
As one after another screams sounded in the teahouse, the melon-eating masses who were originally watching the excitement were all panicked!

While killing people in the Hokage World is a normal thing, seeing it with your own eyes is another!

Especially after it seemed that Ye Feng’s cold face, many people were already wondering if this eldest young master would kill the killer because Matsushita Jing gave less money!

“Dark Division! Everyone stand where they are, don’t move! ”

Just when Ye Feng was still sitting in the meeting position with an indifferent face, the dark department led by Hongye finally made a move at this moment!

With the appearance of the members of the dark department, the originally panicked teahouse also instantly quieted down!

Anyway, now that there are ninja-samas in the dark department to protect them, they don’t worry about safety anymore!

Now what they care about is how these dark departments will deal with this ‘indiscriminately killing innocent’ Prince Konoha!

“I should have passed the test!”

Just when the villagers were all looking at the members of the dark department with expectant expressions, Ye Feng’s words made them instantly froze in place!

Test! What do you mean!

Could it be that this so-called killing is a test! What kind of test is that, to be so inhumane!

Soon, after hearing Ye Feng’s words, the villagers not only did not show an understanding expression, but the anger on their faces became even more obvious!

In their opinion, even if you want to test, you can’t kill people casually!

“Senju Kaede! It is still impossible to prove whether you killed a spy or not, now I need you to give me a reason! How the hell did you discover his hidden identity!

If you can’t give a reasonable reason, we have the right to kill you on the spot! ”

As Ye Feng’s words fell, Hongye asked him with a serious face!

In fact, he did this for Ye Feng’s good!

Seriously, there is no such person in the list of spies recorded by the dark department!

In other words, this is completely a brand new spy discovered by Ye Feng himself!

But judging from Matsushita’s actions before, Momiji has clearly determined his spy identity!

But he now needs Ye Feng to say it himself!

In addition to saving Ye Feng’s previous reputation, another point is that he himself is also curious about what clues Ye Feng used to discover Matsushita!

Even Momiji didn’t notice at first, if it weren’t for Ye Feng’s actions, even he would have been deceived by Matsushita’s acting skills!

Scouts! Spies!

After the description of the autumn leaves, the villagers seem to grasp the root of the matter!

The dark part is catching the gangsters who infiltrated the village!

That is to say, this ‘prince’ is not killing innocents, but contributing to the village!

However, the villagers are not fools, and they will not change their minds because of this sentence of Momiji!

They are also waiting now, waiting for Ye Feng’s explanation, if the person he killed is really a treacherous person, then this matter will be completely different!

“Since you want to know, I’ll explain it to you slowly!”

Anyway, there is no hurry, and because he killed an SSR-stage ‘wild monster’ Ye Feng is now happy!

Although I haven’t counted the specific harvest yet, it doesn’t matter!

As long as he got into his backpack, could he still run!

“First of all, I noticed him because of the way he walked when he first came in!”

Take a sip of tea! Ye Feng sold a pass slightly!

What the heck! Unexpectedly, from the posture of others walking, you can see that he is a treacherous, should you be so exaggerated!

In the face of Ye Feng’s words, except for Hongye who frowned slightly, everyone else showed a look of disbelief!

“Huh! I know you don’t believe it! In fact, I noticed him when he was around the corner, and his feet and knees were slightly buckled!

This is very normal for ninjas to be ready to fight at all times, but not normal for a merchant!

You can also check the trapezius muscles on his shoulders! Although he was wearing clothes, I can say with great certainty that his muscles bulged slightly!

This is not a very strange thing for a businessman! So I started doubting the identity of this guy from that time! ”

When he said this, Ye Feng chuckled! Let you be cunning as a fox, in front of the system I will make you a white lamb!

“So after my observation, I said something like that before!”

I just wanted to see if he would be interested when I said my identity!

Of course, you’ve seen the results! ”

After saying this, Ye Feng’s gaze slowly scanned everyone’s body!

Except for a few who have nodded slightly, many people still have skeptical eyes!

“I know there are still people who don’t believe it! Then I’ll reveal that I finally determined that this guy is a treacherous thing!

This wad of money on the table now is poisonous! It is a chronic poison! It was only after I came into contact with this coin that I found out that this guy actually wanted to kill me!

So I acted a little bit at that time! Kill him easily! ”

After Ye Feng said this, Hongye’s whole person was taken aback!

Just now, he saw Ye Feng touch this banknote, if it is poisonous on it, then Ye Feng…

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