Chapter 197: Can’t Even Cheat!.

Evan’s ease obviously provoked the “wrath of the crowd”, but everyone knows that the most tired person here is actually Hermione. She was often the first to leave the common room in the morning and the last to return in the evening.

The dark circles under the eyes are getting worse.

Evan did not persuade her, but brought her a large number of spirit-nourishing potions. Hermione was said to have drunk and almost vomited.

Buckbeak’s case was completely taken over by Ron.

But Evan thinks it’s okay if Ron doesn’t take over, he’s already sorted out a lot of it, and there is absolutely no problem. Buckbeak obviously lost only because of Lucius Malfoy.

However, Ron thinks that he will definitely be able to overturn the case of Buckbeak, so he is ready to work harder and go through the various files.

Evan didn’t persuade him either.

Because he felt that at least Ron could see a little more. And Harry has become very busy.

He had to do his homework in addition to his Quidditch training.

And Wood would catch him from time to time and discuss various tactics with him. This is a must.

Because of their battle with Slytherin, Harry had to play a big role. He was asked to catch the Golden Snitch after Gryffindor had led fifty points and end the game. And also make sure that the golden snitch is not caught by Malfoy in advance.

Because of these harsh requirements, this competition has received unprecedented attention.

And Malfoy was also worried about Harry because he had smashed him with mud last time at Hogsmeade and was not punished, so he constantly taunted Harry.

They have already fought several times.

At first, Evan also helped Harry beat up Malfoy, but over time, he always felt a little bit of bullying children, and finally he could only let Harry and Ron go together.

In addition, Gryffindor and Slytherin also broke out in a vicious brawl. Everyone is looking forward to taking each other to the school infirmary.

Every time Evan watched someone being carried away in blood, he felt that fortunately this was the wizarding world, and if it were Muggle, it would have been dead.

On the eve of the game.

In the tense atmosphere, even Hermione could no longer study with peace of mind.

She pushed the book away uneasily, saying that she would rather chat with Evan than look at these things again. Early the next morning.

Everyone rushed to the Quidditch pitch as quickly as possible. It was a nice sunny day.

Evan knew they would win.

But herein lies the charm of Quidditch.

Even if you know you can win, you won’t miss the slightest possibility.

“What a beautiful weather today!”

Qiu Zhang said loudly as he passed by Evan and them.

Harry’s face blushed.

Evan didn’t even know why he was red.

Could it be that there is something else that this sentence means?

But he pondered hard and did not come up with any ambiguity in this sentence about the weather.

Harry and Evan separated them.

They came to the middle of the Quidditch pitch.

Evan stood in the highest stands, ready to cheer them on at any time.

At first, the battle did not go well, and Gryffindor was pressed and beaten by Slytherin. Evan couldn’t wait to rush up himself.

But then, the tide of battle immediately turned.

Warrington of Slytherin loses the ghost flyball, and Fred finds his chance. The ball went in!

Evan cheered loudly.

As a result, the Gryffindor team seemed to have found their own rhythm, scoring one goal after another. The score immediately reached 50:20.

Harry kept searching for the shadow of the golden snitch in mid-air.

Be prepared to catch the Golden Snitch after Gryffindor is fifty points ahead, and prevent Malfoy from catching it early. The Golden Snitch appeared.

Evan saw this little thing at a glance. It was to Malfoy’s right.

Harry hadn’t seen it yet.

Malfoy seemed to have noticed, and he smiled wickedly. Evan saw him lean forward…

That’s the time.

He shouted, “Brother Fred, hit Malfoy!” ”

A Bludger was smashed into Malfoy’s arm by Fred.

Malfoy’s hand that grabbed the golden snitch fell. The golden snitch disappeared again.

Gryffindor let out a cheer.

Slytherin there shouted loudly about violations.

Unfortunately, Madame Hooch told them that they could also find a way to penetrate the protection of the Quidditch pitch and reach the players’ ears.

“This requires powerful magic, I have said it all, if you don’t work hard, you will never be able to catch up with little Evan, even cheating”

Professor McGonagall exclaimed.

No one wants to talk about studying at this time, not even Hermione…. So everyone ignored this sentence.

The stadium really attracted them even more.


Gryffindor scored another goal. Evan clenched his fists.

He saw Arya hit the Ghost Fly Ball into the Slytherin ring again. 70:20

It’s now.

Evan saw the golden snitch again.

“Above, Harry above you!”

Harry saw the Golden Snitch, and Malfoy saw it too. The two of them rushed there.

Countless pairs of eyes were on them. Really!

As Harry gripped the golden snitch, Evan let out an excited cry.

“Gryffindor must win! The trophy is ours! ”

He shouted loudly.

The crowd swarmed him to the stadium.

Evan didn’t even have to dodge to know that this time he would definitely be thrown up. But he was so happy.

He clenched his fists and laughed along with Gryffindor. That evening, of course, they had a party.

Evan, who said he didn’t drink, eventually broke his vows.

But no one said anything about him, not even Percy, who enthusiastically handed him a glass of wine.

“This is really my happiest day!”

Harry said loudly.

Happy as if he could release his patronus in the next second. Unfortunately, happiness is of course short-lived.

With the passage of two weeks of Quidditch, all the teachers realized that the 0.3 exam was approaching, and they had to lay out piles of pages every day and ask them to complete more practical exercises.

Evan was fine, but he couldn’t stay in the common room very often.

Because many people are there to make up their homework, they see him so leisurely, they always want to find him something to do.

For example, Percy had to show Evan the admission criteria of the Ministry of Magic, and he thought that after Evan graduated, he should enter the Ministry of Magic. He thought that by then he might have become a big clerk and could take care of Upper Evan.

As long as Evan enters the Ministry of Magic, he will not worry about food and clothing in the future.

Such a piece of kindness made Evan unable to refuse, but he didn’t want to compromise just like that, so he could only take pumpkin juice, a bunch of candy and storybooks, and go to the sun under the big tree by the river.

I just hope that Percy can’t find anyone else and can give up such a ridiculous idea.

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