Chapter 202 There is one more party.

“Calm down, Severus, calm down!”

Dumbledore quickly stopped Snape. Snape looked at Dumbledore angrily.

“Could it be that you want to shield him? Don’t you know what a heinous thing this person has done? ”

He looked at Black with murderous eyes.

“He killed…

“Okay, okay, Severus, we all know, but for now, all we need to do is hand him over to the Dementors!”

Dumbledore said firmly.

Fudge reacted at this time.

He shouted in his heart, “Yes, that’s right, Dementors, it’s time for them to strike…”

He looked to the left and right, as if he wanted to find someone to find the Dementors, but no one seemed to want to listen to him at this time.

“So, everyone be quiet, I think maybe Sirius Black should say why he killed so many people?”

Evan reminded everyone.

Some people are willing to listen, others are disgusted.

“He should be executed directly!”

Snape said through gritted teeth.

Dumbledore nodded in agreement, but he didn’t give Snape a chance to get close to Black.

“Maybe we can use a vomit?”

He said with a smile.

Crouch down and test Blake’s condition with his wand.

“I have, I carry it with me, and I hope that one day I can…”

Snape smiled sinisterly.

He took out a bottle of truth spit from his pocket. Dumbledore looked at Fudge.

“Connery, if you allow it…”

Fudge looked at Dumbledore hesitantly.

“But, but… Well, Dumbledore, if you insist. ”

He put all the blame on Dumbledore.

Dumbledore did not retort, but smiled and nodded.

He personally walked up to Black, and then poured the truth spit into Black.

“Good, let’s do a little test, what’s your name?”

“Sirius Black.”

Black said in a confused voice. Talking feels like a dream.

“Sure enough, it’s this beast!”

Hagrid rushed in from outside, his fists clenched angrily.

“All right, Hagrid, be quiet!”

McGonagall stopped Hagrid from speaking.

Hagrid could only stand angrily next to Evan and watch Blake go to trial.

“Very well, let’s start interrogating Sirius Black, the first question, Sirius Black, did you betray Lily and James?”

“No, I never betrayed them.”

Snape couldn’t wait to go up and tear Sirius’s mouth.

“Impossible, he pretended, he betrayed!”

“Oh, Severus, don’t argue, we might be able to ask more.”

Dumbledore said solemnly.

His eyes skimmed over Evan’s body, revealing a thoughtful expression.

“Second question, Sirius Black, since you didn’t betray Lily and James, who betrayed them?”

“Pettigrew Peter.”

Snape’s expression was even more ridiculous.

“A person who was killed by you, or among the four of you, he is the only hero!”

Evan saw Snape’s expression a little mocking.

It seems completely unbelievable that Peter Pettigrew is the betrayer. Dumbledore also seemed a little confused.

Instead of refuting Snape’s words, he continued to ask.

“How did Peter Pettigrew betray Lily and James? Was he blown up by you? ”

“Lily and James chose me as the Secret Man, but I think if I replaced the Secret with Peter Pettigrew, then Voldemort would definitely come to me.”

But I never thought that less than a week after the change of confidentiality, Lily and Jaime would be killed, both Pettigrew Peter, who betrayed Lily and James!

“I didn’t kill Peter Pettigrew, he ran, he blew up the whole street, and then left only one finger, and then Peach Everyday!”

The auditorium was silent.

Only the sound of deep breathing of many people can be heard.

“How so?”

“It can’t be!”

“Is he talking nonsense?”


Finally, after a long silence, someone began to discuss. Snape also recovered from surprise.

His eyes turned to sneer again.

“It’s ridiculous, now Pettigrew Peter is dead, everything is your alone, you said that he betrayed, is it he who betrayed?”

Dumbledore, I think that since Sirius Black can escape Azkaban, then maybe he has a way to get rid of the Spit.

“That’s what he made up, I think what he needs now is the Dementor, and the Dementor must give him a kiss!”

He sneered and said….

Dumbledore looked at Evan.

“So, Evan, what do you think?”

Evan watched the play for a while with satisfaction, and when he found that everyone was looking at him, he grinned and said, “Of course, of course!” ”

He pointed his wand at the rat Spot, who was still lying on the ground.

“What’s wrong with Madara Madara?”

Ron looked at Evan blankly.

“It can’t be that Spotty is also pretending to be a person, right?”

“Impossible, Madara has been at home for many years…”

Percy blurted out.

Professor McGonagall took a breath.

“For many years? Mr. Weasley, as a prefect, don’t you know how many years an ordinary mouse can live? ”

Percy’s face changed.

“Oh my God, I’ve never thought of it that before!”

He even regretted his previous carelessness.

Evan quickly laughed.

“Oh, Professor McGonagall, don’t accuse your brothers, it’s Daddy!”

“I told my dad when I was a kid that this mouse had been living at home for too long, and asked him to see if there was something wrong. But Dad tried several times and said that Spotting was fine, so the brothers must have been influenced by Dad. ”

Evan’s words made Percy finally not blamed.

But everyone really wondered, how could a mouse that had been examined by Mr. Weasley be problematic?

“I think this question should be answered by Mr. Black 0.8, or…”

Evan looked at Lupin standing in the ranks of teachers.

“Professor, will you answer?”

Everyone looked at Lupin in unison. Snape gave a startled expression.

He said with a sneer: “Evan really reminded me that there is such a party in the robbery four!” Come on, let’s talk about it, what is wrong with this mouse, I see you seem to know a lot! ”

Snape gave Lupin a push. Lupin looked at everyone with a wry smile.

“This mouse, if I’m not mistaken, is Peter Pettigrew”

As for why he has not been detected, it is probably because we have studied a spell.

“As long as you don’t reveal yourself as an Animagus, no one will be able to detect it… I just don’t understand, Evan, how did you find out? ”

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