“Sergeant Dusty, what do you mean by that? You talk like that, I can understand your rebellion against the Navy! ”

At this time, all the navies came behind the green pheasant, and the ghost spider came over with a knife in his hand and said to Dusty.

“Dusty, what are you doing here, didn’t you ask you to free those slaves?”

When Ryosuke Sato heard Dusty’s words, he was afraid that he would affect Dusty, so he immediately complained.

“Solved? The explosive collar on those people is not lifted, how can we rescue them! ”

Dusty said immediately.


Ryosuke Sato then remembered that each slave actually wore an explosive collar around his neck, and as soon as they left the confines of the island, they would immediately explode and die.

Ryosuke Sato immediately understood that he had been negligent, but now that they were not safeguarded, they had no time to take care of these things.

“Didn’t you say you wanted me to see the so-called justice with my own eyes? Why are you the first to give up now, if you give up, what are you going to do with me! ”

Dusty said to Ryosuke Sato.


When Ryosuke Sato heard this, he didn’t know how to answer for a while, the strength of the green pheasant was too strong, so that Ryosuke Sato had no way at all.

“Sergeant Dusty, if you entangle with the pirates again, I will treat you as an accomplice!”

The ghost spider raised his knife and said to Dusty.

“What the hell are you doing? There are so many innocent people out there who need to be saved, but you spend all your troops here to catch a few pirates, and they were originally here to save these people! ”

Dusty shouted angrily.

“Aren’t our navies upholding justice? Isn’t human trafficking prohibited by the world government? Why is there such a big slave market here, we don’t go after these, but grab a few small pirates! ”


Hearing Dusty’s words, many naval soldiers began to exchange ears, they only received orders to deal with pirates, and they had not heard anything like slavery at all.

And the ghost spider obviously knew all this, he pointed the knife at Dusty and said angrily:

“Enough, stop talking nonsense, then I will punish you for disturbing the army’s heart!”

“Hmph, do you still want to hide all this?”

Ryosuke Sato said with a sneer.

“Is the so-called absolute justice just that?”

“Enough, there’s no part of you talking here!”

When the pheasant saw Ryosuke Sato speak again, his eyes lit up again, and he immediately wanted to stop Ryosuke Sato.

But seeing that the green pheasant raised a finger, he flew out two cold ice flying knives, directly penetrating Ryosuke Sato’s body, but Ryosuke Sato didn’t even snort, and then said:

“Oh, afraid that I will reveal the truth, and you want to seal my mouth? Dusty, you see, this is called justice…”

“It’s ridiculous that a pirate dares to talk about justice in vain!”

The ghost spider said.

And this time, it was Dusty who said the famous quote of Ryosuke Sato.

“Does the Navy have to be just? Are pirates necessarily evil? Now I finally understand. ”

And when the ghost spider heard this, he immediately said:

“Stupid, the Navy is absolute justice, there is no doubt about this, otherwise what are you going to do in the Navy!”

“If I continue to go against my heart like that, I can’t do it. The facts I have seen make it impossible for me to deceive myself anymore! ”

Dusty pressed the position of her heart and said.

“Sergeant, you can no longer be in the navy, but are you going to join the pirates?”

The green pheasant looked at Dusty and said.

“Yes, this is what Ryosuke Sato taught me, and we have already agreed that when I really see this, I will choose to quit the Navy and join them.”

Dusty said without hesitation.

All the navies present were taken aback, betraying the navy and becoming a pirate would become a disgrace to the navy and at the same time forever become the object of naval pursuit.

“Are you sure you want to do this? In this way, you will be hunted down by the navy for a lifetime. ”

The green pheasant looked at Dusty and said seriously.

“Of course, I know what I’m facing, but Ryosuke Sato said that he will protect his partner, and as his partner, just trust him, that’s what I believe now.”

Dusty said with a smile.

“Dusty, you…”

Ryosuke Sato looked at Dusty, and the flame in his heart burned again.

“Yes, I still have a bunch of partners who believe in me, if I don’t believe in myself, then what will they do!”

Ryosuke Sato’s eyes once again bloomed with hot flames.

Seeing this, the green pheasant obviously realized that Ryosuke Sato’s eyes were completely different.

But…… For the pheasant, there is still no motivation at all.

“It’s true, it’s hard to wear out this guy’s fighting spirit, and as a result, you came to make trouble, and it was in vain, since this is the case, let’s take you first!”

The green pheasant said lazily.

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