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Uchiha Fire in the Forest of Death pressed one hand on the ground, and various spells instantly spread on the ground!


As a puff of smoke burst out, a ninja cat appeared directly beside him!

“Proportions! Go check the whereabouts of Senju Kaede! Then come back and report back to me! ”

The reason why Uchiha Fire is so calm is because of his psychic beast! He believed that under the search for proportions, he could find Ye Feng very quickly.

At that time, it is the fastest way to solve this guy who has been embarrassing himself!

“Got it!”

After spitting out a word in proportion, its petite body disappeared directly into the forest!

“Senju Kaede! Your end is finally coming! I’d rather see if you can punish you again after I kill you!” ”

After the proportional figure disappeared in front of him, 547 he jumped directly onto a large branch, he believed that it was not too simple to find Ye Feng with the ability of proportion!

But even if Uchiha Huo thought about it, he would never have expected that Ye Feng had already discovered his existence and was now striking towards him step by step!


Uchiha Fire, who was still recuperating, suddenly opened his eyes! He felt as if there was something around him!

“Who is it! Come out! ”

Uchiha Fire’s vigilance rose in an instant.

After all, the people who can enter it in this exam must be those who are under patience!

But with the strength of that group of candidates, Uchiha Fire was able to sense it in an instant!

But now he just has a feeling, but he can’t find the other party’s traces!

This illustrates a serious problem! The strength of the other party is not simple!

But at this time, the one who can appear here (acae) is Konoha’s proctor in addition to the candidate!

But the problem is that if it’s really Konoha’s proctor, there’s no need to hide your head like this!

Quiet! Still terrible!

At this time, Uchiha Fire felt that everything around him seemed strange, and he could even clearly feel the sound of his own breathing!


In the face of the sudden shooting of a sword from among the leaves, Uchiha Fire’s brows furrowed slightly, and then quickly tapped his toes!

After several consecutive flips in the air, he directly avoided all attacks!

Who the hell! This technique of projecting shuriken is very professional, and it is definitely not something that test takers can do!

Slowly standing on the ground, Uchiha clenched his fists, really if his strength was not strong enough, just those few strokes would have been enough for him to capsize in the gutter!

After all, the shuriken of the Uchiha clan was originally a peerless school, and if the people of the Uchiha clan were figured out by the enemy with shuriken, they would really be laughed out of their teeth!

“Wind Escape Vacuum Jade!”

But when he didn’t give Uchiha fire a thought at all, a deep voice sounded from behind him again!

How could it be so fast!

Obviously, the attack just now came from the front, and now it is already behind him!

Uchiha Fire is really all kinds of confused now! The only thing he thinks about now is that there may be more than one enemy!

But where the hell did these guys come from, are they treacherous people from other countries, but why should they attack themselves!

Aren’t they afraid of making a big move and attracting support from the village!

Seriously, the only thing that Uchiha can think of right now is that the source of these attacks could come from enemy gangsters who tried to lurk into Konoha from the Forest of Death!

But why should they attack themselves, if they want to successfully infiltrate Konoha, shouldn’t they be even more quiet! This kind of action of striking the grass and scaring the snake is not self-exposing itself!

Although various thoughts flashed through Uchiha Fire’s mind, his movements were still not slow!

The Art of Fireball!

With a perfect turn, Uchiha Fire spat out a huge fireball directly towards the source of the wind!

“Boom !!!”

With a loud bang, the place where Uchiha fire was located instantly turned into a sea of fire!

After all, it is Shangnin, and the power of this ninjutsu is definitely not to be underestimated!

After his fire broke out, the vacuum jade was instantly suppressed!

“Something that hides its head! If you have the ability, come out! ”

Looking at a huge deep pit in front of him, Uchiha Fire doesn’t mention how many fires there are now!

After all, his sneaking in this time was also sneaky, and if it was known by the group of guys in Konoha, he himself didn’t know how to explain it!

And now even Thousand Hand Feng has not encountered it, this has been attacked by unknown people, which is what he is most annoyed about!

It’s worthy of being a shangnin! If you compete in ninjutsu, you really are not an opponent!

After the explosion sounded, Ye Feng hid behind a big tree and breathed a slight breath!

It seems that I still underestimate Shangnin! When I was in the thief’s den before, I really took advantage of it!

Facing the Uchiha fire in the period of total victory, Ye Feng shook his head a little helplessly! _

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