egypt.

Now my heart is very nervous, I am worried that the gap between me and him is getting bigger and bigger, and I have to work harder and harder to catch up with his progress.

It’s really a pressure that makes me feel useful. That’s right.

Ron said they would be going to Diagon Alley the week before school started, and I would go too, and I hope you come too.

Here I really want to urge Evan to write to me quickly, but he has never contacted me except to write to help you make a birthday present.

He was really……… What the hell is he doing?

If you have time, you can help me write a letter to him and let him write me to compensate me! That’s right.

Ron said Percy had become student council president and had recently been overjoyed. But I didn’t feel that Ron was so happy.

But through the letters he wrote me.

I found that Evan seemed very happy, I heard that his favorite was Percy, because Percy raised him as a son, sorry, don’t tell Evan this, he will definitely be angry. Hermione Harry who loves you couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

He put down Hermione’s letter and took out the package Hermione had given him. The package is particularly heavy and looks square.

Harry doubted it was a book, or something big, and heavy.

But when he opened the package, he was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a slender black suitcase with the words: Flying Broom Repair Tool.

Harry liked it.

He put the suitcase away, ready to take care of his broom when school started. Then he took out another package, which had been delivered with Hogwarts letters. The crooked font on the package told him that it was a gift from Hagrid.

He tore open the wrapper on top of the gift and got ready to take a good look at the green, leather thing. But before he could untie the bag that bound the gift, the thing twitched.

Harry began to hesitate.

Hagrid always liked to raise strange creatures, and in first grade, Hagrid also had a dragon, and he was worried that Hagrid had sent him a strange animal.

He touched the thing carefully. And then it screamed.

Harry quietly raised his bedside lamp and carefully pulled the bag. That thing fell out.

Harry saw it.

This is a green book.

【Yokai’s Yokai Book】At the same time.

Evan also received a gift from Hagrid, as well as a notice from Hogwarts.

He didn’t have to open the wrapping of the gift to know that this must be the book that would move. Instead of opening the book, he opened Hagrid’s letters.

Dear Evan: I hope you have a happy summer at all, this year has been my happiest year, you can’t believe it, what Dumbledore asked me to do is just a secret, I don’t want to tell you now, then you will have no surprises. By the way, I brought you a book, which may be useful to you. Without further ado, see you next month.

Love you Hagrid. Evan smiled.

Of course he knew what would happen to Hagrid next year.

He knows a lot! Then he opened the Hogwarts notice…

Dear Mr. Weasley, please note that the new semester will begin on September 1st and the Hogwarts Express will depart at eleven o’clock on platform 9 and 3/4.

On certain weekends, Hogwarts students will be allowed to visit Hogsmeade. Give the attached consent form to your parent or guardian for signature.

Your faithful Vice Principal: Minerva McGonagall. Evan took out the watch.

He rushed into Mr. and Mrs. Weasley’s room with the form in hand. The two of them hadn’t slept yet.

Seeing Evan rush in, Mrs. Weasley smiled.

“Oh my darling, what’s wrong? You should go to bed early, tomorrow I’m sure you’ll want to get up early to play! ”

Evan nodded.

Then he held up the consent form.

“Mom, sign! I’m going to Hogsmeade village, I heard that there is magic everywhere……… Brother Ron has been there before, I haven’t been at all…”

Evan sighed.

It was an accident, and Ron was taken to Hogsmeade by Mr. Weasley, and when he returned, he was very proud. I’ve been showing off what good babes there are ever since.

Evan was envious.

He pestered Mr. Weasley to take him with him, but they were both worried about the danger there, and no matter how angry he was, they did not bring him over.

“This time, you can’t stop it!”

Mr. Weasley smiled.

He put his hand on Evan’s head and rubbed his soft black hair. 1.6

“Okay, okay, you didn’t show magic at that time, no one dared to let you run around, now you are so powerful, why wouldn’t Mom and Dad let you go?”

Mr. Weasley took a quill and signed it dashingly. Evan also wanted to fight Harry for it.

“Dad, can you sign Harry too?” I don’t think his Muggle family would have signed for him. ”

The Weasleys looked at each other.

They looked at Evan apologetically.

“Oh, sorry, my little darling, we’re not Harry’s guardians, we can’t do something like this. If he let his aunt and uncle know about this, they would be very sad. ”

Evan took the Weasleys’ hands.

He pestered and said, “Mom and Dad, help!” ”

“Harry’s aunt and uncle treated him very badly, they didn’t feed Harry, how could he be sad because he didn’t ask them to sign?”

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