The next day, Danaz’s bridge was finally built, and Kakashi’s mission was completed.

Although this is an A-level mission dressed as a C-class mission.

And most of the enemies were solved by Chiba Ryuun and Kakashi.

But it also allowed the seventh class to grow to varying degrees.

After the group of five cleaned up, they headed towards Konoha.

A week later, Konoha’s gate was already in sight.

After handing over the matter of the reporting task to Kakashi, Chiba Ryuun took Hinata Shinto with him.

Hokage Office.


“What do you say, that kid from Liuyun is going to marry the fifth generation of Water Shadow from Mist Ninja Village?”

Sarutobi took a sip of tea and sprayed out, wetting all the information on his desk.

“Yes, at first…”

Kakashi said the matter as it was, especially the fact that the fifth generation of Mizukage did not refute it, and the final dowry was suitable to consider, which made Sarutobi even more stunned.

“This kid really has a set of methods to deal with women, it’s not enough that the village already has Hinata and Ino, and he even went to provoke the fifth generation of water shadows.”

Ape Fei Ri blinked his mouth, and his tone was full of envy.

For a color monkey, he is really very envious of Qianye Liuyun’s dashing life.

“Okay, I know, fortunately, this time the task was taken over by your seventh shift, otherwise, it would be really dangerous.”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper said.

This mission can be said to be A-class, but the danger level is S-class, because in the end, even the fifth generation of water shadows is involved.

If it weren’t for the two shadow-level combat powers of Kakashi and Chiba Liuyun, the others would probably be wiped out.

“Also, Lord Hokage, Liuyun should have officially stepped into the shadow level, and his combat power is very strong, comparable to the fifth generation of water shadow, and his strength is already much higher than mine.”

That’s the whole point.

“Really? That’s great, haha. ”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper really became excited again.

Before this, in addition to Jiraiya and Tsunade, who ran away, Konoha only had two shadow levels, Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo.

Now Kakashi has entered the shadow level, and the Chiba Liuyun, who has been cultivating, has finally entered the shadow level.

And the combat power is so strong that it is not at all as simple as entering the film level.

“Speaking of which, the Chūnin exam is almost here, how is Naruto-sama going to arrange this guy of Liuyun.”

After reporting the mission, Kakashi brought up the Chūnin exam.

“This guy’s strength is already at the shadow level, won’t it be too bullying to take the Zhongnin Exam.”

Sarutobi took out his pipe and smoked it without hurrying.

“That being said, if you don’t let him take the exam, will he be directly promoted to Shangnin?

After all, with the amount of tasks in Liuyun, it can already rise to Shangnin. ”

Kakashi thought about it and felt that Chiba Liuyun was indeed too bullying to participate in the Chūnin exam.

“In this way, immediately promote Liuyun to Shangnin, and then be responsible for all the assessment content of this Zhongnin exam.

Then invite a few experienced special Shinobu to be his deputy, which can also be regarded as a trial for him, let him get in touch with the operation of Konoha’s various departments. ”

Ape Flying Sun Slash finally decided on the arrangement of Qianye Liuyun.

“Well, that’s not bad, I don’t know who Naruto-sama is going to arrange.” 、

Kakashi also felt that this arrangement was very good.

“Let’s arrange for Mori Ibiki and Mitarai Red Bean, two special Shinobi to assist Rukumo.”

Although a little bit changed, Chiba Liuyun became the chief examiner this time.

However, Mori Hibiki and Mitarashi did not change, but became Shu Chiba Ryuun.

“This is Chiba Liuyun’s letter of appointment to Shangnin, and the vest that represents Shangnin.”

After determining the matter, soon after, Sarutobi Hinata made Chiba Ryuun’s letter of appointment to Kami-nin, and his file was also revised.

“After Liuyun entered Shangnin, wouldn’t our seventh class be two leading teachers.”

Taking the vest and Shinobu appointment letter handed over by Hokage, Kakashi said jokingly.

“No way, who made the seventh class too special, the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, the only orphan of the Uchiha clan, and the child of Watergate, and is still the nine-tailed person Zhuli.

Without strong strength, if something goes wrong, it will be over. ”

The seventh class is too important, even if Chiba Liuyun is promoted to Shangnin, Ape Flying Sun Chopper has no intention of pulling him out alone.

“Well, I know Naruto-sama, I’ll go and inform Ruyun now, give him his letter of appointment and vest, and tell him about being the chief examiner of the Chūnin Exam by the way.”

After Kakashi finished speaking, a teleportation technique left the Hokage’s office.

“Liuyun, Liuyun, I can’t imagine that your strength has increased so fast, I wonder if you will become the next ninja god?”

After Kakashi left, Sarutobi stood up, walked to the window, and stunned at the avatar between the original Hokage Senjutsu.

Although Chiba Liuyun’s talent is very powerful, and the time to become a shadow level is earlier than the original Hokage.

But whether he can surpass the shadow level and become the same as the thousand hand pillars, suppressing an era of powerhouse, this is still unknown.


“So, I’m going to be a Shinobu from now on?”

He glanced at his Shangnin’s letter of appointment, and then at the greenish vest.

Well, keep the appointment letter well, and throw the vest at random.

No way, this vest does not conform to his aesthetics, so it is ugly to refuse.

“This represents the vest of Shangnin, don’t you plan to wear it?”

Seeing Chiba Liuyun’s action, the corners of Kakashi’s mouth twitched.

That’s a status symbol.

“It’s so ugly, it’s not as good as my current clothes.”

Qianye Liuyun glanced at the discarded vest in disgust, and then said seriously.


Kakashi was speechless, a vest that represented glory to others, but it turned out to be stopped just because the style was not good-looking.

Once again, he had a deep understanding of Chiba Liuyun’s willfulness.


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