Chapter 222: Be Quiet.

Uncle Vernon of course agreed to Harry’s request to go out, and he had to agree because Harry threatened him that if he didn’t agree, Sirius Black would come to the door.

This was a very terrifying thing for the Dursleys. When murderers come to their homes, what will others think of them?

Others will even talk about them behind their backs, calling them relatives of murderers.

Harry happily turned around and went back to his house after Uncle Vernon agreed. On the way, he also met Dudley.

Dudley was looking at him with envy.

“What a wonderful breakfast!”

Harry said mockingly.

He saw Dudley eat Aunt Petunia’s breakfast as well. Apparently the guy is hungry.

Ignoring the angry look on Dudley’s face, Harry rushed to his room in three steps and two steps.

As soon as he arrived in the room, he found that Hedwig, who had disappeared for two days, had returned, and he had brought a letter with him. Other than that.

He also noticed another uninvited guest in the room. A little owl the size of a mouse crashed into his calf. He quickly picked up the little owl.

It was found that the little guy also had a letter in his mouth. Still a thick letter.

He looked at the letter in disbelief, it was hard to believe that someone would send such a thick letter with such a small little guy. So he quickly opened the letter.

The handwriting inside was so scrawled that Harry recognized it as Ron’s. Ron was his friend at Hogwarts.

They have a good relationship and are his best friends besides Evan.

Harry remembered that the little owl was a pet that Sirius Black had given to Ron at the end of last semester. Because of Sirius, Ron lost the mouse he had been with for a long time.

That mouse is Peter Pettigrew, the real murderer who really betrayed Lily and Jaime’s guy.

Harry snickered at the thought of how Ron had kissed Spotty.

He unfolded the stationery. Dear Harry: Dad got the ticket, and little Evan happily held the ticket and kissed it several times, and he said that he liked it the most.

It’s hard to imagine that he now tells us honestly that he likes Quidditch, rather than feeling like he doesn’t like it so much that we force him out.

Of course, maybe it’s also because, it’s not winter. You know, he rarely goes out in winter.

By the way, go ahead and say the ticket, the ticket is Bulgaria vs Ireland. The one on Monday night.

Mom and Dad and Little Evan are all rushing to write to you, but I think only Mom will win because Little Evan helps her!

Anyway, they’re going to invite you to our house and stop by to watch the Quidditch World Cup.

The letter should have arrived by now, with a little spell on it to ensure that the Muggles could get it out quickly. But anyway, I think I’ll write to you with an owl first.

Piggy is the messenger I can use now.

[Harry glanced at the little owl in the palm of his hand, he really didn’t understand, what does this guy have to do with the piglet, whether Muggles want it or not, we will come to pick you up.

Evan told Mom and Dad early that he was coming to pick you up, but you know, Dad was too busy, because of the Quidditch thing, Dad didn’t take any vacation for more than a month.

My mother had to cook the whole family’s meals and clean up the house, and she couldn’t leave, so she could only say wait.

Evan and we wanted to come by ourselves, but Mom and Dad were not at ease because we couldn’t use magic during the summer holidays. Although Evan is very powerful, if he can’t use magic, then he is a pure child. You know that he is usually no different from ordinary children, at most he is better and cuter…

[Harry laughed secretly, although Ron said that Evan was no different from other children, but he said that Evan was good alone, and there were a few words after cuteness, but Harry missed it because of laughter]

Anyway, by five o’clock in the afternoon, use the piglets to bring back their ideas.

We will pick you up at five o’clock on Friday afternoon and hope you will accept this time. That’s right.

Hermione will be at our house this afternoon, I didn’t plan to invite her first, you know I have the best relationship with you. But Ginny didn’t know what was going on and offered to write to Hermione and tell her to come over quickly.

I was always surprised that the relationship between the two of them suddenly improved.

In addition, Evan seemed to welcome Hermione to the house, and he also helped Ginny clean up the house so that Hermione could come and stay.

By the way, two nights ago, I heard Ginny and Percy arguing, and although I don’t know exactly what they were arguing about, I heard Evan’s name….

Could it be that they were arguing because Evan would not go to the Ministry of Magic in the future?

Percy had always said that Evan would stay with him at the Ministry of Magic when he was older, but the rest of the family felt unnecessary. Evan is too young, he is still an unreliable child!

People think it’s nice that he can do what he loves, such as being a Quidditch player. Forgot to tell you, Percy has already started work, he is in the Ministry of International Magical Cooperation.

Don’t mention the word “abroad” to him while you’re here, unless you want to be annoyed by him. But you can mention “China”.

Evan always likes to discuss this country with Percy, he loves this country very much, and your “hot sauce” was bought by him specifically by contacting the Chinese Ministry of Magic.

The taste was amazing, our whole family enjoyed eating and Evan would come some every morning.

Mom now cooks and likes to have some “hot sauce”, and Evan is still pestering Percy to help him bring some “mushroom sauce”, which seems to be the case.

Percy said he would also make mushroom sauce, but Evan said that mushroom sauce without sugar, we don’t know much, can we eat it like that? Well, that’s it, Evan is urging him to play wizard chess with me!

Write back as soon as possible! Love you Ron.

Harry could even see the picture, and Evan, who had begun to look handsome, was sticking his head to urge Ai0.0 to hurry up and play chess.

Ron casually finished the contents of the letter, then threw the letter to Piglet and ran to play chess with Evan.

“Be quiet!”

Harry was laughing when the piglet flew above his head and jumped up above his head.

Harry was helpless.

He guessed that Piggy was happy because he had delivered the letter to the recipient in good condition.

“Come here!”

Harry said.

Lying on the table, he wrote on a pen on paper: They agreed, come and pick me up! He wrapped the paper around the piglet’s leg.

Piggy was overjoyed.

“Send the letter to Ron!”

He gave the piglet a few more owl rations.

The piglet still wanted to eat again, but was glared at by Hedwig and flew away honestly.

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