His mind couldn’t help but be pulled back to the moment when Yuba was just facing drought.

His father repeatedly persuaded him that His Majesty the King was a man of the Lord, and he knew it very well.

But he felt that this was just the old man’s assumption, after all, people will change, he… Also changed.

And as the drought increased, more and more people joined the rebellion against the king.

The quiet outbreak of the dancing powder incident seemed to have become the trigger for the drought in the country, and more and more people lost trust in the king.

They are constantly fighting the Kingdom Army, hoping to get dancing powder from the king.

But none of them got their wish.

Everyone thinks that as long as it rains again, as long as there is one rain, everything can be dispersed, and all doubts about the king will be destroyed.

But…… No, for a whole year, Yuba did not rain a single drop.

The canal was vandalized, Yuba became more and more desolate, more and more people were displaced, people died because of drought, everyone had to migrate, and my father still thought that it would rain, and His Majesty would not do such a thing.

However, Kosha could not stand all this anymore, he went directly to the palace, met the king, and asked the king to hand him the dancing powder, but the king flatly refused.

Kosha said angrily:

“Although I don’t want to doubt you, the people are starving now because of the drought, whether you have used that kind of thing or not, there should still be it in the palace.”

Kobra still stubbornly refused:

“No, you have to wait for natural rainfall. Dancing powder is a powder that will find misfortune, and it is absolutely forbidden to use. It’s not just that our country needs rain, we can’t be so selfish. ”

“What does it matter if you use it a little!”

Kosha said angrily.

“As long as it rains, you can alleviate the drought a little, and then you can regain everyone’s trust, and the rebellion will be destroyed!”

Kobra still refused:

“No, that’s a real loss of the trust of the people.” Kosha, things are not as simple as you think, you have to calm down…”

Kosha can no longer listen to Kobra’s words at all, and the only person who can truly understand the suffering of the people is him.

“Enough, I can’t listen anymore! With so many cities experiencing drought one after another, don’t you have something to do! ”

Kosha clenched his fists angrily.

“You still haven’t changed at all, just as impulsive as before.”

Kobra looked at Kosha and said.

“No, I’ve changed, I’ve become able to fight! You wait, I will definitely come here and grab the rain with you! ”

Kosha looked at Kobra indignantly and said.

The words at that time are still vividly remembered, and to this day, he still regrets what he said at that time, but now, the situation has pushed him to that step, and he has to go to war with the Kingdom Army.

“The king … Why are you so ruthless. ”

On the other side, in the port city, Kobra suddenly appeared here with many royal troops, he came to the street and said to everyone: “Everyone, I came this time to apologize.” ”

“The one who stole the rain from this country is me. In order to make everyone forget the unpleasant dancing fan incident that damaged the image of the king, I decided to destroy this evil city! ”

“Destroy it!”

As soon as Kobra gave the order, the soldiers behind him began to move, they took out their guns and fired at the house, which immediately caused a lot of fire.

“Hey, bastard king! It’s because you took away the rain that the city got a drought, and I won’t allow you to do that. ”

Kaba, a child who was repairing shoes before, brandished a hammer and came to Kobra angrily and shouted.


Without saying a word, Kobra directly kicked Kaba out and fell heavily to the ground.

This blow surprised everyone, and they couldn’t believe their eyes.

“Damn, I won’t admit defeat!”

The boy with a bloody face still wanted to stand up, but a lady next to him hugged him.

“No, it’s not something you can do.”

At this moment, a horse stopped in front of Kobra, it was none other than the leader of the rebel army who hurriedly arrived, Kousha.

His appearance brought hope and morale to the people.


Quite a few people have already started calling his name.

And he himself looked at the king with great surprise.

“Your Majesty, you… What are you doing? ”

Kobra looked at Kosha who dismounted and said coldly:

“I’m here to apologize.”

“What are you talking about! No kidding! ”

Kosha absolutely did not believe that His Majesty Kobra would do such a thing. Nor did he allow his faith to collapse, let alone the image of the king to collapse in the hearts of the people.

So, he tried to stop Kobra.

“The one who dried up this country with dancing powder is me.”

Kobra still said coldly.

“You bastard! What the hell are you talking about! ”

The angry Kosha couldn’t believe it, and he immediately wanted to rush forward, but was intercepted by two soldiers with spears.

He still shouted angrily:

“Do you know what kind of faith the people who fell in the dry city died with faith? They don’t hate you at all, they don’t blame you at all! ”

“They believe to the death that all this cannot be done by you!” This must not be the work of the king, but he is a good king who works hard and loves the people! ”

“This is their belief to death, even if you lie, you must say that I didn’t do it!” Otherwise…… Otherwise, how can you be right about those who trust you and die! ”

Kosha shouted angrily.

But in exchange for a cold bullet.

With a gunshot, Kosha fell straight down.

“What! Kosha! ”

Everyone present was taken aback, and many rebels rushed directly over.

Kobra smiled slightly, and secretly said in his heart:

“Almost, my performance should be perfect.”

And Kousha, who was lying on the ground, although he was shot, the pain on his body was not at all comparable to the pain in his heart.

“You don’t understand, everyone is fighting you with this feeling, no one… No one will doubt you…”

At this moment, several large ships came towards the port, and did not mean to stop at all, but directly hit the dock.

“It seems that this time the battle is very simple.”

MISS said as he walked with his fingers.

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