“By the way, I don’t know if there is something wrong with the sudden visit of Jun to my village today…” At this time, the big snake pill suddenly opened his mouth to pick up the topic, looking at the moment in front of him, he didn’t understand the meaning of this moment.

Meaningfully glanced at the pocket next to the big snake pill that hid himself behind multiple masks, and instantly explained the purpose of his coming here: “I came to you today mainly to borrow your medical instruments and laboratories here, I hope you can agree…”

Medical equipment? Laboratory?

Carefully pondering the meaning of Moment’s words, the big snake pill said with some doubts: “It’s okay, Moment-Jun, you just have to use it, I can’t imagine that Moment-Jun you also have an interest in research…”

“Hmm…” Without too much communication, he walked straight towards the room of medical instruments and equipment in the corridor, with his current strength, he couldn’t turn over any waves with his big snake pill.

“Oh yes, there is a reluctant request…” He suddenly stopped while walking, and looked back at the big snake pill, “Senior big snake pill, I see that you have so many subordinates here, I hope you can let them help Shiro and Junmaru hone their actual combat experience and skills…”

In an instant, he turned his mind like no one, and it was clear that he regarded Orochimaru, one of his legendary three ninjas, as a nanny…

I saw a trace of blue qi flash on the face of the big snake pill, and his face sank, but soon he showed an evil smile, “Hehe, no problem, I also like these two children very much…”

Seeing that Orochimaru had no objections, he instantly let the two teenagers, Shiro and Junmaru, stay, while he walked to the room of the medical equipment research room.


Go to the medical equipment research room and close the door of the room.

Walking into the room in an instant, there was a circle of sophisticated medical equipment and equipment, as well as instruments and equipment similar to computers and computers.

“It’s worthy of being a research mad demon and a snake uncle who masters core technology… There are all kinds of instruments and equipment in the base…” After scanning the circle, he sighed in his mouth, and quickly took out a scroll from his clothes.


After using psychic techniques, a corpse appeared in front of his eyes after a puff of smoke, which was the corpse of the patriarch of the Datumu clan who had been taken from the underground cemetery of the Datumu clan site before.

“First of all, first extract the genes…”

And in the days when he used to learn medical ninjutsu with Tsunade, these medical knowledge and equipment and instrument operation skills had all been learned in an instant, otherwise he really couldn’t operate these devices with such precision in front of him.


After some operation, he finally extracted the genes from the blood samples of himself, the patriarch of the Otsuki clan of the Hamura lineage, and Junmaru.

Carefully comparing the genes of the three under the instrument, Ni Duan was found in an instant. The gene chain of the head of the Datumu clan and his own gene chain coincide with each other and have a complementary tendency.

Moreover, Junmaru’s gene chain is even more strange, and it is actually consistent with some of the gene chains of himself and the head of the Otsuki clan, but not all of them.

“Is that really the case…?” muttered as he looked at the genetic comparison sample in his hand.

Sure enough, just like his original diagnosis, Junmaru’s blood succession disease is because his gene chain is incomplete and partially incomplete, and there is no problem under normal circumstances, but the more he uses his blood succession limit, the corpse bone vein, the more serious the disease will be.

What is the Blood Succession Limit? To put it bluntly, it is a genetic disease, in the world of Hokage, everyone has the opportunity to awaken and obtain an atavistic phenomenon and ability, just like the people of the Uchiha clan have the opportunity to awaken the Sharingan – the ability of this ancestor Indra, the people of the Senju clan and the people of the Uzumaki clan have the opportunity to awaken the body of the immortal – the ability of this ancestor Asura .

Junmaru is also like this, the Kaguya family is the bloodline handed down from the original family of the ancient Otsuki Kaguya, and the atavistic genes that have been passed down to the bloodline of Junmaru’s generation are already minimal.

In this generation of Kaguya, except for Junmaru, who has well awakened the blood succession limit – corpse veins and inherited the characteristics of Kaguya-hime’s appearance, all Kaguya clans are black-haired and have no brains to only know how to fight, kill, and destroy.

In contrast, Junmaro obviously has more room for rational thinking and is closer to Kaguya-hime’s appearance, which indicates that his atavism is more obvious.

However, the broken bloodline gene chain and the premature awakening of the bloodline boundary led to the outbreak of his bloodline disease, which was the reason why it had not been detected until now.

“It seems that Junmaru’s situation is much more complicated than mine…” Putting down the genetic sample in his hand, he thought about it for a moment, and made a conclusion in his heart.

“It seems that his blood inheritance disease can only collect the genes of the Hyuga family, the Otsuki clan on the moon, and restore the complete bloodline of the Otsuki Hamura. Then gather the Uchiha clan, the Senju clan, and the Uzumaki clan to restore the complete bloodline of Datuki Haji, and finally combine the two to restore Kaguya-hime’s bloodline, it is possible to complete his genetic chain defects…”

It sounds very complicated, but the moment he has sorted out his head, at least he has found the best way to cure Junmaru.

“Next… It’s time to try to awaken the Eye of Rebirth!! ”

Looking at the genes of the lunar big tube wood family extracted from his hand, he couldn’t help but feel a stirring in his heart, and he could hardly help himself.

Suppressing the swaying mood, he slowly poured the genes of the lunar big tube wood family into the needle hole syringe in an instant.


A shadow doppelganger was separated as a guard, and he held his breath a little depressed.

“System, you said that if I inject the genes of the Otumu clan on the moon into my body, can I fuse it into a complete bloodline of the Otuki family, so as to awaken the reincarnation eye?” At this moment, he was calling for a long-lost system in his heart.

“It is possible to succeed, but it is also possible to die…” The voice of the system Gujing Wubo swirled in his mind for a moment.

(Long lost system, have you ever thought about it?) )

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