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“Kipling! You say we can catch those Konoha guys? ”

Harrington said slowly to his companion!

After all, this time with the captain into the hinterland of Konoha, if there is no gain, it is estimated that it will be really difficult to make friends after going back!

“The devil knows! These guys in Konoha are like monkeys! So far, I haven’t found it, and I don’t know where to hide!

If I could, I would really like to have a fire less of this forest! It’s so barren and irritable! ”

The Naka Shinobu who was called Kipling fiddled with the leaves above his head with some disgust!

But I have to say that the environment of the country of fire is really good, unlike their country of wind, which is all deserts where a flock of birds do not!

Now no matter how good the environment is, they don’t have the heart to appreciate it, after all, if they can’t find those guys in Konoha again, the devil knows how the captain will punish them after they go back!

“You think I don’t want to! But if you go down on fire, not to mention whether you can find those guys from Konoha 29, I can guarantee that you will immediately attract the support of Konoha Village!”

Ay! If only it were in the Land of Winds now, they couldn’t find a place to hide if they wanted to!

Did you say yes, Kipling! ”

Harrington also complained a little helplessly after hearing his companion’s words!

But he found that his companion did not even answer his words!


Before the word could be spoken, his neck had been erased!

It turned out that while the two of them were chatting casually, Momiji and the wild wolf were already quietly approaching them!

After all, the minions of these two Sand Hidden Villages are only the level of middle patience, and in the eyes of Shangnin such as Momiji and Wild Wolf, it is a completely murderous existence!

So after the red leaves wiped Kipling’s neck, the wild wolf also directly figured out Harrington!


After the two of them had just solved these two middle ninjas, Ye Feng also appeared beside them with three other dark parts!

However, in the face of such a situation, Ye Feng’s brows frowned slightly!

Originally, he wanted to come and pick up ‘equipment’, but he found that there were no small paper figures on the bodies of these two Zhongnin!

This illustrates a serious problem, these ‘wild monsters’ must be killed by himself to explode equipment! And if you borrow someone else’s hand, this setting does not exist!

It’s a pity!

Faced with such a situation, Ye Feng shook his head helplessly!

But he didn’t care too much!

Anyway, this mission has already made him a successful Shinobu ‘equipment’, and now the most important thing is to save his life and transmit the information back to the village!

After all, as long as there is still life, any ‘wild monster’ will be a floating cloud! If you don’t even have your life, even if you kill a shadow-level powerhouse, it won’t be of the slightest use!

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Ye Feng directly threw away the thoughts in his mind!

Subsequently, under the leadership of Ye Feng! The six people successfully broke through the siege of Shayin Village!

Seriously, after Ye Feng and the others finally stopped, Hongye and the others thought they were dreaming!

Surrounded by hundreds of people, the six of them actually broke through like this! And only with the personnel unscathed!

Such a record can be blown for years if you say it!

“Take a break! It should be almost safe here! After all, it is not very far from the village, and I believe that the group of guys in Shayin Village do not have the courage to go deep into this side! ”

After wiping the sweat on his forehead, Ye Feng said slowly!

Although this breakthrough seemed simple, only Ye Feng understood the danger!

If there is the slightest mistake in his judgment, then the six of them are likely to wipe out the entire army!

So Ye Feng needs to rest now, otherwise his brain will really be overloaded!

“Captain! Come! Let’s drink the saliva first! ”

Seeing Ye Feng lowering his head and silent, except for Hongye after handing over the kettle, everyone else very tacitly chose not to disturb Ye Feng’s rest!

After all, the successful breakthrough this time really relied on Ye Feng!

This young patriarch of the Thousand Hands Clan, who was only six years old, once again refreshed their understanding of genius!

If anyone dares to boast in front of them who is a genius, these guys will definitely scoff at it!

“Thank you!”

Without the slightest hesitation, after Ye Feng took the kettle handed over by Hongye, he directly raised his head and drank 367, and the water he couldn’t drink was directly spilled on his face!

Anyway, I’ll be back to the village in a while, and this water is also kept! Therefore, Ye Feng did not have the slightest stinginess when using it!

“Captain, or let’s take a good rest first!”

Looking at Ye Feng’s immature but slightly tired face, Hongye said softly!

“No thanks! Hurry now! Must rush back to the village before dark!

This group of guys from Shayin Village is estimated to find out about our breakthrough soon! When the time comes, they will definitely retreat urgently!

But this group of bitch guys want to come and go to the Fire Country so simply and daydream about it! ”

In the face of the pursuit and killing of Shayin Village, Ye Feng had already remembered it in his heart! He doesn’t mind biting off a piece of their meat whenever he has the chance!

So the best idea now is to quickly send this information back to the village! Let them send people to surround and suppress, even if they can’t all stay, they must make them pay!

As for Hongye and the others, after seeing Ye Feng’s expression, they could only silently mourn in their hearts for this group of guys in Shayin Village… _

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